You fucking cunt

>you fucking cunt
>What hair color do you have?


Like my dick

Sandy blonde to light brown — depends on the season

Who here /black hairblue eyes/ master race

Dark brown

actual black or "zooey deschanel black"?

Literally 100% actual dark black hair

sandy blonde/light brown

Dark brown
blue eyes

best combo

dark blonde hair
blue eyes

non-aryans get the fuck out

Between dark brown and black

brown hair/blue eyes here heh

Light blonde

Dark brown/green eyes.
It could be a beautiful combination but I'm ugly anyway.


Medium brown in winter
Light brown in summer

Beard is a mix of all of those colours except black tbqh

Light Brown/Green Eyes

Sandy Blonde

Best between the both worlds

You can still pass as a local in most parts of the world


Sandy blonde, though closer to light blonde in the summer
blue eyes

Blue eyes and Auburn i guess

light brown/sandy blonde
light blue eyes

> What hair color do you have?
Erm... dunno
maybe slavshit hair?

>tfw hair black as night but skin pale as snow

Dark brown.

brown hair
green eyes with central heterochromia

dark/medium brown

Light blonde. Brown eyes.

light blonde mixed with light brown
