Holy shit they delivered

holy shit they delivered

Delivered what? Op don't fuck with me I love this show

loljk not blood related

I will ignore any and all attempts at retcon


That concludes season 2

Do I continue?
Are the new seasons worth watching?

u mean the new SEASON.
give it a try. It's different. But it's still AD

Season 3 is one of the classic seasons. Watch that and then debate on whether or not to watch the "new" season 4.

>i want you to ride her, hard!

oh shit I only thought there were two classic seasons

Do you think George Michael will ever bang her?

>For British Eyes Only!

>Mistah Eff!

Bob Loblaw's Law Blog

So I just finished this three-episode arc, after having stopped watching the show during it on its initial run. Kind of surprised it was never definitively stated that she is addle-pated.

Three's a bit weak and has a few too many meta jokes due to the realization that the series got cancelled, but it's fun, has a good number of classic jokes, and offers a nice little conclusion. Avoid watching season 4 entirely.

>Avoid watching season 4 entirely.

What makes you think that user didn't give that advice sincerely?

>still no promised S4 recut

At least she wasn't his real cousin.

I wanna fuck maeby or whatever to death


>want to rewatch a show
>remember that one awful episode
>remember that it's three awful episodes

The last season suffers from production issues but it's still great once it all comes together.
I wish people wasn't so fucking wrong about something I like.

The newest season was done by Netflix, and it suffers a bit. They made all the episodes connect into one cohesive storyline in an attempt to capitalize on "binge-watching". Also the first half of it consists of individual character plots while they're all separated and lacks the dynamic of the whole family. I wasn't a fan.

Season 3 isn't as good as the first two, especially the episodes where Michael dates a retarded chick


Is she a lesbian.


People shit on season 4 a lot but season 3 was also really not good. The retarded British girl was a trash character.

Oscar dad jingle>>>>>>>>MISTER EF

they find out they arent cousins at the end and start dating

Maybe racemixing ain't so bad?


Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?


Season 3 good.
Season 4 complete dogshit. Almost no interaction between characters. Also Fakeblock and Lindsay getting blacked.

This isn't the first time I've been brought in to replace Barry Zuckerkorn.

>Rewatching season 4
>That stretch of 4 episodes where we get George Sr - Lindsay - Tobias - George Sr again, only then to get GOB and the season really starts

It's fucking worse than Twin Peaks S2's 17-23 episode stretch

lindsay became blacked when she started dating tobias



Why do you thinkg George Sr and Lucille hated him so much?

When does this show get good?

I watched the first two episodes and was bored

He was black? I May have to rewatch a few things

there's a fan theory that tobias is an albino black man

Tobias is a great example of how an "unlikable" character can work. He was such a shitty, oblivious, and pathetic human being but you can't help but be enthralled by his interactions with others.

Now for Norman and Norma to copulate