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What does /who/ think of the GOAT Doctor Who spinoff?
What about Ian Levine's masterpiece of a theme song?

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The Opening was superb, not just for the boobs. But the actual episode was dogshit.

content from channel 4

the last thread was awesome fun maybe the best ever

It was fun but we should restrain our shitposting most of the time, it would not be fun if /who/ was always like that.

gr8 b8


I said we need to restrain our shitposting.


Which one, /who/?

the old although the new ones look fancier of course.


The old, they were less anthropomorphized.

The macquettes they almost used for S5

wtf is this?

>characters that are supposed to be sympathetic should have rubber mask faces that all look the same and convey no expression
>creatures that are set up as a reflection of humanity shouldn't look anthropomorphized
wew laddies

we must always play it safe


I'm not sure what you mean. Would "playing it safe" be making the obviously correct choice of updating the designs or deciding to stick with the shit of the past just to please autistic fans? Either way, doing almost a straight remake of Doctor Who and the Silurians minus UNIT is pretty unambitious, but at least they did one thing right.

No, live threads are much, much worse. Not only is everyone arguing and samefagging, they're doing it while piling hate on every aspect of the show.

Agreed, live /who/ is worst /who/.

Live /who/ pre-season 7 was pretty optimistic and fun.

That's because a good majority still liked Moffat and he didn't become the new evil yet. Once Chibnall takes over everyone will hate on him and we can go back to liking Moffat again.

they wanted them to be sympathetic, so instead of trying to do that with non-humanoids they took the safe route.

they are also mean to be the original inhabitants of Earth not really a reflection of humanity.

>only human looking characters can be sympathetic

Silurians calling humans apes as an insult seems silly now that they look so similar

I honestly think the majority of /who/ regulars still like Moffat, but feel as if he's let them down one too many times. Moffat's best episodes are still miles ahead of RTDs best, but when Moffat fucks it up he does so royally. As an example, just look at the reaction Heaven Sent/Hell Bent got. It's almost universally agreed upon that HS is 12/10 GOAT, while most people either absolutely adore HB or think it's the worst finale yet.

>so instead of trying to do that with non-humanoids they took the safe route.
They're technically both humanoid, but yeah, they took the safe route instead of the retarded route.

>they are also mean to be the original inhabitants of Earth not really a reflection of humanity.
Nah, the point of pretty much ever silurian story is that they're just like us, only lizard-people.

No, you can make people sympathize with something that doesn't look human, it's just an uphill battle and there's really no point in this case. Making something less human makes it inherently less sympathetic. Generally, in terms of sympathy human sympathy, humans > other mammals > birds and lizards and shit > bugs and snakes and fish and shit > plants and bacteria and shit. And having something not be able to move its face at all REALLY makes it less sympathetic. These are things the Pertwee era was also aware of and took advantage of when possible, pic related, the silurian masks were just shitty, cheap masks. The only defense of them I can think is that you're supposed to think at first that the Silurians are typical monsters, which is what the old masks look like they're for.

Fair enough, there was even a line in The Hungry Earth implying they're in the same genus as us which is fucking retarded. Seems like a pretty minor point though.

It's more positive during off-season but most of the people who are around during on-season don't like him which is who I was referring to.

Don't want the old rubber masks back m8, I prefer the old design allowing that was the best they could do at the time. I don't see why they couldn't have come up with some less humanoid looking new designs. Even some kind of third eye and contact lenses could have served to make them less human looking. NuWho already has creatures that achieve a better balance of looking non human without resorting to unmoving rubbery masks for faces.

Third eye would have actually been cool, but I still maintain the nusilurians are better than the original. Not to say their design couldn't be improved further, although it probably won't be unless they go away for a long time again.

>Once Chibnall takes over everyone will hate on him
>he isn't hyped for the Chibnall diamond age

I'd rather Doctor Who be a show that tried to teach viewers they can sympathise with beings whether they look like us or not.

Who nose, Vastra being a recurring character is the only reason we've seen them past the Silurians story in S5. And it seems like Moffat might be done with Vastra and co., especially now that Clara's gone, since they were pretty linked to her story. Chibnall wrote the Silurian story in S5 and referenced them again in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship though.

