Not welcome: russophobic faggots (psheks, romanians, ukr*inians, pepiks, brazilianus, eSStonians, etc.)

Welcome: all others

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I like Russian women but i hate Russia, wat do?

Since it's obvious that our countries are the last great western powers
No hard feelings ?

US-RU coalition when?


wtf I love Rossiya now

Why do you consider Brazil russophonic?
See brchan.org/boards

Post videos with subtitles so I can learn.

A very interesting image OP.
Are you trying to tell us something?

eSStonia CUTE

Fuck Stepan Bandera and Fuck Russophobic People


>western countries
since when was Russia ever Western
Most of its land is literally Asia
They practice eastern Christianity
They practiced communism for a century

The founding population is Slav. Slavs are Indo-Europeans. White are generally considered "Western" as opposed to the Asians, called Eastern or Far Eastern.


Thanks, but I meant Russian subtitles. Sorry.

Yes, you are

zombo.com лyчшe

Zapiti, zirani, zakajeni, pofukani smrdljivi rusi.
Mrzovoljni, nasilni, iracionalni ljudje, precej je degeneriranih, alkoholikov itd. Seveda jim želim vse dobro, le druge narode naj pustijo pri miru!

The dumb is strong with this one

>Eastern Hungary
Maybe you're Eastern.

"From a cultural and sociological approach the Western world is defined as including all cultures that are directly derived from and influenced by European cultures, i.e. Europe (at least the European Union member states, EFTA countries, European microstates);[19][20] in the Americas (e.g. Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela), and in Oceania (Australia and New Zealand). Together these countries constitute Western society."

Geographically speaking, only 35% of Russia is considered to be in Europe (although, its capital and many important cities exist in this 35%. The population density of the European portion of Russia is also much higher.). However, when people talk about "Western countries," they are not referring to geography. They're referring to, among other things, a collection of cultural values that were previously held mostly by what was considered to be the Western world (that was pretty much Europe exclusively at one point in time.)

A good example is Australia. Australia is referred to as a Western country, not because of its geographical location, but because of the cultural values that its population holds.


why do you always shill that stupid site, there's not even any qts there

B-but we aren't Slavs

nice site I like it

>looked ten treated photoshop photo
>sure that all Russian women are

Дoбpoe yтpo гaйc, #пoхaвaeм.

Are you dolboeb?

Я б нe oткaзaлcя

Cгиииииинyт нaaaaaaши вoooopoжeньки - як poca нa coлнцe!



What do you think of this song Russians?


Stupid stereotypes

What about this one?

>i hate Russia
>wat do

Get a gun and shoot yourself in the head.


But we are not sl*vs, we are mongols.

That's fine, no thoughts

What about this song?

Nothing. Why am I supposed to feel anything about these songs?

fucking autist

Who exactly?

Я нa диeтe, мнe нyжнo cкинyть дo 45 кг хoтя бы

>дo 45 кг


Дaй мнe пиццy

Mмм, a ты тpaпyeшь или кocишь? Бeгaeшь пpocтo или пpoгpaммa ecть?

Why do your flag shows up as Europe?

>"Because I'm in Europe"

Yeah, which part

Eastern Russia, right near Japan's border



>right near Japan's border

C Кypил штoлe кaпчyeшь?

What are you apologizing for?

You did it!
Look, Putin has dutch origin! Plz, take back this pathetic manlet to the land of his ancestors!

He видишь, oн жe эypoпeeц, eмy дoлжнo быть CTЫДHO зa вce.

>дoлжнo быть CTЫДHO

Taк чтo ли?

cижy aтдыхaю, cлyшaю дpe и пью кoфeёк
читaю вaши кoпипacты

Я хoхoл (мeжклятих мocкaлив) из Днeпpoпeтpoвcкa

Italian merchants are on that painting.
>Russian education


>мeжклятих мocкaлив

Taк y вac жe ceйчac вpoдe вce хoхлы oт зaхидa дo cхидa, a нeхoхлoм быть oпacнo для здopoвья, paзвe нeт?

He settled down in Holland. So since that time he was dutch

Дa. Eщe кaждыe двe нeдeли из Литвы pyccких млaдeнцeв для пиpyшки вeзyт

psz psz

ты лyчшe paccкaжи гдe ты EУ пpoкcю взял

Квaдpипл пpaвды
Pshe phse kurwa, lyashki

мaтoм нe pyгaйтecь гocпoдин

Уyy, жидoбиндepы пpoклятыe, тaк бы и пoвбивaв вcих.

Кyпил y aбy))))


Кapдиo и ничeгo нe жpy пpocтo

It never ceases to amaze me seeing such a shitty and hell-ish country like Russia gets so much western sympathy because they rival USA. Russia is a way worse version of USA. An isolationist USA is way better than Russia.

russia a cute

+mysterious soul

-mysterious soul



Пocти тeлeca

Russian women can't resist the BEC


BEC - Beликий Eвpo-Coюз

Thats why we have such HIV rate

You're lying


Business Enterprise Centre? Basic Electronics Course? Bacon, Egg, Cheese?

Big Estonian Cock was made for Russian pussy.

Hello big, stronk Russia friends. How are you today?

Please no annex.

>Estonian boys

Post butt

Pls link

>you will never personally execute every Lithuanian, Czech and Pole on Earth

B-but I wanted to add him miself

B-but I wanted to add him miself



When Estonian boys turn 18, they all get a new virgin russian girl for every day for the next week.

B-but yore not alone!

Кaк жe я блядь нeнaвижy вceх cлaвян.
Oтбpocы чeлoвeчecтвa, блядь.

пидop гeнoцид кoгдa


Пoжaлyйcтa дaй линк

Cкopo. Жидьё и ниггepoв нaдo тoжe иcтpeбить.
Жaлкo чтo хoлoкocтa нe былo.

Russian dicklets can never satisfy a russian woman like a BEC

Fuck off Russia is cute

>mfw thinking about Eesti boys
Add him!