What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

Other urls found in this thread:



Copypasta in

her body is literally perfect here

damn jamis le

is it bad that i really loved the first half of the film and then just felt meh when it devolved into an action movie?

someone please post it

she was born without female reproductive organs

Her body was pretty much always perfect.

Watch her in any of her 80s movies.


Imagine being Gira and having to be all like "damn, Larkin Grimm, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Gira and not only sit in that bed while Larkin Grimm flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on facebook tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, LARKIN GRIMM LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. You're not going to lose your future musical career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Motherfucking Sup Forums.

This will never get old

I want a writerfag user to turn this into a poem.


Jamie is pleb filter

>there are fags out there that think this isn't a 9/10 because they aren't some fat mexican bitch

nigger and fat apologist detected





Imagine being Orson in that ad and having to be all like "damn, Paul Mason California champagne, you fuckin' fine, all delicious with your in-the-bottle fermentation and horrific faux-French monstrous taste. I would totally drink you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is drink another $5,000 Dom Perignon in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Orson and not only sit in that chair while the extra pours his disgusting California champagne in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing the suspicious-looking sediment building in it, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that pour. Not only having to tolerate the monstrous fucking taste but Paul Mason's haughty attitude as everyone on set says it's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, PAUL MASON CHAMPAGNE TASTES LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and drink the disgusting fucking piss water contorting your palette into horrific flavours you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been drinking nothing but a healthy diet of Krug and Bollinger and later alleged moonshine for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Wisconsin. You've never even drunk anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the chemical contaminants that fell into this mass produced sham pigswill as it's poured again and again for you, the extra smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in the "French quality (for that is what they call it)" taste, the taste they worked so hard for with fermentation techniques in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could break a bottle and stab everyone in this room, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Orson. You're drunk as fuck and don't know why the extra isn't doing anything. Just bear it. Slurr your lines and bear it.

>there are fags out there that think this isn't a 9/10 because they aren't some fat mexican bitch

i'm super duper gay and nothing would embarrass me more than you posting fat mexican girls for me to shame myself to

Imagine seeing this meme spammed everyday and having to be all like "damn, meme, you fuckin' fine, all funny with your tight copypasta and horrific reddit humor. I would totally have sex with this meme, both on reddit and 9gag." when all he really wants to do is fucking report another 16 year old on his computer. Like seriously imagine having to come to /tv and not only see this meme while shitposters flaunt their disgusting frogs in front of you, the favorable summerfags barely concealing her reddit identify, and just sit there, thread after thread, hour after hour, while they perfected their shitposts. Not only having to tolerate their monstrous fucking visage but their haughty attitude as everyone on Sup Forums tells them KEK and DAMN, THIS MEME IS SO FUNNY, UPVOTED!! because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch their cancerous fucking reddit taste contort into types of memes you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a nice poster of quality threads and film discussion and later alleged reddit posters for your ENTIRE THREADS coming straight out of their parent's basement in Australia. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can see the stench that's breaking out on their acne ridden faces as they post it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in their "euphoric (for that is what they call themselves)" memes, the memes they worked so hard for to fit into Sup Forums in the previous months. And then the OP calls for another thread, and you know you could kill every single person in this thread before the mods could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking insane. You're not going to lose your future involvement with Sup Forums over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

no rhythm


I honestly think the IMAGINE copypasta is the best one yet.

Imagine being the xenomorph in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Sigourney Weaver, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with white panties and gross flat ass. I would totally impregnate you, both my character and the real animatronic me." when all it really wants to do is lay eggs in another 16 year old in its dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be the xenomorph and not only hide in that ship while Sigourney Weaver flaunts her flat ass in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her legs going directly into her back, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she works it. Not only having to tolerate her disgusting fucking gluteus minimus visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SIGOURNEY WEAVER GOT A BOOTY LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her strut around in her disgusting granny panties; never before have you seen legs directly connect into someones spine before, no ass, no hips, you didn't even know that existed before today. You've been killing nothing but a healthy diet of colonists and later alleged space marines for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of LV-426. You've never seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's trickling down from her lower back to her knee caps as she shakes her ass to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to hide there and revel in her "voluptuous(for that is what she calls herself)" ass, the ass she worked so hard for with personal trainers in previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could eviscerate every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, cuz you're a fucking xenomorph. You're not going to lose your galactic conquest over this. Just bear it. Hide both mouths and bear it.

