What would you do in this situation?

What would you do in this situation?

i do not remember this in 127 hours

less hack and more chop...

check If I accidentally clicked Sup Forums

I think he's angry.

He's more than angry.
he is berserk.

where is this from?

Get cucked ofcourse

Berserk movies.

Doesn't that hurt?


No. It's not a real human bean so it doesn't hurt.

Only degenerates watch this shit.

Casca enjoyed it.

Doesn't he get rekt one second later anyways?

What a dumbass.


Biopic when?

tripfags on Sup Forums are scientifically proven to be less intelligent than average humans (usually matching neanderthal's intellect)

At least try to knock the teeth out with my berserker rage. If that didn't work I guess slice my arm off instead of stabbing and tearing it into a ragged chunk.

click the link below

>At last I have become berserk


slice it off with my retard guts strength instead of stabbing it 20 times like a fucking idiot

Probably go insane and die, like everyone else not as sick as Guts.

Jack off to casca being raped.