What countries in the world have librarianship as a master degree/post graduate program?

What countries in the world have librarianship as a master degree/post graduate program?

I know that USA, Ireland and England (no idea the rest of UK) does.

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Today I found out that my university is one of the top 10 for librarian programs. Couldn't think of a more boring subject but this is a funny coincidence

The Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at UNAM has it

But in Mexico it requires you to have a BA/Licencee in Librarianship?

In the other countries you can have whatever degree and do the masters program

not as a requisite, it helps to have some career with an affinity. i'm aplying for a master in another faculty and the process is open right now until february 7, maybe you can apply for that now too.

info should be here somewhere. posgrado.filos.unam.mx/


Okay grandma.

Unless you're planning on working at a large law firm you're guaranteed to become career obsolete in the next decade or two.

Thanks. Though I should ask at the embassy maybe. I'm looking for a scholarship.

Thanks for the info

Here are career opportunities on the field. And barely any graduates. Libraries are a thing, mostly in the universty level but also as a cultural activity (at least here in argieland).

I get the digital era is the future, and that's where it's focused nowadays

Like what even is she?

Acá esta el pregrado, me consta. Ni idea postgrado. Pero revisa huachín, los contratan en el sector público. Poca plata, pero estable.

MissAlice, camgirl

Aca es terciario. Si, eso es lo bueno, es estable.

Y siempre aun en el pueblito mas perdido hay una biblioteca

my waifu

Los contratan en las universidades y en los institutos técnicos grandes, pero donde tienen trabajo seguro es en el sector público, por toda la documentación etc. no te voy a explicar que es como enseñarle de jesus al cura. Pero en serio revisa acá. Fijo encuentras la carrera, y si es por trabajo, busca en el portal empleo del gobierno de Chile. Guglea y te salta. Que te vaya bien perrín.

Gracias :^)

MissAlice, a goddess among cam girls


I she's a camgirl, I meant where is she from.

New Zealand


she's probably like 1/8th maori or something

Yeah she looks somewhat ethnic

We have it too

I would imagine the US

this, I heard it's already tough for librarians to find jobs here

please watch our sluts

Podes explicarme que hace un bibliotecario hoy en día?

Aparte de las tareas básicas de la biblio obvio, es un curador?