What does TV think of this spacekino ? I just watched it and I think it was comfy

What does TV think of this spacekino ? I just watched it and I think it was comfy

Mary Sue

Too claustrophobic. Wanted more artsy shots of Mars

Bland and uninspired. Painfully and intentionally mediocre. Complete waste of time.

5/10 objectively
0/10 personally

Feels nothing like a Ridley Scott yet is his best movie in a while

le space science man who is actually really childish and vulgar xD

Surprisingly decent but shitty script.

It was mostly good but Matt Damon was only funny half the time, and annoying the other half.

It was basically an advert to join NASA and everyone is in it together as one human race propaganda

Should've been more Mars, less politics and mary sue bullshit rescue mission.

Enjoyed it up until "I'm gonna science the shit out of this"


6/10 was just hoping for something better from ridley and matt (and chastain). jeff daniels and sean bean were solid but nothing special.

but it was comfy yea

>I'm gonna reddit the shit out of this

We want the Big Bang Theory audience: the movie.


I'm gonna science the shit out of this!

WTF i hate privileged conservative old straight white male space agency directors now

not as bad as i was afraid it would be but remarkably mediocre nevertheless

book was good though

Everything after the air lock explosion was boring as shit. I don't know what happened, I just stopped caring about everything after that.

One of the weirdest joints i have seen in my entire life. A mixture of cultural references and american fantasies of (america-centric) reconciliation with the world.

Embarrassing flick desu, i'm just glad that senile Scott doesn't butcher Blade Runner.

>We're trying to pander to the reddit audience by creating a character that relies on intellect to get him through his first world problems.

It was a Great Value version of Apollo 13.

God i hate this fucking board

how is it surprising to you that an astronaut is extraordinarily intelligent and well-educated

it fits his character

That line was in the book IIRC, so you can blame 's shitty writing rather than the film for that one.

pol pls go


what does this even mean? youre upset that a main character is unprofessional and shows emotion after being abandoned from all human contact and left for dead?

the trope of a middleaged bureaocrat fucking everything up has been around for fucking decades. nobody complained about these social politics until dumbass SJW-fearing kids like you showed up.

>let's make a movie where the plot revolves around a man desperately trying to survive where humans weren't meant to tread in complete isolation for months and months
>but let's not have his character change in any way except he grows a beard at the end

I didn't give a single shit about Matt Damon in space surviving, which is the whole point of the movie

Never felt that the character was in any real danger. Even after the air lock blew up and all his poopy potatoes died, I expected a montage set to Dancing Queen where he happily repaired everything.