Le move very quickly in water country

>le move very quickly in water country

We are separated from the rest of yhe civilized world by two oceans tbf


Le world will be better place without us country


>le commit ethnic cleansing on their own population country

Bruh he said civilized. One of the cities depicted in that picture is literally moving. That's how small it is. Not like, they're glacially shifting, but they're small enough that their entire city voted to pick up and fuck off and just call somewhere else "Shishmaref" from now on.

>genuinely surprised that our swim team doesn't have more Martinez's & Rodriguez's

Mexico is more civilized than the average American city

Funny, I thought cities full of black people were Sweden's idea of a utopia

user I don't think you comprehend just how many thousands of miles in either direction from that point will you find "civilization"

you dropped your hat buddy

Hey, they won those medals fair and square. Every country has the option to send a large swimming team, most have the resources the train to compete so USA relying on swimming golds is the fault of every country for not trying hard enough.

>le kick asians off their bikes country

>he doesn't understand how cycling works

Korean guy didn't turn the corner properly, crashed into Cav and fucked himself over. Our guy dindu nuffin.

le rely on women country

le oppress our women country
le complain about the effects country

We can't help it that everyone else sucks at swimming. And it's pretty much that last thing our whites dominate.


>le can't drink the water country


maybe if you didn't drink so much water you'd be able to use urinals

n-nice comeback?

>le can't get drunk and have a good time country

They definitely do, have you ever seen a Brazilian soccer match? It's only a problem when one of ours does it

>what do you mean pee and flee isn't an event?

Hmm....You can't drink in football stadiums, it's prohibited by law.

Are you saying nobody gets drunk before games? I have a hard time believing that t b h

No we just sniff glue like civilized people

the butthurt is real

>le can only dive but still be shit at it in the Olympics country

what is the favelinho's drug of choice? Genuinely curious.

It actually is glue. Chlorophorm is acceptable as well

dont you have a genocide to be committing, Igor


>this triggers the non american

Alaska is actually Canadian

The States bribed Evil Lord Alverstone who had the swing vote. It was literal refjudge

get fucked leaf

want to trade Alaska for Newfoundland

>mexican casting couch

>le destroy very quickly the water country

>Le suction cups is not cheating country

>Le i ask to redo the race 3 times until i win it country

that's true, the world would be better without Serbia

>le swing from tree to tree country

All-time medals pre-Rio:
2 Soviet Union
3 Great Britain
4 Germany
5 France

Clearly it's those swimming medals.

>le move very quickly on feet country

>le move fast while sitting down country

Not if boats are involved.

Even if you arbitrarily took away all of the US swimming medals, they'd still win the medal count

>he doesn't know the single greatest trophy in sailing is named after America.



Where's Sarah Palin's house in that picture?

So is American football that doesn't make it relevant. Lot of gold that does you.



We do OK for an activity that has next to no participation here.

Is an boat a athlete?

That actually could be a great sport to watch. Maybe climbing will fill this role

Swimming is the only sport we dominate in. Here's athletics.

>responsible for last three wars in Europe
>country that helped break them up is the problem

Well I got EXPOSED.
Also aren't >we somewhere down there? I mean >we got some sailing medals like 100 years ago.

Swimming: Only +3 gold and +1 total medals. Not a huge difference there.

>remove swimming
>remove women's sports
>remove anything that's done while riding on some sort of equipment or animal(bikes, sailboats, horses)

There you go, the actual medal count. No need to thank me, just get on it and post the results.

Get whiter.

Thank you, I'm glad to see a Britt acknowledge that all of the swimming medals should be seen as an opportunity to score big, rather than just complain. So far only Hungary has picked up on this.

Why doesn't USA compete the medals in the 10km swim?

If I needed first aid I'd ask for it

You looked like you were drowning there with no boat and no ability to swim.
My mistake.

>le jumping into water really fancy country
Maybe if they tried staying in the water for a little while they could capitalize on those sweet sweet swimming golds.

Yeah, a gold in the 1-2 ton class in 1900.

>1-2 ton class
Sounds like it needs to come back.

>remove swimming
>remove women's sports
>remove all sports that rely on special equipment
>remove all sports that have judges instead of objective measures of victory
>remove all team sports
>remove all sports with third world competitors

The Olympics is now an Irishman and a Scotsman in a bar fight.



Are the pools warm?

wow it's almost like different countries are better at different things given demographics and cultural values

next you'll tell me norway is good at skiing GOLLY fucking GEE

parts of them are.

Yeah they're salty too.

sign him up!

There are huge differences between long distance runners/swimmer and short/mid distance runners/swimmer. Jamaica has never won a single medal in Olympic Marathon. Kenya/Ethiopia has never won a single medal at the Olympic 100m. The culture that produces great short/mid distance swimmer will not produce great long distance swimmer.

shouldn't greece be winning by a landslide?

>le hasn't won a world cup in 30 years country

They sold them all

>le Anglo Naval Tradition Meme

That's the reason lads.

>on a fucking velodrome
Nigger I don't think YOU know how cycling works

>le athletes that train in America country
oh wait
that's every country

>A country with lakes created by glaciers
>Floods happen every other week
>Surround by the Atlantic and Pacific.

Of course this country is the best in the water. The only question is how Greece, a first world nation with lots of islands isn't doing better.


The people on the ground are dirty mohammedans, Ramirez. Nothing of value was lost.

>le move past people quickly on a bicycle golden couple

>1 gold
>5 (five) silvers

>le shit in water country

>dominate in a traditionally white sport

swimming is a shit sport!

>dominate in basketball, gymnastics


Brazilians are actually only good in soccer now that I think about it.

Kek, in reality though greece became a shell of its former self when medals became a thing

You're also connected by land to Brazil so jokes on you cunt


>counting the Soviets

Them along with east Germany should be taken off all tables.