Music for this feel?

music for this feel?

foo fighters, tool, death grips

whatever reddit listens to

mouth moods

Reddit would be either just in the green or just in the red.

d e l u s i o n a l

What do you mean? They're still memeing Sander's and had dibs like Social on the front. They do have a large lolbertarian population though

*subs not dibs

/r/thetrump exists

you mean /r/the_donald? they are a vocal minority that the rest of reddit looks down on.


It's the only remotely conservative sub there. Everything else is Sanders and Socialism

reddit is mostly just libertarian stem type losers that listen to rush

i just realized that even through it a bad website it's better than 2016 Sup Forums. bye.

I thought the same until Sanders became so popular there.

>79,115 subs


>what is Sup Forums music


Sup Forums is mostly just stormfront type losers that listen to video game music now

your point?

sanders, even being a social democrat, would definitely be a left-green on this compass

if you add "war marches" that's a pretty true statement

Top The Donald post on All: 3000 meme points
Top ETS post on All: 180000 meme points.

The only reason the Donald got popular was because a couple of faggots realized how to manipulate Reddits up voting algorithm

yeah that too. Sup Forums died, moot knew this and sold it. he doesn't wants to have anything to do with this socially retarded guys.

inb4 i get an idiotic "Sup Forums patriot" which political bias trying to tell me why the view point of these socially inept people is correct and shit...

>The only reason the Donald got popular was because a couple of faggots realized how to manipulate Reddits up voting algorithm
this shit again. fuck off.

it isn't a Sup Forums colony its just reddit being reddit

>Sup Forums died
>Sup Forums died
This is a website for cartoons that looks like it's from 1999. There's other websites. Use them if you don't like the user base. Or just turn off the computer

You're ignoring TiA, KiA, TRP etc.