Finns drink the most coffee per capita in the world

Finns drink the most coffee per capita in the world

I'm starting this morning with tea.
Coffee is cool, but it's a mess to make.

is there coffee alcohol?

im ending this night with shitty cherry tea


What's it like, I've never had cherry tea?

>all of them are gay shit

Good fact

its shit
dont try it

I drink at least a litre of coffee a day

Wasn't it Sweden?
By the way finlander and Swedish I shareing each other badly? I heared romer about it.

Marko Vanhanen should be euthanized

They also smoke like chimneys.

what did you mean by shareing?

Is it because there's less sunlight in Finland?

Oh I mean finlander and Swedish hate each other?
iPhone makes shit type miss.

Sorry I mean this. It's typemiss

Only on Sup Forums and dumb white (finnish) trash irl.
we have a superiority complex though, we look down on them. they used to be part of sweden for hundreds of years which some do not like. also People are butthurt about mandatory swedish lessons in finnish schools because a large chunk of the population is Swedish.

How's that even possible? Did you fund the FARC military group or something?


Yes. But I usually just add my own to regular coffee.

that's a lot actually. nevertheless, i've never heard of finnish coffee stuff, something like italy and france have. what's the specialty of finland?

You've never had a white Russian?

dunno about finland but norwegian coffee culture is literally two things

black as hell
mixed with booze

i don't think finnish coffee habits are much different

What do you usually mix in?

Moonshine. Some use vodka, but that kinda defeats the purpose. You're supposed to use moonshine because it's so strong that you won't mix the coffee too thin.

A little milk and sometimes my bf likes to cum in it

The best alcohol for coffee is Jaloviina, period.

Fins drinks most liquid cocaine per capita in the world.