But it already did/does that all the time with much weirder shit like starwhales, no need to shoot the Silurians in the foot.

I disagree that would be shooting them in the foot. I think people like seeing weird looking stuff on Who. The rest is down to how the part is written. Hell, the Slitheen had moments where they could be sympathetic, and I thought they were generally disgusting looking.

/who/ is deceased.


possibly diseased as well

Oh, so THAT'S what that rash is.

>muh comfy night/who/
>one post every 20 minutes
Nightfags will defend this.

both day and night are shit now
/who/ is shit

So I'm on the last episode...

Can anyone explain to me why the recontruction of this particular serial is utter shit? The photoshopped faces and computer generated sets seem particularly awful here. Why? I'm gonna push through the last episode tonight so I can finally start The Daleks Master Plan, but good god this was a struggle to get through.

How have the reconstructions been, up until this point? The only reconstructed serials I've seen are The Tenth Planet (before it was animated) and The Moonbase, which were pretty good.

It may be one where Cura didn't do telesnaps, or they were lost too for some reason. Haven't seen it myself though.

I just started The Two Doctors and Jamie mentioned Victoria... does that mean this is meant to be 2 and Jamie during season 5 or something? And why does Jamie know about the Time Lords? He didn't learn about them until War Games.

Conveniently enough, there's an entire rabbit hole of autism and non-canon 90's material to answer that question.

S E A S O N 6 B

There are no telesnaps from the Wiles era. Even so
>The Myth Makers
>a struggle to get through

>mfw looking this up

Holy chinballs... that's a lot of headcanon to sort through. Interesting idea though.

Also this from the article
>It was almost six months between the end of War Games and the beginning of Spearhead, easily the longest gap between new televised episodes of Doctor Who up to that time.
They didn't know how good they had it

They've been quite excellent, IMO. Marco Polo was quite enjoyable, but it makes sense that they'd have a bunch of material saved since that was season 1 and they were promoting the show out of their arse. Keep in mind that I haven't really watched many though; season 3 is where things really go down hill missing episode wise. Mission to the Unknown was the first completely lost "serial" I had encountered.

I guess that explains it.

I don't really have any qualms with the story itself, but the reconstruction was abysmal. I honestly would have preferred simply listeing to the audio to what LC offered up here.

>The Opening was superb, not just for the boobs.

Arthur Darvill said Chibnall told him some of his ideas for Doctor Who and they're "really good"

They bounce a bit when she's running I guess...

What I want to know is, who's the "Company"?

In what circumstances would that happen? Is Arthur involved in Broadhcurch or something?

I'm ready for new who's first golden age though.

Yeah, he's been in every series of Broadchurch. Series 3 is filming currently.

>Is Arthur involved in Broadhcurch or something?
Yeah, he had a fairly big role (which Chinballs wrote for him apparently). Don't know if he's going to be in S3 though.

Sarah Jane and her cousin or whatever.

>Don't know if he's going to be in S3 though.
Nevermind, I've just seen .

could they be fresh?
one plot that I've gotten tired of is the Doctor losing someone and nearly going to far.

Well what else would he say? "Chris was telling me about some of his ideas for Dr Who and it sounds fucking awful."

Don't forget the one where he knows he's got to die and has nothing to lose.

Well he said this unprompted, no one asked him about Chibnall or Doctor Who.

to be fair, I'm not sure what else they could go with the Doctor.
introduce family members, like his brother? have him exiled somewhere again?


when has this happened? Hell Bent obviously but what are the other times


I'm keen to have Brax introduced into the show but how about some stories that don't revolve around the Doctor? I want story arcs to leave anyway, to be perfectly frank.

10 and 11 both had "knowing you're going to die" arcs too.

this was meant for

>Silence arc, inevitable death at Lake Silencio
>ToTD, inevitable death on Trenzalore
>Lake/Flood, inevitable death because he saw his own ghost

These are just off the top of my head, there's probably more - along with characters falling off roofs, it's one of Moff's favorite tropes

I dunno man, I'm not a writer. But even just School Reunion: Susan Edition would be better than more shit like this

i replied to the wrong post

The Snowmen, I guess.

