Why haven't Europeans grown a pair yet and start to take back their lands from these degenerate rats

Why haven't Europeans grown a pair yet and start to take back their lands from these degenerate rats.

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white guilt

too many are brain dead from pc culture. we nees to be united before we can clear them out or else it will only get worse.

Agreed. We need a new revival movement to see what they really are. Cunts come over and want us to convert the their lifestyles? I think not

but how does one do that? all media related things will only be called propaganda. man why is patriotism dying..

You are both a racist and an idiot.
Good job OP!

SJW sand nigger spotted.

Go rape a child in the name of political correctness, faggot!

no we are just tired of bending over.

The european countries are dying culturally, demographically and economically, and this process is irreversible, accept your destiny; anyway it's interesting see a country slowly crumble, when all bases that sustain a society falls.

You already got a nigger as president so how about you fuck off fatass and fix your own problems?

True. I want to see the world burn.

You people need to stop just blatantly listening to western media and actually research this matter and form an opinion of your own.


So muslims haven't been killing innocents in Europe and mass raping women and children?


Quads dont lie

French here. It's just too late...

It's funny, some hipster cunt from gender studies lies about being raped and everybody loses their shit looking for a rapist that doesn't exist.

When victims of sand niggers come forward suddenly it's not that big of a deal and those women should stay quiet because to report it would be racist.


Do you know whats the difference between you and most europeans? They´ve got more balls and face their fears, meet strangers and become friends. And now go back to your fear mongering friends and kiss their asses, jerk off together, and then shout that gays are evil because living in a closet hurts you so much.

im so fucking sure that's what those countries looked like back then...

No, a few ARAB looking men have and the western media/propaganda has used this to justify our intervention in the middle which is the exact reason so many refugees have fled their countries.

Now I am in no way defending any Arab or Muslim who has committed a crime in Europe. They need to brought to justice just like anyone else.

But to put all Muslims into one group (including innocent women and children) based on actions of a few sick fucks is preposterous.

There is 1.6 billion Muslims in the world ffs.

Its pretty much pictures of religious people and pictures of non-religions people side by side.

Its ridiculous and doesn't prove anything.

goddamn ninjas.......I blame naruto

So the people who killed innocents in France, twice, they had no relations AT ALL with the Muslim faith. And you can prove that.

Also, doesn't it say in the Koran that fucking 9 year old girls is AOK?

Doesn't it also say that infidels and apostates should be killed?

true im from germany and this shit is fucking stupid ...... wake up europa before its too late ..... fuck antifa fuck stupid left wing pussys


Not all Muslims are bad. I am an ex-Muslim and my family and my Muslim friends of my family are good, friendly people. But that is only because we don't associate with extremists and there are still so many Muslims compared to Christians who have a backwards mentality.

When you have a few in a country that's okay, but the amount they're being brought into Europe is very dangerous and no matter how much liberals like to deny it, there has been proof time and time again that it's a bad idea but people still chose to close their ears and pretend that their culture is compatible with ours. At one point this year they committed atrocities in Europe three times. How many people killed and women raped will it take until liberals finally wake up?

No I cant prove that, but anyone who killed innocents in the name of the Koran is not a true Muslim. Its the religion of peace.

It has been twist around to manipulate people and make them do horrid things. Just like has happened with other religious.

Look at the crusades, millions of people were killed in the name of Christianity when murder is a deadly sin.

>non-religious people
its just pictures from a different place than a third world desert country.

You sound retarded. How about you kill yourself right now?

spotted the truck driver

Butthurt is the clearest sign that someone doesn't have a valid argument. Either refute my points or make yourself look like more of an idiot than you already have.

That scene right there.
After watching it all I could think of was "there goes another tv show debating religion and eventually ending up shitting on it on behalf of a bunch of smartass teenagers."
That shit sums up how edgy this show is.

No true Scotsman, SJW sandnigger!

Now fuck off back to your shithole to get raped by your father and be thrown off a building after by the followers of your religion of peace.

But you're right.

Let it snow

So many cucks on Sup Forums today.

That image is so wrong, btw.

Afghanistan never really was like that- It was a small part that was occupied by communists that was like that.

Also, Iran kinda really had a fucking reason to denounce all western influence, read up on operation ajax

As for islam in europe.. The agenda of the muslims I know seems to be "nice job, family, house with a garden", so yeah.

Religion can die in a fire, any single one, but that image is shit

Religion doesn't have any reason to exist. It's only explanation is it's culturally viral. When you're religious, you have to force people around you into it.

This is basically why you are literally a cancer. Now die, subhuman scum.

I know it's edgy but still has lot of truth.

What is the penalty for apostasy?

They need a hitler

It's the religion of peace huh
Quran (9:14) - "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people." Humiliating and hurting non-believers not only has the blessing of Allah, but it is ordered as a means of carrying out his punishment and even "healing" the hearts of Muslims.

I'm speaking against Islam and the Muslim invasion, you fucking retard. Learn to fucking read. This is the problem with Sup Forums today, no one reads the full posts. Now do the world a favor and kill yourself.

Islam is still fucking backwards to the whole world, hope a hitler rises in Europe and wipe all their asses off this planet once and for all. SEIG FUCKING HEIL!

All the fucking nazis can go kill themselves too

Both them and radical islamists really like to fucking hate on regular people just wanting to live a life.

