Hey anons

Hey anons,

I am starting this thread because I just slept with my 100th girl and just turned 30.

I am a pretty average guy in a lot of ways. Went to college, majored in a mediocre field, got a mediocre job (pays 48k per year), etc. I think I am a 6/10 but most people seem to think higher. Either way, no big deal.

The one thing I am phenomenal at is getting women. I worked at it and have gotten very very good. This is the one thing I will brag about since it's the only thing I feel I am exceptional at.

Will provide more details when asked.

Will give the best advice I can to anyone who wants it.

How do you get a girl interested in you? How do you create a good personality?

I have a question for you:
Is your refrigerator running?

Hi Dennis

Can you atleast explain your secret?

how do i get the toothpaste back in the tube?

Hi user.

Best advice I can give you is realize they are people too. I used to psych myself out in high school. I was so shy I couldn't speak to a girl. But in senior year, I saw girls more in my social circles and got comfortable talking to them.

Think about what is interesting when you meet someone. Do they have cool hobbies? Cool experiences? Stuff like that, go out and do things that you can talk about later.

Also, I think intelligence and humor go a looooooong way. I am very jokey with girls, it makes them comfortable quickly. I will playfully tease them and it creates a laid back atmosphere.

Physically, don't be too weak or too fat. Have excellent hygiene. They don't care about much more than that I have found. Attractiveness helps though

Yes. Optimally I might add

It's gone forever bro. I would tell you to use it as lube, feelsgoodman.png, etc but I am trying to give good advice here :)

How do you get rid of any sexual desire, too seem alpha, not to give into they're tricks, not to feel so rushed

oh my fucking god, you are beyond help.

get off Sup Forums, it's turned you into an idiot

There is no secret for that. It has to be natural. For me, it was realizing that it doesn't matter in the big picture. Like let's say you like a girl, act desperate, and she doesn't want to see you again. So what?? You can have other chances, they won't bite. So take a deep breath and relax my fellow user!

Also, you have to realize that girls like sex too. Sometimes more than you. They like sex too and are just as self conscious as you are. The only difference is they can get laid easier since guys will fuck anything sometimes.

You don't have to be "alpha" in the stereotypical way. Just be yourself and be confident in yourself. Realize that you can make her life better. That is the attitude to have. She isn't doing you a favor by fucking you. It is equal :)

Confidence, confidence, confidence!!! I can't stress that enough. You don't have to be loud or or a jerk or anything. Just be sure in whatever you are doing user. For girls and for life as a whole.

If girls have tricks, run. They aren't worth it. Don't feel rushed, do what you feel is best on your own time and pace. They will respect that

Be kind to your fellow Sup Forumstards, user. I am trying to help :)

Didn't mean it like that you cunt, I ment it as in, not thinking about sex and urges not being a obstacle...

There is no secret in my opinion. Just a plethora of nuances that can be perfected with experience. I am just trying to point people down the right road

Tips on shy girls?

Don't worry user. It is our minds that make these "issues" a problem. Do not overthink things, just live in the moment and read body language. If you feel like she is interested, make a move. Worst case scenario, she is uncomfortable and leaves. Move on to the next girl. You shouldn't be thinking about sex every single second though. Try to enjoy her company, LISTEN to her. Remember details. They love when you bring something up they said a while ago, it means you care enough to listen. And that makes you better than most guys.

Urges are not an obstacle, they are natural and should be listened to. Do you have a hard fetish to satisfy? I have done some depraved stuff, some things can only be done after a level of trust and stability has been established

My girlfriend has almost no sex drive, and mine is extremely high how do i deal with it. also, she doesn't want me to masturbate because of past experiences which is understandable, what do you recommend?

I have dated and/or hooked up with plenty of them. They can be tricky for sure. My normal charisma won't always work on them.

I would say with them, it is better to start slow. Asking them out point blank might freak them out or make them too nervous. See if you can express interest through a friend first and they tell her. I know, it sounds like middle school shit but it will give her time to think about it and not just freak out.

