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BABY DICK reporting in

is as omar mateen


Gay fag btich boy

i jus see 'see ur name on screen'? now what


Burn N1ggers reporting for duty
Now tell us what's happening op


So, what is Kahoot? I've never actually bothered to use it. Also, I'm in. The Joekenorer.

Same here. What's going on OP? Did the prof catch on?

OP here, Now We wait

some teaching tool, but games aren't private so all the nicnames show onscreen

McDickerton waiting

Real OP here, we are going to learn some math

Teachers reaction?

"suck me teacher" reporting for duty

9/11 was a joke standing by

Op wheree are you

n1ggerkiller420 reporting in

Gay Jew here



NiggerFaggot here

So do we do anything, or the teacher just sees a list of names and shuts it down?

Where's the lulz come in?

post pics of the fucking screen

the lols is for op as the teacher and students start freaking out because you know burn niggers is on the smart board

Is it still ongoing

Ahh, ok.


hugmaster69 here

Gasthekikes here.

feel bad for anyone whos name is sarah. also it's not ip restricted faggots

What now? Where is the lulz?
>Throb Cock is the name, Fap is the game

tfw op is the teacher.

pantython here

OP here, Its just a prank fagsss

OP here, I lied abandon thread


OP here, pic incoming.

Gas the jews reporting in

>also it's not ip restricted faggots
Point? This isn't illegal, m8.

I meant you can have multiple instances (i.e. multiple names)



le_Sup Forums_army reporting for duty, sir!

Wyd OP

Top Kek here

smol snek here

op why havent we started you fag

Sup Forums.org/b/ reporting in.

ah yeah!

Hitlerdindonuf reporting in

Kill Infidels here
What's going on in class, what class?

so... are we starting soon?

Niqqer executor reporting in

It had started but now it mysteriously paused lol

HornyHillary reporting in

Poet the board op

sip this weiner reporting

i don't know how to kahoot what do

cheesepin.net signing on.

Link_on_Sup Forums here.

is it going to start or were we all b8d

OP is confirmed fag time to ditch this popsicle stand

prolly b8

I'm pretty sure they have a new room now

The game has been on forever wtf is happening

we got pranked