Remember that time the British burned a church full of American citizens even after they had surrendered?

Remember that time the British burned a church full of American citizens even after they had surrendered?

Other urls found in this thread:ördlingen_(1634)óra

We taught them everything we know.

They were protestants anyway

Remember that time when kingdom of Sweden practically stripped poland of everything and destroyed it?

It was just banter.

Remember that time the British got most of China hooked on opium?

Good times

Papists deserved it.

Remember that time George W. Bush got talked into having sex with a blonde Japanese girl?

Doesn't seem like it happened outside the film. Albion may be perfide, but not that perfide.

We just wanted to share the wonders of the 30 years' war with them, we didn't know they get completely BTFO

no half-measures

Remember the time Germany simply stole all of the Netherlands food, and caused a nationwide famine?

>be Sweden
>bully minor nations in the 30 years war
>claim to be superpower
>try to fight the big guys
>get killedördlingen_(1634)

Remember the time when soviets had to reach an armistice with an tiny nation because they couldn't break their defensive lines.

Did your grandpa fight in this war?

both did.

That's something to be proud about. One of the most glorious victories desu.

They were a good friend.

Remember that time The Mongols got REKT by a storm so hard that they lost half the fleet?

I think Audrey Hepeburn became thin because of that famine

Remember that time Taiwan owned the "China" seat in the UN

Taiwan never owned China.

The seat officially belonged to the Republic of China.

Cease spreading your disinfo or I report you.

you really make me think

>Battle of Jasna Gora pic

You mean when the Swedish army got massacred by a handful of monks and local peasants that were defending the monastery?óra


remember when a guy without a rifle defeated the Japanese?

No because it didn't happen because that entire movie is fictional horseshit

they were normans you fucking autist. Dw tho we raped u
