1000 klansmen vs 1000 isis fighters. Who would win?

1000 klansmen vs 1000 isis fighters. Who would win?

the world

Both, of course! They'd all pretty much enjoy the gay orgy it'd turn into.

I guess the isis fighters cuz they are more armed probably

If they both had access to the same type of weaponry, the klan. Otherwise isis.

But KKK takes the fashion contest for sure.

Isis has military grade weapons delivered from the USA, while the Klan has only what's legal in the USA. So Isis.

This, most Klan members are guys that go to the shooting range almost every day. They know how to aim a gun.

ISIS fighters are retarded when it comes to aiming or shooting long distance. They're like niggers that aim their gun sideways when they shoot. The only reason ISIS has been so dominant was because of numbers.

Klansmen are middle-aged men with severe obesity and poor education. They don't seem to be an efficient army at all

KKK wins easy, since they are ghosts. Bullets and planes wont affect them!

ive seen enough of Isis videos, that demonstrate that the RPGs and mortars that Isis has are more danger to themself than the opponent

as someone who knows better, here's the shit.

Hagi can't shoot! If they could, I wouldn't be here talking shit on Sup Forums. The KKK wouldn't survive the heat in the middle east.

So it turns into a question of who's got home field advantage.


>Who would win?
black christians

isis have more arsenal

that they can't use... frickin savages can't even properly aim a fucking Kalashnikov where those fucking redneck sonsofbitches have been shooting deer rifles since they were able to hold one.

So its basically 50-80 yr old white males that cant fight for shit vs 15-30 yr old sand niggers that are fanatic as shit and is willing to strap explosives just for allah.
this should be ISIS vs IRA
now that would be awesome


no they're trained..even neonazi parties have their "troops" trained like soldiers..

I'm only guessing ISIS because every white power jackass I've ever met is a serious chickenshit illiterate faggot.

I know dozens of Muslims but no terrorists.

You're full of shit man. Isis are exmilitaries and they trained new recruits. I know you hate Isis but don't let personal bias cloud your judgement.

Isis. They have Israeli funding and weapons.

The klan is bunch of retarded rednecks with alcoholism.

The KKK would be killed instantly.

isis would more than likely wipe out the kkk within a day or two, they wouldn't stand a chance unfortunately.


willing to die

willing to... vote? protest? sit at home and watch nascar?

Where do you even get your proof? They are trained by ex soldiers from all over the world. Never underestimate your enemy

Those fuckers are bush league. They wouldn't last against an ACTUAL deployment of a first-world expeditionary military.

>Israeli funding
Do you have an extra tin foil hat? I forgot mine

IRA is a guerrilla force of cowards, especially nowadays they are basically a gang, they used to mame and kill drug dealers and criminals, now they are drug dealers and criminals. in open conflict they would lose.

People think alot of the IRA but the majority of murdered were civilian's or through bombings. Google disappeared ireland"

>through bombings
i know the history
they basically do the hit and run tactic and yes it was very effective vs the brits who had overwhelming force

neither would isis

Why isn't this happening anyway???
Imagine all those poor, homesick American soldiers hunkering down behind cover as 1,000 shrieking ISIS warriors bear down on them, their victory assured.
Imagine the Americuck screams of terror turning to cheers as 1,000 crusading clansmen thunder past, armed to the teeth, mounted upon their mighty ride-on mowers and plow deep into the ranks of the undisciplined ISIS 'soldiers'...

The Klan is really missing out on a great PR opportunity here.

>fight against a superior force using unconventional tactics
>leaders executed
>they keep fighting
>but they're cowards

k bud

Did a number on the Irish who happened to be standing a little bit too close to the brits at the time too.
That's the problem is bombs... they aren't exactly precision weapons.

15 years in the Army, 2 combat deployments to Iraq. I know these donkey fuckers better than you think.

These people cut your hand off for stealing. You think they don't have a punishment for insubordination? Isis are fanatics and take everything from the quran. A frequent verse in quran is ' we hear and we obey'.

So 1000 us marines vs 1000 middle easterns


um dude...I was talking about ISIS. But yeah, them too.

