Post your city (from 100km up)

Post your city (from 100km up).

a bit more than 100km up but whatever


W E W.

I used to live outside of Prescott Valley. Can't say I miss monsoon season.


Why wouldn't you like the monsoon, it's where all our rain comes from.
I almost lived in Prescott when I was a kid.

I'd from Canada originally, so I prefer my rain to be less...sporadic. It also made it impossible to leave / come home because the roads were washed out everywhere.



I almost went to school there for a bit.
Ended up in Florida instead.

I guess I can understand wanting reliable precipitation, but watching dumbasses try to ford flooded roads never gets old.

I really like it here, just the ocean water on the coast is disgusting (on the islands it's really great.)

Kingman here

I would visit just because of that movie, Biloxi Blues.

>driving through Kingman on class trip
>Teacher: "none of you know who Andy Devine was"
>Me: "he was a cowboy actor"
>Teacher: ""
Then silence until we got to LA


>unironically using the metic system



Too large for me, to be honest. I can't wait to live somewhere else with an actualy reasonable amount of people, not 12 million.


>living in a city

>being a ding

hi varg


I always heard Edmonton was a shit show of a city, but that's a god damn wonder of civil engineering.
>Perfectly bounded by highway system
>Clearly defined districts by function
>Proper transition from developed and rural zones
It's like it was made in SimCity or something.

where the hell do you live? You're kind of in between Gulfport and Biloxi but not quite. Who are you?

:^ Who are you?