
When do you apologize for stealing the Armenian's gold medal?

We /medals/ now bullying is over

Is this really coming from an American..

kosovo got a medal before you did, you should just give your country up to them at this point


Sorry croatia i guess?

I'm sorry for the NATO not turning the lot of you into a parking lot back in the 90s

it was truly a shitty effort, i agree

fun fact: the guy who won that single medal for serbia is actually croatian.

i do humbly apologize.

i am finding you guys pretty based at the moment, so much mad against serbia and i hope you win more gold medals just for the mad and banter

Kosovo got their gold medal before we got ours too.

sorry croatia

wew Canada is shit now

Idiot, that's Yugoslavia.

second gold medal incoming in 3 hours

hahaaha budete dobili kurac, a ne medalju

God I want to learn this language
It's so guttural like orcish or klingon

don't say those mean things to him, poor guy :(

3 gold medals, Spanovic is in 2 hours too

i just hope we win in basketball or waterpolo

No wonder ex-yugoslavs commit so much genocide, the simple act of speaking must fill them with a murderous bloodrage that can only be quenched with the blood of the innocent

i think we will get at least silver medal in waterpolo

>says the man whose country want to control whole world
i fucking hate americans like you

Say it to me in your mordor language please

jebo sam ti americku mater u picku smrade jedan, igracko jevrejska sve ti nataknem od prvog do poslednjeg

Fun fact: you're a faggot

Koji kurac si samo jebeno rekao o meni, ti mala kučko? Ja ću da znaš da sam diplomirao na vrhu mog razreda u Domobranima. Ja sam bio uključen u brojne tajne napade na srpsku krajinu, a imam preko 300 potvrđenih ubojstava. Ja sam treniran u gorila ratovanju i ja sam vrhovni snajperist u cijelim Hrvackim Obranbenim Snagama. Ti nisi ništa nego još jedan cilj. Ja ću te izbrisati s preciznošću koju nikada prije nije viđena prije na ovoj Zemlji, zapamti moje jebene riči. Misliš da možeš izaći na kraj govoreći to sranje meni preko interneta? Razmisli opet, guzica. Dok govorimo ja sam kontaktirao moju tajnu mrežu špijuna diljem Hrvacke i upravo sada pratim tvoju IP adresu, tako da se bolje pripremite za Oluju, crv. Oluja koja briše patetične Jugoudbočetnike kao što si ti. Ti si jebeno mrtav, dijete. Mogu biti bilo gdje, bilo kada, i mogu te ubiti na više od sedam stotina načina, a to je samo krunicom. Ne samo da sam intenzivno trenirao u goloruke borbe, ali imam pristup cijelom arsenalu HV-a i ja ću ga koristiti u svom punom opsegu kako bi obrisao tvoj bijedno dupe s lica kontinenta, ti malo govno. Kad bi samo mogao znati kakvu će bezbožnu odmazdu tvoj mali "pametni" komentar srušit na tebe, možda bi zadržao svoj jebeni jezik. Ali nisi mogao, nisi znao, a sada češ platiti cijenu, Prokleti idiote. Ja ću posrat govna-gnjev po tebi, a ti ćeš se utopiti u njima. Ti si jebeno mrtav, mali.

Zug zug.

Lok'tar Ogar!

Danke Deutschland

the difference is only a small amount of people in power want to control the whole world, the average person in the balkan region has a tribal mentality with the need for blood lust

there is a reason why your region of europe is a step behind everywhere else lol

Jesus all your flags are exactly the same. I'll never apologize for being American.


Our language is older then your country :')
Also I'm pretty sure Slavic languages existed before english, since the anglos pretty much stole old german and converted it to old english.

I agree with you, except for the "kurac" part, that was so edgy.

I wish it was winter games again. So that we could BTFO all other ex-yu countries.

yes because you are speaking with Serbian language.

never apologies dear Puertorico


>Our language is older then your country :')

Yet you're still completely irrelevant as fuck.

How did you manage that?

>Our language is older then your country :')
there is no "Croatian" language. You are all speaking different dialects of Serbian.

Womens Tae Kwon Do gold?

Tae Kwon NO

Milošević did nothing wrong

What did they mean by this?