Tfw we won't be helping Chile with the wildfires

>tfw we won't be helping Chile with the wildfires

get fucked faggots

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send bananas



we will let those tiraflechas burn!!!!!!11111!!!11!!!

Funlan liek chili Funlan no liek brasil no more

You won't help them with the bananas either, will you?


Has any country sent help?

Wow rude, you should learn from Portugal

fuck ALL you half-gooks



why won't Spain help you?

that's nice, don't burn


They also are helping

>50 brasileños y un avión Hércules C-130 de la Fuerza Aérea de ese país.

the portuguese are such manlets wtf

delete this post

there are going just to help the fire spread and laught at you

400000 hectareas argie, sabes que haran despues? el duopolio de las madereras va comprar esos terrenos a precio de huevo y van a reemplazar todo lo que fue bosque nativo sera reemplazado por pino y eucalipto

as usual

tenía entendido lo que ya se estaba quemando era pino, por las agujas caidas

hay de todo, pero los menos afectados son las 2 principales madereras, es sospechosa la wea por decir lo menos

What's happening in Chile?

Lots of fire, lots of smoke.

Holy fuck, all that area, why?

>Argentina Burning as well

Let them burn.

>tfw I decided at the last minute to not go to Viña del Mar and instead go to a local place.
Dodged a fire arrow there.

We'll give you shelter but please bring qt sisters

Intentional fires, the police already have 21 culprits arrested, but their motive is still under investigation, and there still a unknown number of them starting new fires.

But why the fuck would someone start such thing. Kinda dick move setting the nature on fire desu.

There is a really shady intention behind it

we did it


>mfw we could produce way more cellulose by growing marihuana instead of growing pines and eucalyptus
>mfw lefties were right about legalization

dumb monkey