I'm trying to think of a movie

I'm trying to think of a movie.

I don't remember many specifics about it, but i do remember it scared the ever living fuck out of me.

It was something to do with a bunch of people in a house and their neighbour had a weird house with a bunch of plants in it.

They go into the house and the entire fucking house is a man eating plant and the deeper they go in the grosser it gets.
The outside porch is like windowed up with some potted plants inside i believe.
Also maybe the house is on the end of a cliff or some shit? i don't fucking know.

I remember a scene where they are walking down some corridors that are covered in vines and one of them falls down a long pit into some nasty goop and whatever the fuck it is kills them.

I don't think i had the courage to finish watching but i can't think of what the fuck it was called.
google search results only show little house of horrors which it is most definately NOT.

it was more like a suspense horror type of thing.
also alot of fog and strobing lights and general darkness if i recall correctly. lots of dark greens.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's in list somewhere OP

little shop of horrors

Day of the triffids

browsing that same list now. i thought it might be "the ruins" but i don't think so

if anybody knows wtf i am talking about let me know.

Harry and the Hendersons?

Monster House?


The grifter

Goosebumps motherfucker, stay out of the basement

not quite this, but somewhat close, only older. and litterally THE ENTIRE FUCKING HOUSE was a plant.


Maybe gets?

could possibly be this.

i remember the movie dragging on for longer and being alot scarier thought watching it on tv as a teen.

From hell it came

nope, none of these, only one that comes even remotely close was the goosebumps one.

I remember a scene where they go towards the neighbours house down the sidewalk and its late at night and there is like thunder booming or some shit.

it was like super suspenseful and fucking terrifying, thats all i know for sure.
nothing like this at all, i don't even know for sure that there was a monster persay or they killed it.

i think they probably 1 or 2 of them escaped at the end and that was it.

that scene was almost like something out of silent hill.

Weekend at Bernies

The fall of the house of usher

whats with the pic?


it's like nightmare fuel for the nightmare bus driving off nightmare cliff as described by game grumps.

it had to have be made in the last 40 years 80's or 90s im sure, the visual effects were pretty good.