See if you can be friendly with them. Compliment something they are wearing that is more unique to them. But keep it casual at first, don't scare her. After you are at the point where you guys can have normal convos, you can admit you like her.

General rule no matter what kind of girl she is: be calm, be confident, be interesting, and listen to her!!

Thanks OP. Appreciate it

Nice trips.

Honestly, it depends. Has she always had a low sex drive or is it a recent development? If she has always been like that, try to coak her into being a bit more adventurous. Maybe she will find a spark or admit she has a kinky interest that she might feel ashamed about. Personally, if I liked her a lot I would try for 2 months maximum. If I don't see progress, I would leave. That is a huggggggeeee incompatibility in my opinion.

If it is a recent development, try to find out why. Family issues? Work issues? Could it be that you guys are drifting apart? Try to help her if you care about her, could be temporary. Some scenarios have solutions and some do not.

Maybe she has a physical issue. Bring it up but not in a confrontational way, just mention that you are worried and suggest perhaps seeing a doctor because you care about her and want to see her happy. Also mention that it is an issue for you but one you are willing to help with if you can. That way you guys can grow into a very healthy couple (sex is important for sure)

No problem friend :)

There's a girl that's interested in me and I'm interested in her, the thing is were both shy, but I'm super shy, so I was thinking I have to make the first move. Any suggestions? We talk occasionally but sometimes I'm too shy for even that. How do I start up a convo and get her to "want me" more. No homo

We've been together for nearly 6 years, I've dealt with it , its just hard. its cuz of the meds she is taking a bit of everything you mentioned but not drifting apart we've talked about it a lot,I don't want to force her to do anything i want her to be comfortable

Not that difficult if you have confidence and don't give a fuck about rejection.

Well this is more common than you think. I am assuming she is on anti depressants or anti anxiety meds because those are notorious sex drive killers. Dated several girls who had this issue. I would say she should try to find a better option. Keyword: try. So if she is on Lexapro, suggest she try Prozac, Abilify, etc (assuming her doc is ok with it). It will fuck her up short term. Mood swings, messed up stomach, etc. So be prepared for that. But it might make her more happy long term (she fucks you more, you're happier and don't dump her, she is happy because you guys have a better relationship).

If it is impossible to fix, it is up to you. I can't handle not fucking my gf often. Some guys can. It will ultimately be up to you if it comes to that. But in the mean time, try to suggest alternatives that could help her out. Explore new things that might make her overcome the low libido. Maybe dirty talk, maybe role play.

Also, make her feel pretty as often as you can. It could be partly due to insecurities. You can't change that but you can do all you can to help her see how amazing she is. Write her a letter with all the things you love about her. She will keep it for years

How big is your dick?

You're a loser lol

OP here, that is the ideal attitude to have when starting out :)

Thank you so much !

Whatever helps you gain confidence to ask her out or at least tell her how you feel, do it. If you are a great ice skater and feel comfortable in your "habitat", take her there. If it is at your fav restaurant, go there. If it requires a few beers, do that. Whatever works for you.

Maybe have short convos and build up to longer ones. Maybe get drunk together. Maybe do something you both really like so there is a lot to talk about.

I can't teach confidence, it is developed over time. I was so shy in high school, I could not speak to girls. Over time, you will realize you have everything to gain by asking and everything to lose by not taking a chance. If she says no, you are right where you started, no change. But if she says yes... :)

Glad to help :)

Thanks user. Still love ya! It's why I always come to Sup Forums :)

Thanks man

I didn't post it on purpose my friend. It isn't relevant to me or anyone else :)

If you have a dick smaller than 5 inches, that is going to be a little but harder in sexy times. You just have to be more creative. Really big dicks are arguably worse. A lot of girls can't handle it

Will post dick stats if a lot of people want to know but like I said, it really isn't that important

Whoops, typo. I meant "little bit harder"

But the girth? What about the girth?