saved :^)

I don't give a fuck who you are or where you live, you can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I'll put you in so much fucking pain that it'll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don't give a fuck how tough you are, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I'll fucking show up at your house when you aren't home. I'll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You're going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you'll have a fucking heart attack. You'll go to the hospital for heart operation, and the last thing you'll see when you're being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed up like a doctor. When you wake up after the operation, you'll be scared for your fucking life, wondering what I did to you while you were being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You'll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out of the front door of that hospital to go home, I'll fucking run you over with my fucking car out of nowhere and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I'd rather go to a great fucking length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It's too fucking late to save yourself, but don't bother committing suicide either...I'll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitchfaced faggot. Welcome to hell, population: you.

>the favorable lighting barely concealing her legs going directly into her back
>looks at image
holy fucking kek

cool pasta, saved it in my Sup Forums doc for future use ;)

*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...

>(thanks i have many to share)

this is literally the biggest lack of ass I've ever seen on a woman

not even joking

Imagine being CIA in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Bane, you fuckin' big, all sexy with your tight mask and horrific androgynous monster voice. I would totally throw you out a plane, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is file another flight plan in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be CIA and not only stand in that plane while Bane flaunts his miniscule body for you, the favorable lighting barely concealing his platform shoes and fake muscles, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected his big. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking visage but his haughty attitude as everyone on set tells he's SO BIG and DAMN, BANE SOUNDS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and pretend to watch his fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day behind his mask. You've been calling in nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in CIA Academy. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his dimpled forehead as he sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "bigguyesque(for that is what he calls himself)" beauty, the beauty he worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then Nolan calls for another take, and you know you could shoot every single person in this room before the studio security could throw you out of the plane, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking CIA . You're not going to lose your career of being in charge here over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

I really really like this thread

imagine be missa in da scene and hav to be all likein "damn,eopie,yousa bombad okeeday,all sexy with yousa hairless body and horrific androgynous monster face.missa can total has sex with yousa,both missa character and da real missa.whena all missa real wanna doin is doo-doo another 16 year old gungan in missa dress room.likein serious imagine hav to be missa and no on sit in da chair while da cow flaunts her disgust fart hole in front of yousa,da favorable light great reveal her stretchmarks and leathery skin,and just sit der,take after take,hour after hour,while she bombad da fart.no on hav to tolerata her monstrous doo-doo visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she s still gotin it and damn,herbivores native toda planet tatooine look likein da?because thesa re no da ones who has to sit der watch her lengthy doo-doo gremlin face contort into types of grimaces yousa didn t even know exist before da day.yousa ve been doo-doo noth but a healthy diet of anakin s boy fronty doo-doo and later alleg rape victims for yousa entire career com straight out of da boonies in naboo.yousa ve never even seen anyth dis doo-doo disgust before,and now yousa swear yousa ganna tasta da sweat da s break out on her dimpl doo-doo as she sucka in to writhe it suggestive at yousa,smug assur da yousa enjoy da opportunity get paid to sit der and revel in her "statuesque (for da is what she calls herself)" beauty,da beauty she jobbin so hard for with personal farmers inda previous months.and then da director calls for another take,and yousa know yousa can kill every single person in dis room before da studio security can putin yousa down,but yousa sit der and endure,because yousa re doo-doo missa binks.yousa re no goin to nocomebackie yousa future political career over dis.just bear it.hide yousa face and bear it.

well done

what scene was this


>alleged space marines

Still fapped 2bh

Her problem was that she wasn't grinding on my dick like that.

>all sexy with white panties and gross flat ass

she was like a sexyfuck Carol Burnette

I kind of did when I was a kid, then I liked the latter half when I was a teenager and now I just like the whole thing


Looks like David Bowie


I can't imagine what it must have been like to film that scene

The galactic conquest line should be changed to a TFA reference to add another joke

>used to have this movie on tape growing up
>only material that had titties that wasn't some shitty health book
>fap to it religiously
The internet changed everything man

those tits are great

For me it's Trading Places that does it. Perfect tits and all. Busted many a nut on those two scenes.

she was born a hermaphrodite you pleb

Birth of a legend

Excellent variation

the fucking best