You don't know isis they are diffrent then the previous guerilla warfare. Hate them as much as you like but don't distort truth like the jews who control your news

And how long ago was that? You realize that since you guys were pulled out of there they had all the time in the world to practice shooting civilians and shit right?

that really doesnt matter in an imaginary fight.

Isis because they don't get ptsd

Don't ruin an epic movie scene with small details.
Besides, last time I fought them, they were kinda like WW2 Russia.... for every total fanatic, there's 50 other guys who are just there so their family doesn't get tortured to death.

That doesn't make them much less effective as a fighting force all that much

But their families get a pension from isis government? And they don't get forced to join the army but 99% emigrates only for that purpose because martyrdom is the pinnacle of faith. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, if the soldiers believe in it then it's obvious that they will be impatient to achieve either martyrdom or victory

It makes a bit of a difference. The real fanatics fight hard and to the death. The other guys are more likely to surrender, or even sympathise.

Hell, I'm only here because a non fanatic decided not to pull the trigger when he had me dead to rights.

give me 1 American mechanized division and I could have the problem solved. Just don't ask me to play nice.

There lies the problem. No politician has the guts to let US Troops be a big enough monster to get the job done. You can't win a war with smiles and good intentions. You kill the enemy. You kill them where they fight, where they live, and you keep killing them until they've lost the will to fight or there are none left. Daesh gets that, Hezbollah understands. But the rest of the world is to far up on their goddamn high horses to understand what it takes.

And fuck the media too!

I believe every word you say. Especially that part about letting you live

03-04 and 09-2010. the beginning and the end of OIF

Talk is cheap

ISIS is a fricking STATE man. They have trained regular army with seasoned officers, government, and a huge amount of oil money. KKK on the other hand is just a secret society. They are ordinary members of society without any training and even more - they are disorginised.

And blood is expensive. What have YOU bled for?

Right, so they've had 6 years to get their shit together and organize. might have been the case then, probably still is, but my point is they've had the time to train.

its true but we are talking about isis vs kkk

fucking this

And, what? I've been sitting on my ass eating donuts? My brigade has been training its fucking ass off.

> time to train
They've always been organised, most probably have more training than the average militia. And the fighting over there is constant, so they have the benefit of combat experience.

Money's on ISIS. I'd still like to see a Klan mower charge though. That'd be epic.

someone who understands traditional war
but this isn't war in any sense of the word. winning was never the intention. don't listen to your general. politicians are his boss. and politicians started this mess to make themselves and their friends rich.

still though thanks for fighting in my place. I don't think i'd last very long if the draft was reinstated.

Thats not what I'm saying. I'm saying THEY have been training to be a more effective fighting force than they were 10 years ago.

The ones that had some level of training probably weren't even from the area they were fighting in, a lot of those guys came in from Chechnya and other areas sympathetic to Al Queda and shit after fighting with the Russians since the 80's and 90's

I got you Sup Forumsro.

If Patton was in today's Army most say he'd never make it past the rank of Captain. Nowadays the upper echelon is full of "yes men", "good idea fairies", and those about to be fired.

I bet you are American.

Blowing up children and Irish people, knee capping drug addicts, knee capping theives, kidnapping Irish people and torturing them to death,executing people who didnt like them or would assist. Planting bombs in soft targets like shopping in districts in England rather than hard targets. US is still crying about 9/11 and the the UK and Eire went through atrocities for decades.

Not to mention that "superior force" was there to act like a police force in Northern Ireland part of the UK to stop the nationalists and Republicans going into full civil war mode and conducted limited operations to try and stem the violence.

1000 randoms vs 1000 randoms

probably ISIS, its most seasoned fighters have been in constant warfare since the US invasion of Iraq back in 2003. And have been trained in the (pre-invasion) Iraq army.

Although some experienced ex-military joined the KKK, it can never match the experience of day to day guerilla warfare considering even the most ardent klansmen only did some target shooting and camping in the woods.

KKK are the biggest pussies and fags of the US, next to the sjw's. They are drunken, weak, and completely stupid. ISIS is despised but they are disciplined and trained and physically in better shape. KKK would get slaughtered and we would see them in those online execution videos (probably burned alive or ran over by a tank).

Hell, I'd say that certain gangs and mafias in the US would do ok against ISIS, way better than the KKK.