Help me guys, how the fuck do I open these??

Help me guys, how the fuck do I open these??

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Can't open my window more than 10cm...

They can only be screwed tighter...

Every month they check the rooms...
:/ anyone?

>buy the fucking key online
>use a fucking leatherman to cut the wire
>smash that shit with a fucking hammer
>fucking dremmel that shit to pieces
>take a drill to that motherfucker
>fuck it, you got a blow torch? use that motherfucker
>cut the entire fucking thing out with a jigsaw
>phone up those motherfuckers at and tell em you lost the key
>dont be a fucking nigger and return what you stole
>3d print a motherfucking key
>bolt cutters bitch
>ask it politely to open
what are you fucking 12 and scared of metal?

Living on a campus, should have mentioned it
Living in halls

looks like picking the lock would be easier; but you can buy security bits on amazon.
Side question: Why the fuck are you on lockdown?

Due to safety regulations blablabla...

Because I live on the 3rd floor and in the past some faggot student jumped out of the window when he was drunk...

Call campus info centre, request a key.
Honestly it's probably some bullshit safety thing and you're gonna have to deal with it forever.

>Beginner sets are cheap af
>Learn a handy new skill
>easily reversible for inspection/move-out

Found this, it's the one on the right, right? Slotter
And I think I will do that then...

Break it, tell campus security it's a fire hazard.
Because it legitimately is.

You'd be able to open it with something like a butter knife dude.

Good day, OP

Depends on your financial situation and how long you intend on confining yourself to that location. If you have the money, and living in comfort outweighs financial ramifications of paying for the lock itself, I suggest getting a bolt cutter and breaking it. You have the luxury of air flow from your window and you'll pay for the fine and penalty when you're ready to go.

Hopefully, the fine will be so high you can give them a nice middle-finger by paying them entirely on pennies and overpay them by 1 penny so they have to go through the process of writing a check of 1 cent to pay you back.

Your story will be echoed through the campus and others will follow.

Check toool dot us website see if there is a club near you. Don't tell them why (it's against their charter). Learn to pick locks, or better yet impression a key. Relock after every use.

then tighten until the screw breaks or you strip the frame.

Get a good running start, shoulder check the window open

Would probably just strip the screwheads.

Just gonna learn how to lockpick, easiest way
Thanks Sup Forums

your going to need a pointed 1/8 or 1/4 inch punch, and a hammer. indent using punch on the inclined surface of the bolt. keep hitting this same spot in a counter clockwise fashion. once the two bolts are out on (original picture OP) left hand side, replace them with socket head bolts for easy access then when you move out or need to replace them, simply insert the old screws, just dont torque them down too hard for the next guy.

You can buy a key on ebay... Sup Forumsro I did the same thing here at CU Boulder..

fucking moron. to stupid to think for self HURR

oshitwhaddup! what major?

That's the hardest way.

>pins and leverage

come oe dont be a little bitch, there are like 60,000 kids at the school. I just wanna make fun of you for your shitty major choice.

Just working on my primaries right now, have yet to decide what major I am going to take. Thinking about business.. you??

eng all the way boiii!

>10 kinds dropped out so far this semester
>first major test today, 2 more next week
>kids cryin in the halls
like fucking charlies chocolate factory up in this bitch.

honest advice however from one Sup Forumsro to the next: If you don't know why you are in school, dont waste the fucking time and money. Travel until you find your passion, work shitty jobs then come back to school cause it will be a pain in the ass if you are not in the right reason.
I did the math and plumbers have a higher lifetime income than most majors (inc business for the first 25 years)
good luck user i believe in you