She was just seventeen

>She was just seventeen

what did he mean by this?

What's the oldest you would morally tolerate a guy to be in order to DATE a 17 year old?

You know what he means

well, I guess at the beginning of his career it was fine

You know what he means.

You know what he means

it wasn't a rethorical question, i'm legitimately interested by people's opinions

Nice try, Scaruffi

Well in canada it's legal at any age...

You know what he means

Probs 20

yeah yeah but personally speaking how old is too old for you?

She was seventeen
idk, probably 20-21

>Grown up men with 17 year old
>Ew gross
>Passes one week and she turns 18
>Now it`s completely ok
You should either consider both cases normal and natural or both creepy
Anyway he means 17 year old pussy is best pussy

no such thing as too old at that point :)

The math formula for any age is: manage

Forgot to add, try it.

do decimals count?

You know what he means

also according to this a man can't date a woman older than himself?

wait nvm i suck at math

You got it wrong, it's woman age >= (man age/2) + 7. So if she was 17 Paul would have to be 20. He was 21 when the song was released but probably 20 or younger when he wrote it

To feel a little grossed out? It wouldn't take being that much older. I had a co-worker that was like 23 and his girlfriend was 16 and it grossed me out and I would make fun of him, but they ended up getting married...on a moral level I question the whole thing. But as far as intervention goes, I don't give a shit, I felt the 23 year old was being irresponsible but the 16 year old was also old enough I felt no need to actually intervene.

Hell, when I was like 12 or 13, we had a classmate who had to leave school because she gave birth to her boyfriend's kid and he was in his 20's and nobody gave a shit. I saw her years later when we would have both been about twenty and she had like four or five, whatever, I guess.

It's really no better or worse morally than the sort of stuff most parents teach their children.

25 would be a little too much I guess. But under that, I don't see why not.