Is it just mere coincidence that these countries top pretty much every single chart (measuring good things) while...

Is it just mere coincidence that these countries top pretty much every single chart (measuring good things) while sub-Saharan African countries are always the worst?

It obviously isn't coincidence. What are the reasons for this? (if you say oppression, you need to clarify why are we in a position of being able to oppress them and not vice versa)

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Come now. East Africa's pretty bad too.

Don't wanna sound Sup Forums-tier but I unironically believe it is inherited. Not even necessarily "biologically" inherited. But the tendency to success and superiority lies in the culture and society of a country. Those top countries have very competitive, hard-working, organized mentalitiy and society. While literally every single muslim or african country and also most of the asian countries simply don't have those cultural aspects that are advantageous for superiority and success. That's why those countries mostly suck, not because of muuuhhh colonialism. Slav countries are almost as bad, but not quite. They have some good aspects but also suffer from the typical slavic shit work-ethics.
Latin countries are somewhat somewhere in the middle I guess.

Culture is genetic, since race is the biggest predicting factor when it comes to what kind of culture you embrace.

Read this:

Slavic work ethics are top tier though

>Richard Lynn and Rushton
Shit tier psycholofags and everyone knows this. You're only expressing confirmation bias.

Everyone says they're wrong yet no one has been able to prove them wrong

Kinda ironic don't you think?

Just ready plenty of the criticism of his works.

Sure there's plenty of criticism but that's not my point

No one has been able to show proper data that proves them wrong

No, there are plenty of studies that do. Lynn deliberately throws them out when doing his "research".

>Slav countries are almost as bad

You have to be fucking retard to think we are as bad as African countries with exception of Ukraine

that's why he said almost

Exactly. I said almost. Of course your great compared to africa. In comparison to middle or northern european standards slavic countries and slavic culture is absolutely trash when it comes to success, work ethics, perfection, precision etc. May be because of the decades of communism that severely damaged those countries. Although most of them were also shitholes before communism hit.

>most of them were also shitholes before communism hit.

Not really desu

Every majority black place is bad

das rasis

wtf i though this shit was roleplaying and trolling
you guys are actually retarded

Butthurt cause you know it's true?

this is false, what about thai asians? there are only certain asians like korean, japanese singaporian with that high of an IQ. 80% of asians are retarded. its the same for blacks, if youre talking about muslims and african that can be true, then again many african americans have achieved a lot and there are many brown skinned and mixed races that have achieved high with less aggression etc etc

this is just stereotyping and this kind of data turns you into a racist fucktard

>whites not thinking highly of themselves

im pretty sure that should be a high

Just fucking read it.

Only northeast Asians are smart out of the Asian bunch

kek, nah its cause there is no stability whatsoever in africa, huge corruption so on.
look back 100 years ago in europe and today, communism fucked slavs breddy hard and east germany is also proof yet east germany is germanic too
either way slavs are catching up

Well Sweden is exception. It's shit but that doesn't mean rest of the countries on that list are


Worst meme desu


Superior genetics and culture.

reported to cuck police

Something like this



Can't handle all this racism lads

But the "maintainer" races were the founders of civilization.

fuck off kanker

africa has very little resources