This fucking episode

>this fucking episode

eh, i'd consider it proto zombie era, but it has the funny mr sparkle bit

Classic episode.

Wrong episode, that's the one where Marge works for the church.

Looking back when I use to watch the Simpsons as a kid, before I could even read, it was such a based cartoon, I'm sure it was the basis to my humour also, it's too pc nowadays

oh. well that one had a forgettable A plot too i guess

whereto start with simpsons

Season 1, Episode 1. Duh.

You can skip the first 2 seasons, even the 3rd feels a bit dated now.

Was Lisa the first fedora?

This and the Burns alien episode both scared me as a kid and feels weird to watch them now. Especially this one

fuck off

literally fight me in real life

Was this a reference to that weird Christopher Walken movie about angels? I think Casey Jones was in it.

Just about to post something along the lines of this. Lisa was so euphoric in this episode.

The Prophecy.

There are like 4 or 5 of those movies now. And Walken is in all of them.

>le kkkristians are le stupid and they hate le based science xD

Episode felt like it was written by a 12-year-old with a rebellious vendetta against his parents.

I will you fucking faggot


it's a fucking mess

Congratulations, you've figured out the type of person that becomes a writer.

sabe pa

Being a published writer in this era is not a badge of honor. Instead it is a brand burned upon your forehead that screams out that you either sold out or drank the cool aid.