Are there any good movies about the Armenian Genocide?

Are there any good movies about the Armenian Genocide?

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>Armenian Genocide

But Armenians still exist, would it be like a science fiction/utopia movie?

Jews still exist. Are you saying the holocaust was not a genocide then too?


>The United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocides as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group".

Literally the guy who coined the term genocide gave the armenian one as an example.
Go away turkroach. Everyone but you considers a genocide.

The Armenians were attempting an armed insurrection.

It was a kill-or-be-killed situation.

Everyone but America, the only one that matters.

America is the only country that made Turks already pay for it.
Are you legitimately retarded?

Anyone else think its fucking disgusting that people use recognizing some past death as some sort of good thing?

>lol im germany I am literally doing nothing to help people
>lol I passed a law that recognizes ur genocide, u genocidal bastards!!
>haha we recognize that you genocided them! were so much better than you!
>we recognize the genocide, we are good, you are bad
>lol were france, weve done nothing to help people
>lol we recognize dat genocide, youre bad and were good
>people died and were using it as pawns to feel good in 2016
>people were gunned down and murdered and frenchies and krauts are using the statistics as political pawns to feel good about themself
>they can sit in Germany and do nothing except recognize death and feel good about it
>I can literally just sit in my house looking at death in history and feel good
>i can recognize it and paint you as the guy who commited it
>youre bad
>im good
>i sat on ,my fucking ass and read a history book and brought up these stastics of death
>im good because I recognize it
>youre bad because your ancestors were alive at the time it occured lol

Fuck off Germany, fuck off France, Turkey could bend you both over and fuck your asses, little eurocucks sitting in an office digging through past death statistics to look for excuses to feel good. Fucking disgusting.

Cenk Uyger is Turkish for Cuck Ogre

The holocaust literally did not happen

Is that how you roaches understood it?
Holy shit you guys are really the most retarded trash.

have le upvote

You sure told them Erdogan....

>Be Osmanli Empire
>Be at war with grear powers
>All the Turkish men leave their homes to fight while arm*nians stay in their caves
>suddenly they decide they want independence
>fight against turkish women and children
>get punished for their foolishness

Only arm*nian diasPOOra would get upset at the """""""genocide""""""""

>call yourself the young turks
>wants authoritarian style gun control for America

The irony is palpable, you can not make this shit up.


I can only really think of this, I've never seen it, but I can only assume it's about the Armenian Genocide by the title.

>name is Cenk
>it's pronounced Djenk

That's 978 replies.

When Tilo Sarrazin told me Turks had a decreased IQ because of the cultural practice of fucking their cousins, I thought it was just racism.
After hearing more and more of you braindead cavemen speak out I am not so sure anymore.

shut up redneck


The whole world laughs about your pathetic nation and its superiority complex, Turk.

