"F-For queen and country..."

>"F-For queen and country..."

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Getting tortured and raped my muzzies is not a service to your country.

>"Bro what's the matter you don't want to hang out with us?"

He was fighting for K*rds though

I dont blame him

Denying IS the propaganda is a lot better than "living to fight another day"

why on earth would you want to be taken alive by islamists?

I'd rather eat a bullet than whatever fucked up shit someone from that death cult could come up with.

should have ordered an air strike desu

Kurds don't have an airforce

sure they do, just tweet their location to turkish social media

>sudoku or surrender, those are your only options

A Gurkha would've fought to the death.

Preferably the enemy's.

well this guy was a volunteer, not a professional trained soldier

you're proud of a brown man fighting at the behest of white men?

this is beyond cuck logic

>A Gurkha would've fought to the death.
they aren't even fighting, massive pussies


He's a volunteer and put the Queen's(pbuh) royal army to shame?

You're surrounded with no hope of escape by enemy forces. What do?
>call in airstrike on self to kill all enemy fighters in the area
>mount a heroic last stand
>fight for days against a superior enemy to help your allies escape
>Charge the enemy lines
>Fight brutally until you are overwhelmed
>Fight in the shadows, hoping eventually you will be rescued, but never give up

>Shoot self with barely functioning weapon

>white boys still think Asians aren't masculine

Don't blame him honestly, shit would be a tough death

But I think I'd try to take a couple of them with me before I go out.


Suicide is a sin still. Dude should be fought with bare hands to the last breath like real fighter.

SHALL NOT expand this webbum past the thumbnail

Reminds me of the Russian who called an airstrike
.... except without the airstrike

dat rigor mortis


already daed

yeh but im a weakcunt

But muh heroic last stand, like in movies on Vietnam.

>kill 30 enemies
>get the second highest military honour
that's what you get for being born from the wrong pussy

>american reading comprehension

>The enemy will never take me alive.

>After the hell you unleashed on them?

>they had it coming.

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
So-oldier of the Queen!

Rest in peace

That looks pretty bad, is he OK?

Nothing wrong with fighting as long as you can, then ending your own life honorably instead of being taken by those godless animals.

>A Gurkha would've fought to the death.
Yes, and it would have been a slow and painful death at that, from people who take enjoyment out of making a show of killing someone.
Fuck that.

>a soldier died by shooting himself to avoid execution/torture
Sounds smart to me

What he did that got him in this situation was stupid in the first place, fuck fighting for these dumbass arabs when his country is getting replaced

>Yes, and it would have been a slow and painful death at that, from people who take enjoyment out of making a show of killing someone.
RIP Billy Fish.

Fighting for your life is always the better option. Because the only alternative is literal nothingness.

>white men would literally rather kill themselves than fight

This is why the West is in decline. Pathetic.

Always save the last bullet for yourself in warfare.

There is nothing wrong with literal nothingness, my southeast asian friend. It's just sleep. A sleep from which you never have to awaken. No responsibility, no fear, no pain. Tomorrow night, when a white tourist is shoving his dick up your ass, and you look at the rythmic bouncing of your silicone tits, please think about that.

>It's just sleep.

No it isn't. Sleep is sleep. Death is nothing.

And if you really can't see the difference or how life is preferable, you should probably just kill yourself now and spare the world your grade school nihilism.


I don't even know what is more pathetic, a brown asian fighting for Britain or being honoured for killing goat farmers with rusted rifles.
All in all, Brazil has its problems, but being cucks isn't one of them,

And btw, I feel bad for this brit who killed himself, he clearly shouldn't have been there, such young fellow could've lived a long and calm life. War was a mistake.

they get paid for it

If you were paid for fucking your own mom, does it make justifiable?

I think he came under friendly fire its own aircraft. Propaganda presented this shame as a heroic feat.