

More like Paul Fag

>Katie cuckold
>paul fag


>synopsis tells you how the film is going to end

>the funniest actors working today
>they're all women

cant you at least pretend to be sane?

>played by the funniest actors working today
>the funniest actors working today
>the funniest actors
>the funniest

>synopsis doesn't tell the story but the usual shit we can find on the poster

i really like kristen wig and the other blonde as a ghostbuster mainly the blonde with short hair, she really looks like a ghostbuster in a cool way

fucking gorilla and fat woman shouldnt be allowed on ANY screen

>synopsis doesn't tell the story
It isn't supposed to. They're summarizing the film itself.

>The movie is so shit, even the person paid to write a synopsis couldn't slog though it and just copy pasted the press release

wew lad

>over a 4th of the synopsis is devoted to talking about the original


>funniest actors working today

>funniest actors working today
they're really pushing this angle now

so how many critics will be paid off to get this a "fresh' rating?

there's a difference between summary and synopsis

>Paul Feig Is So Over The Sexist Backlash To ‘Ghostbusters’

>“I have been hit with some of the worst misogynistic stuff, I used to [hear] that people had haters and I was like, ‘How does that happen?’”

>“The biggest thing I’ve heard for the last four months is, ‘Thanks for ruining my childhood.’ It’s going to be on my tombstone when I die. It’s so dramatic. Honestly, the only way I could ruin your childhood is if I got into a time machine and went back and made you an orphan.”

Don't be a woman beater, go see Ghostbusters.

97% critic rating 34% audience rating coming up

you kidding, only the extreme feminist will love it, the rest of the media will shit on this garbage.

can Chirs Hemsworth save this piece of shit?
Spy was pretty funny but that was all Jason Statham and sadfu and shit
Bridesmaids was so so with sadfu and shit

>Telling a white man he ruined a good movie series is now misogyny

Fucking Jews have to make everything about them being persecuted don't they?

>so how many critics will be paid off to get this a "fresh' rating?

they don't need to be paid to inject politics into their reviews... RT does that already

None, but the premiere will literally have a gigantic vagina doorway to the theatre in LA to serve as a sub-concise reminder that a bad review will never get you pussy ever again.

Synopsis: this is the fubniest film of all time directed by two tine oscar winning director abd a powerhouse cast

It's a genes thing