

where are poortugals?

Take Russia to Shengen and it will be 30%

France and Germany I think

brazil, us, uk and france

>tfw 75% Lithuanian 25% Irish

Now that I have some dish I plan on going there with the wife. The baltics have always kindof interested me.

dosh* fucking phone

France, UK, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Canada, US.

And a couple in Brazil, Angola and Mozambique running bigger shadier schemes.

why do so many run away? even more than eastern euros

i think luxembourg is a portuguese colony







It's a cultural thing.

Not to go all muh empire or anything, but we've been looking for a better place to work for very very long, and we've had the stability and means to do so.

It helps that we're generally pretty good and encouraged from young to learn more than one language (used to be French, now it's English), and Euro Portuguese's phonetics make it easier for us than for the rest of the Romance/Germanic languages to a degree, and we're usually pretty crafty and can adapt easily.

We usually go with the intention of coming back eventually, but that doesn't always happen. You'll find old Portuguese women in Rhode Island that went with their husbands in the 30's and still haven't learned English because to them it's still a temporary thing, even though they are 90 and have spent 70 years away.

I guess we aren't unwilling to miss home, saudade and all.

Lisbonbourg is our Benelux exclave.





>Byesnia Herewegoina

Fuck you don't bully my lithuania

Bosnia & Herzegoleaveia






>Isle of Scram


I hear portuguese are moving to former portuguese african colonies pretty frequently. Any truth to that?

>Spanish are too lazy to move for work


>Maltese Falcons

There's at least 100,000 Lithuanians here, probably more.


>The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Why are Poles so eager to leave?


>Former westayinourcountryslavia




>there are significant Turkish diaspora communities across Europe and they aren't even trying
Freedom of movement would be fun.

we might hate spain, but it's our home and we are not leaving.



>I hear portuguese are moving to former portuguese african colonies pretty frequently. Any truth to that?
No, not in any big way. They use Portugal to get into the EU, though, but they move to Germany or the UK.

There are a lot of Portugal/Angola businesses (a fair few of them shady), but virtually no Portuguese move there anymore, with the exception of the ocasional wave of doctors (every 10 years or so), but they end up not liking it and coming back.



Yeah its true, all doe a little less now days since the oil prices dropped.
Cause Angola only functions on petrodollars.
Mozambique is the poorest of Africa n they kidnap ppl for a living, so only a minority of rich bastards go there to exploit natives.
Guiné Bissau Narc Business.
Sao tome non existent economy
Cape Verde We go there on Vacations


kinda miss the portugese estada nuevo desu

I'm here


t. alberbo borbosa :DDD

Why is the figure for Serbia so low compared to other ex-yu countries except for us?

no one will accept them

It was the Estado Novo user, they don't speak Spanish

they speak greatest allyian

All Portuguese are welcome in New Zealand. We love you, please bring more Port.

Nah, there is probably around 100.000 Serbs in my country alone, that's why I'm surprised.

Fuck you, so many people go to NZ, overstay and then get their residency etc then come over here, we need build a wall for you sheepfuckers.

PROTIP: They're Bosnian.

Although I'm actually the second gen descendant of a Serbian Serb myself, but he wasn't a migrant menial worker.

>Serbian Serb
Svaka ti čast, dobr, da nisi šiptar no.

For past 2 years more estonians have moved back home than left, so this number is decresing for us. Latvia/Lithuania however continue to leave en masse.

Yes, but they all learned much better English than Spain because they like Anglos. We should afford them the courtesy of at least getting their titles right.

Not Europeans thought you get our worst islanders

Jaz sem pak Slovenec. Pravzaprav sem tretja generacija priseljenske srbske krvi po materini strani, a sem ravno toliko Slovenca kot kak Šmid, Voroš ali Mancini.