I guess Waters Of Mars? He doesn't really lose anyone does he? I never really understood why he goes crazy in that one desu.

the whole Time victorious arc, I'm talking about the idea of the Doctor going dark as a source of drama.

even if the doctor's character is in the background I think in the modern era they have to come up with a direction to take the character, otherwise it might come across as flat.

The Snowmen shares some similar dialogue with HB too.

sorry, I always forget to check what's been posted while I was typing

what dialogue?

when did he go too far in that?

yeah i remember this one now. you could say he loses it becuase this is after he gets cucked by his own clone and loses donna but i didn't think they integrated that well. are these it?

>the whole Time victorious arc
Can one episode really count as an arc?

Just a reminder that Moffat had the chance to make the Doctor's character fascinating by using the return of Galifrey but squandered it on "Clala my Clala."

10th doctor was like that since his first appearance, waters of mars was it finally coming out.

it would have been better if waters of mars aired after journeys end. there was two episodes between it where he acted normal.

He quit traveling just because he lost Amy & Rory and acted like a little bitch.

Both 11 and 12 say "Clara Who?" in it and

>11: It was my fault. I am responsible for what happened to Clara. She was in my care.

>12: I had a duty of care.

>VASTRA: So then, Doctor, saving the world again? Might I ask why? Are you making a bargain with the universe? You'll save the world to let her live?
>11: Yes. And don't you think, after all this time and everything I've ever done, that I am owed this one?

>12: After all this time, after everything I've done, don't you think the universe owes me this?

how is that him 'going too far' though?

I'm honestly surprised that wasn't a controversial episode. For a large chunk of fans, it was the first gallifrey story. They'd been waiting a decade for this. And then the entire plot revolves around Clala and gallifrey becomes a backdrop.

How is it not? Seems like an overreaction to me.

Huh. Haven't seen The Snowmen in years so never noticed. Wonder if it was intentional or Moffat subconsciously ripped himself off.

Maybe it's an overreaction but that's not 'nearly going too far'. I thought you were talking about breaking his codes in your original post, like he does in Waters of Mars and Hell Bent.

Precisely. I hate Hell Bent for that very reason. It was 32 years (if I remember correctly) between the last Gallifrey story and Hell Bent. The first 20 or so minutes are excellent, but once I realized it was all about Clara I was pissed. I dunno, man. Read this: doctorwhogeneral.wikia.com/wiki/Hell_Bent

Showing more of Gallifrey always makes the Doctor less fascinating IMO. Even in the few Gallifrey episodes that aren't shit like most of them have been.

I dunno, I'm not OP but it seems like he did break his code in that episode by letting himself become cruel.

Oh, I assumed you were the OP. When was he cruel? When he called Strax a potato?

>It was 32 years (if I remember correctly) between the last Gallifrey story and Hell Bent.
If you're a fucking pleb who doesn't read books maybe.

I actually appreciate Moffat trying to play with our expectations, he looks for Gallifrey but Gallifrey finds him. my main issue was with Clara's exit itself.

It might be a case of different expectations but I still feel there was some wasted opportunity, perhaps have to doctor go on some long 'quest' to find it, go to different dimensions or find some Eternals to consult.

I also thought it might be good if Gallifrey was changed drastically because of various circumstances, perhaps a new order has taken over and the Timelords are more competent or it's been demolished and the people resent the doctor but thats just me.


Yeah I agree with this. I loved all the Gallifrey/Time Lord stories when watching through the classic series, they always got me excited, but they've killed lots of mystery and potential in the series.

Gallifrey was a mistake.

Wasn't the whole episode about him having turned into an asshole? "The Doctor is not kind" etc.

Shwoing more of Gallifrey wasn't necessaery. It would have been cool, but not required.

Imagine a series finale centred around a power struggle between the Doctor and Rassilon, with The Doctor eventually overpowering/outwitting him and the High Council to seize control of Gallifrey and quitely reestablish the Time Lords in the universe proper, and at the very end uses an extraction chamber to see Clara one last time. I think that would have been fucking cool.

Or ear stories, but you know what I meant.

Those are also really cool ideas. Too bad Moffat is a fucking hack.