What rating do you think Rotten Tomatoes will give to Ghostbusters?

What rating do you think Rotten Tomatoes will give to Ghostbusters?

100% because anything less would be sexist

Rotten tomatoes says everything sucks now.


Will the women that criticise this flick be excommunicated?

>Will the women that criticise this flick be excommunicated?

From what, Macy's?

Their suits suck. OG GB suits were just trash guy work clothes or what people who clean hazard waste out of the sewer wear. The new suits should have been designed the same way, with city work jumpers as the base. Not this throwback shit with the iconic ref. fucking hell..

Anyway it will probably be high, probably 93. RT aggregates from quote unquote reputable critics who will be too chickenshit or too SJW to rate this movie badly.

If it gets anything higher than 30%, RT is getting blocked in my FW settings forever.

They'll be blacklisted among gynecologists

75% it's a good movie and im excited to see it

One thing for sure is they're going to talk about sexism and racism in their review.

>it's a good movie
>excited to see it

If critics have any integrity, maybe like below 40%.
If they're moronic, SJW pandering idiots, above 70%.


I'm guessing somewhere in the 20-30 range. It's a tricky one though because I assume the director will say anyone who gives it a bad review is a sexist pig and when it tanks at the box office, he will blame it on misogynists who can't let go of their precious 80's films while being completely oblivious to the fact that it could just be a shit film. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets good reviews from critics when it's actually a pile of shit.

Are you kidding? No RT critic dares fall out of line with the PC herd mentality.

Any movie critic speaking his mind would instantly be labeled a racist and get blackballed from the industry.

Critics score 100% User score 6%. This movie will single handedly destroy movie critics.

You guys are fucking pathetic. Abloobloobloo, muh SJW's. abloobloobloo, WHY R DEY WIMMIN? Give me a fucking break. Can't you just sit and see if it's a good film or not? Oh, wait, you won't, because you're all autistic manbabies who are going to complain, no matter what, if there's women involved. Go get laid.

What if it's actually good? Nevermind the rape of a franchise, maybe it will be a good novie on its on merit.

Sorry, you must be at the wrong site. This isn't >>>/tumblr/

Ignoring the troll aspect of this comment, it's pretty obvious from the trailers that this film will be trash. They've released three trailers and all of them have been horrible. I may have laughed at some random Hemsworth moment but everything else felt so forced and horribly written. They could have chosen women who were actually funny and a director who knows what they're doing.

Tumblr hates the new GB too. I'm there all the time, so I would know. Tumblr is my reddit. The site I go to regularly but that I'm ashamed of.

Anyway, even the feminazis are disgusted by the way the movie is marketed.


Please kill yourself immediately.