Will post answer in 20 minutes if thread decides to take off

Will post answer in 20 minutes if thread decides to take off


Depends. If I'm one of the men then none of the women would want to stand next to me


Thats way too low, are you sure you've read the question correctly? (yes I made typo with women/females)

0%, because all the women aren't actually women and you're assuming their gender

Total of 8 people, and 8 possible positions where there are two women between the two men.
So 8/2⁸
>fucking near 11%

There are 56 (8x7) different positions the men could be in. 5 positions have two woman in between. So 5/56.

jiffs of 6 men and 2 women are posted on Sup Forums.
What are the odds both women have feminine penises?

import random
def verify(arr):
firstIndex = -1
for index, item in enumerate(arr):
if index == 6 and firstIndex == -1:
return False
if (firstIndex != -1 and index - firstIndex > 2):
return True
if (item == 0):
if (firstIndex == -1):
firstIndex = index
elif (firstIndex >= 0):
return index - firstIndex > 2
return False

people = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
numTrue = 0
numFalse =0
for i in range(100):
if (verify(people)):

print (1.0 * numTrue) / (numTrue + numFalse)

Roughly 53.689 % chance. Excuse my shitty python I rarely use it

17.857% chance


fucking near 11%.
that's what I just said.

Well, you didn't say only two women. There could be a man, woman, woman. woman, and man in a row, in that order, and you could say that there are two women.

Your explanation made no sense, so I figured it out for myself. But good for you for figuring it out first.

set shell = createobject ("wscript.shell")
strtext = inputbox("Message :")
strtimes = inputbox("Amount of messages to spam")
strtdelay = inputbox("Delay between messages")
if not isnumeric(strtimes) then
end if
msgbox "nigger squid"
wscript.sleep( 1000 )
for i=1 to strtimes
shell.sendkeys(strtext & "{enter}")

nvm, that was the chance of exactly 2 females between the 2 males. I got 53.57% now


Op is a faggot

That gives me some confidence in my simulation :)

Should be obvious there would be more possible variants where there are 1 or zero women between the 2 men.
>There's only 1 position where there's 6 women between 2 men. Unless you factor that each man could be at either end of the row into your equation.

OP here, is correct.
"what is the chance that between the 2 men there are 2women seated"

Perhaps I should've made it clearer, but I thought it was implied that I meant EXACTLY 2 women.

Try getting to that number with logic and not python, thats cheating imo.
Good job though

Then it's 15/56, which is about 26%