Regular people take all the islamists, all the nazis, round them up nicely, and put them in concentration camps for the real final solution

would be a nice piece of irony, too



I before E, except during Seig


88! 88!

Let it snow brother!

Jew detected

Please find me a passage where it exactly says so you faggot

>Now I am in no way defending any Arab or Muslim who has committed a crime in Europe. They need to brought to justice just like anyone else.

For what though annon?

In Islam wimmins are little more then property.

Like any other rant about religion in a tv show or movie.
You've heard one, you've heard them all.

but hating haters makes yourself a hater. seems like all we do is killing people with different mindset no mattet what mindset. why dont just put everyone where they belong and vacation away but always come home.

I'm not a Nazi. I'm Middle Eastern and have a date with a white girl waiting up. I also don't believe in using violence towards innocent Muslims either and I don't hate any races.

You hate Islam just as I do except you're pretending I'm a Nazi so you can have a strawman argument to get yourself out of how much of an idiot you made yourself look.

Look up the passages about Aisha. And anything regarding punishment and what you goat fuckers do to infidels and people who want out of your bullshit.

Have fun!

From the mother of believers herself
Narrated Aisha:
The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234)

I think the japanese and chinese had the best approach to religion , faced with unexplained phenomenons or the big questions about life and the universe , they just shrugged
>must be spirits

then they went back to whatever the fuck they were doing

That's why I say Asians are the master race

>date with a white girl

you mean you're going to rape a white girl tonight mohammed?

well tell that to the fucking radicals. I would have no problem with them if they wanted to live their own life like they did and didn't harm anyone, but they do

the fucking nazis want to gas anyone that's not their kinda color and doesn't act like they want, don't tell me they don't want to, because that's just what they did when they got in power, and the islamists want the same thing, only for other people.

at some point decent people have to fucking stand up and smash the radicals into pulp so they fucking shut up.

Pretty much what hitler did bud

I didn't realize people lived on Jupiter's moon.

Except they dint the Nazis never gassed anyone of a different race if you weren't a jew a Catholic a gypsy a retard or gay they didn't really give a shit


Let it snow!

When hasnt Islam been backward savages


This black german soilder would like to disagree

sounds like they tried to gas /b

See I'm an ex-Muslim.

Yeas they basically did


It's actually happening. Slowly, but the right wing gains more and more power in Europe.

When did I say it hasn't? Is this a new thing on Sup Forums now? Not reading through the conversation before commenting.

yes, look at all those innocent women and children. bless their souls

So you'll unrape her

What are you talking about? the nazi didn't give a shit what race you were, they thought the white race was superior to every other, but as long as they kept to themselves they didn't give a fuck about them. The nazis actually had squads that were made up of colored people.


because they jail their would be saviors and heroes.

I don't hate islam in particular, I think all dogmatic belief systems are something you should leave behind once you're not a child anymore, and even as a kid it's stretching it- it's still an excuse, people telling themselves god/fuhrer/whatever makes them do it when it's their own shortcoming. man the fuck up.

the right wing fucking sucks. It's also a perfect ploy for Russia to destabilize and weaken Europe, made possible by far right parties paid by Russia, what a surprise.

Seeing as Putin is a fascist dictator himself by now, it's no wonder the right wing polishes his knob so hard.

they gassed pretty much whoever they didn't like.
see above. whoever they didn't kill at one point was still always at the mercy of a system that had no oversight whatsoever. literally anyone could've been gassed for a false word



>but as long as they kept to themselves they didn't give a fuck about them.

for THEIR definition of keeping to yourself, you realize that?

Twelve years old swedish boy.

I know they could be gassed whenever I'm more just saying they weren't on an insta kill list


No you moron, it's not "religious and non-religious people". It's happy and free Christians + Jews + Atheists + Moderate Muslims (etc) vs Women being oppressed by radical muslims

Yeah, you breed with your own people, whites breed with whites, THAT was their "definition". That's why they didn't have a problem with Japan, because they are so homogeneous.

I'm not a Christian either if that's what you were implying.

Was not aware that Islam was a race. I thought it was just another misguided, ill conceived, goat fucking, child molesting, hate filled Religion. I must be stupid huh?

which is a stupid fucking definition, because by nature, inbreeding weakens a species.

Because its a lie told to useful idiots that magic mussies are invading

What a bullshit post. All the muslims i know are good people. Racists are just uneducated scared little pussies. Go kill yourself

I'm just saying that while I agree that Islam taken to seriously, like any religion taken to seriously, is a serious problem, gobbling zombie hitler's cock surely won't help.
It is in no way forbidden to talk about any problems with immigration or Islam in Europe, but it sure as hell looks better to the far right if you say it is, go on against muslims and foreigners in general and act like it's an act of freedom, defying the "lying press", while your own parties are financed by Russia

it was uk that backed the revolution in iran that made them like that also iran is more secular tho

afghanistan well you can thank usa for it

Over 80 percent of muslims in Egypt are radical. Similar numbers in other countries. Cuck

Let it snow motherfucker

yeah, just that. A good nice "us vs them" for the rabble, so they fight amongst each others while the ones paying the parties of ALL SIDES (kleptocrats, oligarchs, dictators) get richer and richer

No one fucking cares.Why does every cunt have to have an opinion?None of us can really present an educated view on this topic


It's true not all muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are muslims..