Hollywood film meant to ‘challenge Muslim stereotypes’ might cast a white guy as Sufi poet Rumi

>Oscar-winning screenwriter David Franzoni and producer Joel Brown have announced they’re gearing up for a major biopic on a character perhaps unfamiliar to Hollywood – beloved 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic Jalaluddin Rumi.
>Their goal in producing the film? Franzoni and Brown want to challenge Hollywood’s stereotypical portrayals of Muslim characters, they told the Guardian.
>However, there’s one seemingly glaring problem with the film’s otherwise commendable goal – while producers concede that it is too early to begin casting the biopic, Franzoni and Brown say they want to hand the title role to American movie star Leonardo DiCaprio.
>Critics have already taken to Twitter to accuse the film’s producers of “whitewashing” a story perhaps better portrayed by an actor of Rumi’s own background.

Another Oscar for le shouty squinty man

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I bet these retarded SJWs would ve okay if they got an arab to play a Persian.

nobody wants to watch a filthy shitskin on the big screen
>inb4 someone posts star wars

>the only way they can make muslims look good is by having them played by Leonardo DiCaprio

lmao I don't even know why anyone tries

Why is Hollywood, and leftists as a whole kissing up to fucking muslims?

People still don't realize that Hollywood is one big business?
Why cast a Muslim actor who nobody knows just so the small percentage of people who care are happy when you can hire the guy who's proven to be a good actor and is a huge box office draw?
It aint whitewashing. It's greenwashing, if you know what i mean

there is a decent number of persians who have light features like leo especially during that time

Who's gonna play Shamsuddin?

It is easy to find great iranian actors.
Peyman maadi for example or the guy in Every Farhadi movie

Of course it's starring this arab fuccboi

Was Suffi really a Muslim?

Why not
Binyamin al fliq?

They'll get thrown in jail in certain countries, most Sunnis would laugh at the idea of associating with them, but yeah.

yes but they're considered heretics by pretty much every other muslim group

Isn't using a white actor challenging Muslim stereotypes when people think Muslim is synonymous with Arab?

Sufis aren't bad.

they have to go all the way back to the 13th-century to find a good one

Are they implying that arabs are not white?
That's racist.

>caucasian character
>played by a caucasian actor

I don't see the problem here?


Just cast Ben Affleck.

>expecting Hollywood Jews to respect Muslim culture

>It aint whitewashing. It's greenwashing, if you know what i mean

Good point.


Ben "Going HAM On All Things Haram" Affleck would never play a Sufi KAFFIR.

>challenge Hollywood’s stereotypical portrayals of Muslim characters

I can't remember the last hollywood movie that featured a muslim character

why do people not get, that no one will produce or give money to a movie starring an unknown middle eastern actor? people should be happy they actually making a muslim positive movie at all but i guess the skin color of the actor is more important

Leo can really disappear into a role lmao

Hard mode: no medieval films

Four Lions

Persians are more white than Arab 2bh

>they will complain about this but not when a black guy is playing a white guy

Hm you're right sorry, persians are shitskins.

Body of Lies

that'll be the over 100 million black slaves the arabs took

cant hollywood just make one single movie without people screaming whitewash, it's literally so cliche right now that i don't even care in one way or the other


>Saudi king and their worshippers who rarely experience outside except in airconditioned cars calling Persians shitskins.

was this blackwashing?

Are they fucking retarded? Have they gone full circle? Ten years ago casting a white guy as an Arab would have been like Leo walking out there in blackface. Do these people even know what racism is?

My dad took the photo of the guy on the left and Bush holding hands

Dude the people who give a shit about this would be okay if a sub-Saharan African played an Indian.As long as the actor playing someone of a different race isn't white it's okay.

>the guy on the left
That's the former Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmendinijad (not sure if I spelled that right).

I do think casting should be done with some regard to what the person looked like....

True Lies

>Complain about races change when sjw does it
>Complain about sjw complaining about race changes
What exactly do we want, is it no races changes or no sjw race changes?

>is it no races changes
if the character is white cast a white
if black cast a black
if persian cast a persian
its not rocket science

no complaining would be best, one can express their views with money

>if the character is white cast a white
Let me guess, you're one of the racists who didn't want Elba for Bond

When has a black guy played a real historical figure who was white?

Protip: you silly comics are fiction

Let me guess, you're one of the racists who didn't want Statham for Shaft


>put black actor in stead of white character
>"everyone is equal, what does it matter that the actor is black?"

>put white actor in stead of basically any non-white character
>"It's an outrage! Whitewashing! homophobic transphobic xenophobic safe space violating cis scum!"

Damn, liberals can't make up their minds.

When has a white guy played a real historical figure that was black?


Fuck off.

and it was a positive role too, no need to move your goalposts

Fuck I hate Arabs so much Zoroastrian revolution best day of my life

That's not a historical figure, asswipe.

everyone playing hesus

Jesus was a kike and by SJW standars jews = white

civil war when?

>Four Lions

It's not that would be okay with it but we wouldn't be able to even tell the difference between an arab and a persian because we're not weirdos who know every subtle differences between ethnicities.

I can see where the critics are coming from, to be honest.

>implying Leo wants the role

SJW here and Jesus was middle eastern, white jews are white because they're just eastern europeans who converted or intermarried.

Fucking liberals don't understand that persians and arabs don't mind being played by whites. They're Caucasoid anyway, not like they're playing people from other races.

>still trying this desperately to force multiculturalism

why cant they just take a fucking hint?


I've noticed patterns. My Gen X liberal mother is absolutely fucking obsessed with Native Americans and everything about them. And then we have all these young millennial liberal girls almost literally wanting the Muslim dick.

Natives, Muslims: both savages heralded by the Left as innocent benevolent folks who just want/ed peace. Now why is that? Good question that I don't fucking know the answer to.

He wants Oscar 2: electric bugaloo

kek I haven't heard that one yet, adding it to the collection

>Critics have already taken to Twitter to accuse the film’s producers of “whitewashing”
Awww how cute. Critics still think they matter

>hollywood's stereotypical muslim stereotypes

I mean they cast a lot of muslim villains, but the same could be said of every race/nationality/religion so what stereotype are they talking about outside of general non-existing in films?

It's like watching the second half of a Polanski film, except it's not one poor sod but the entire industry slowly spiraling into madness. I half expect to turn on my computer one day to see hollywood metaphorically dead on the footpath wearing a dress and a bad wig.

>literally no Muslim actors in Hollywood
>want to challenge Hollywood’s stereotypical portrayals of Muslim characters


by critics they mean people on twitter you stupid fucking faggot

Genetic testing has proved that's bs. Jews are legit the descendants of Hebrews. They literally look like light skin levantines

but he's jewish right?

A shit ton, in TV. Movies, not so much, but it does happen. The thing about "white washing" is that the casted white tends to be altered to match the role (i.e. they get spray painted to look brown, etc). When a negro gets casted as a white character they just racebend the white and say that he's black. It's not really the same thing.

Jesus wasn't a nigger you dumb fuck, he was a Semite. He was literally Jewish.

fucking down, but i'd rather have something that wasn't dumbed down. not even because of whatever whitewashing but the culture is rich and there's so much possibility there.

just imagine aronofsky doing shit with arabesques and mosques and poetry

i'd rather not have leo not because he's white but because of his voice. i don't think he could do rumi in a satisfying way