Has anyone else watched this?

Has anyone else watched this?

I found it mildly amusing and sometimes depressing, 7/10

No. No one else has watched that. It was made exclusively for you, after all.

the feels are extremely overrated and very cliche

but the jokes are very funny

it's a lousy "dramedy" but a really good sitcom


10/10 best Netflix original - on the shortlist for best ongoing TV series currently.


found it pretty boring

soneone drew this lmao


>mildly amusing and sometimes depressing, 7/10
pretty good description and rating


if you like this check out f is for family.

Really makes you think

I enjoyed it for the most part. Things felt kind of rushed and "off" near the end of season two though. For example:

I really didn't care for how they tied up the Secretariat subplot. The whole CGI thing felt like a cop-out for writer's block toward the whole situation.

I completely understood the motivation for Bojack going after Penny, but the whole progression seemed heavy handed and, again, rushed.

I get that Mr. Peanutbutter is a forgiving/ sensitive guy, but I'd be real fucking pissed at Diane. It just seemed like another cop-out to tie loose ends up.

All that said, I'm optimistic for season 3.


So what do you want to see in Season 3?

bojack to get famous and become happy and the rest of the group to fail this season

But is 9/10, user

Bojack ends up killing himself.

Bojack reminds me of myself, which is sad. Except I'm not rich.

I can only imagine what hell it must be for the people who can actually understand this image .


I wanted Bojack to get out of the city and have a whole Charlotte arc with new a new cast and basically him escaping the Hollywoo life--the source of his sadness, which they delivered, but condensed into a few eps.

I was hoping they got rid of Diane by making her go with that Tiger philanthropist guy, but that didn't go through.

Fandom will just keep forcing some kind of love angle even though she's awful and shoehorning in Todd and Mr PB for no reason.

S1 was pretty weak though - sub-Family Guy material up until about episode 6. A redemptive ending to the show doesn't seem out of the question but Bojack seems almost doomed to fuck up anything he's involved with, despite not consciously trying to, so for the show to end with him having left Hollywoo for good and starting completely afresh wouldn't be in keeping with his character.