Psychologist in 2 days

psychologist in 2 days



how do u want us to help

just dont go and kill ur mom

just go and tell to your pshychologist the same you say in your threads.

god is always with you...

Go to a real doctor.
And get a job.

A vida é muito mais que vaginas e aparência, amigo.

There are many ugly and short people in this world, you just happen to be the laziest of all them as well

almost there jorge

Você pode encontrar um emprego (job) que te faça feliz, não necessariamente você será um escravo do emprego.
Também podes achar um hobby que te faça feliz. Você está pensando muito negativamente sobre tudo.
Foda-se se as outras pessoas não gostam de sua aparência (na verdade, pode ser que isso seja coisa da sua cabeça).
Seek help, bro. Seriously. I hope you get better...

What if the psychologist lurks his threads and recognize him?

It's not that bad.
I've been going for 5 months.


Não. Mas a minha psicóloga é bonita.

Espero que não.

Beauty is subjective, and not all girls want tall men exclusively, most just want men taller than them. And with your height it's not hard to find shorter girls.
But no girl wants a lazy NEET.

>tfw short, lazy, and somewhat ugly
>still have a qt girlfriend who fucks me whenever I get home

Your problem is sex? Then fuck a hooker. Fuck a random girl you meet at a night club.
>I will be alone all my life
First of all, you can have male companions (bros), so you won't die alone. Second of all, if you stop giving a fuck for just a sec, maybe a girl will show up in your life.
You won't get any pussy or friends locked inside your room, bro. Go out and try it. At least try it. As I said, fuck people's opinions. Of course you're going to bump into people that don't like you, but you've gotta understand that people don't have the obligation to like you and neither do you have to like them and also, that doesn't mean that everyone you're gonna meet is going to hate you. That shit is in your head, you have no self esteem so you think people are judging you harshly all the time.
I know this because I'm the same. I have no girlfriend and just a few friends, but I've learned that I don't need gfs or to be popular to enjoy my life. Sometimes I find a girl that wants to fuck me, but that's because I don't give a fuck about trying to find them. They just appear (I'm ugly as fuck, believe me).
You need some balls, dude and I believe in your capability of growing them.

(btw I hope you're not trolling me, 'cause I'm actually being honest here and really want to help you out)

I unironically worry about this and slightly distort information to make that more difficult


I'm not a normie, I just have balls. Read the entire post before talking shit.

Sinceramente, procure ajuda. Eu acredito totalmente que você pode vir a ter uma vida legal e agradável, mesmo não tendo todas essas coisas que você atualmente quer.
Hope you the best, man.

Stop going to /r9k/

Also this.
That board is cancer.

get banned haaha

He deletes his own posts because he believes the guarda civil is spying on him or some shit like that

it still appears on the archives so no point in doing that

E você ainda fica implantando fetishes nesse cara. Para com essa porra.

>people STILL get b8ed by this

how... He doesn't care, it doesn't matter what advice you give he's just going to make a new thread tomorrow. Literally doesn't matter what you say