Even if Trump is impeached first thing tomorrow morning (for violating the constitution with this order), there are very few countries or organizations worldwide I’m betting willing to continue taking risks with such a volatile government.

Companies and labs and the like in the US are certainly going to start looking at packing up and finding a more reputable country to set up shop. You can say it’s not your country, you can deny the decades it’ll take to earn reputation back, but unfortunately, as much as it pains to say, you’d be wrong. A significant majority put Trump in power. That’s one hell of a horde of people who actually do want this Xenophobia and 3rd world authoritarianism, and you’re not going to convince them otherwise just by getting the next Obama in the White House.

Nevermind, I dont want to fuck a cute, autistic Finn

Into the collage it goes

A significant majority did not put Trump in power.

wtf I hate Finland now

>erotic country role play

Ew. Americans always exceed in taking kitsch seriously.

Stop shilling this shit.
Sup Forums used to be pro-trump and as soon as he started building the wall and bringing jobs back this board got rushed by butt hurt euros and dumbfuck Spicanos.

He should jail Hillary before getting any praise, really.

>for violating the constitution with this order

Sup Forums was shilling their candidate during the summer then when he won they fucked off to r/the_donald

Only cucks dislike Trump. Muslims are incompatible with Western civilization and Europe is the perfect example for it.

this desu

china global hegemony when

>such a volatile government.
The government isn't different from what it's always been. The culture however is more polarized thanks in large part to social media.

The travel ban doesn't stop extremists. Extremists are already banned from flying.

Not a single national of the countries banned has killed an American even in a criminal way inside America in 50 years.

Saudi Arabia the MAIN SOURCE OF ISLAMISM is not banned.


The only countries not banned are where Trump has businesses.

>Sup Forums used to be pro-trump
don't project

Who gives a fuck about extremism? Muslims don't belong in America.

who does belong in america? is it the spics? the natives?

And the list of nations Trump banned comes directly from a list of nations Obama declared "dangerous nations" by way of executive order. If you have problems with the list, blame Obama.

>alternative facts
>shifting blame to anyone other than Trump

Injuns can stay but spics have to go. There's no historical precedence for them being here. Like 40 years ago, they weren't even 1% of the population but mass migration and anchor babies have exploded their population to like 20%.

Ideal USA = 90% whites, 9% African-Americans (blacks descended from slavery, no new blacks from africa allowed), and 1% injuns. Anything that deviates from this is wrong and the immigration laws must be changed to revert back to this form.

Only Northern Europeans.


>Dow at all time record
>corporate tax reform incoming
>best universities in world

>no historical reasons of them being there
>new mexico

Just ignore these threads retards

Pretty sure this is the same fin posting about being unable to lose weight, about how all non-virgin women are "used goods" and other b8 threads

You'd prefer West Africans to East Africans desu?