We're being hacked Sup Forums!

We're being hacked Sup Forums!
I'll create a GUI in Visual Basic to track the hackers IP adress and lock him behind the router node !

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Ummmm, no, more likely...
"We're being hacked...." keystroke noises "This guy's good..." Keystrokes intensify. "Got him!"

Oh God... they just bypassed the TCP IP address!

What the fuck
Is that an actual scene from the show ?

why didn't a single person on the entire set for filming that day speak up about how fucking retarded this was?


>they don't enable multi-hand keyboard hacking

>I need 10 minutes to hack in
>You have 5
>........... I'm in

>unplugs the monitor

Hack averted

>"I unplugged our monitor guys, that should stop the hacker in his tracks"

Top kek

I heard rumors that they did it on purpose , most of the producers of crime shows are in a competition to see who can create the most ridiculous IT scene Anyone under 50 won't understand is ridiculous

he must be the best player in every MMO that ever existed, I remember on bloodlust five when he solo'd an entire horde of bloodmud tribes.

That's impossible! It would take months to hack the DoD!

and she pronounced it "gooey"

>"You hold the high score in every Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing game"

>I just hacked his social networking pages: No activities for years, not even pageviews
>lock and load everyone, we got us ourselfs a lone gunman

>Lock and LOAD, we're about to.......level up

Mr. Robot Season 2


Thats proper...

>mfw 24 had way more realistic computer fuckery than (((NCIS)))

>she will NEVER eat your brains
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

>only reason I watched NCIS was because I wanted to see the guy and the Jewess fuck

What did he mean by this?

seriously tho

That's not liv

The were only pretending to be retarded user





it's alright we collected his hard drives

Not really, they just knew on 24 that they didn't know much about computers so they stopped mentioning them all the time.

>If I give you a phone number can you hack in and get all the email passwords associated with it?

NCIS is one of the most popular shows on television. They probably make like one million dollars per episode. Why would they complain in the face of that?


More realistic than (((NCIS))) 2bh


it's literally click bait for their show
hilarious to those who understands computers and serious to those who don't

fuck, I posted in the wrong tab

You've got a problem. Deadbolt's the number one password crack-resistant software out there. You're gonna have to get inside this guy's head to get the password.

Error: You cannot delete a post this old.

Holds powersupply

>tfw you realize writers intentionally try to troll people by doing this

There was an episode of Bones where the killer carved the source code to a computer virus into a skeleton.

When the scientists put the skeleton into their scanner, the virus compiled on their lab computers and deleted all of their files related to the investigation of the killer.

That's fucking retarded.

That's fucking hilarious.


for the love of god share a link to the video

are you serious

the guy coming in eating a sandwich with a huge grin always gets me

they knew

can't find it on youtube, this will suffice

>We're bringing the best hacker on the planet

>the malware caught the CPU on fire

jesus christ

>literally sets the place on fire


WTF is a socket and why did they open up so many in 24?

>criminal is hacking shit AND killing/kidnapping people
>cyber team always gets to him before homicide/missing persons

I guess in the CSI world, all the competent investigators left for Vegas, Miami, and NY.

fuck me jesus it's so bad

original was worse
>need to track ip address of someone on second life
>que chase scene

Is that the one where they reveal that a camwhore was actually a computer program by spamming ? on her until she decompiled?


This one has some gold in it

>John you must stop going to this IRC it's for hackers I saw it on TV go do your homework
>Shut up or i'll decode your backdoor

Eh. SQL injection kinda works that way.


>virus on skeleton kills their cpu fans and ignites the place
So has bones had a necromancer yet?

>analog code injection

you're probably not american. When I came to the US and noticed that they say "gooey" I was shocked as well. How can that be the "right" way to say it. I always pronounced it "gee you eye"


lmao no

>It's gone. He wrote a
self destruct virus into the code,
so it would only play until we try
to copy it. Then it erased itself.

Any guesses?