ITT: we share our favorite methods for torturing, raping and slaughtering Finnish people

ITT: we share our favorite methods for torturing, raping and slaughtering Finnish people

Here's my favorite:

The Brazen Bull

>Also known as the Sicilian Bull, it was designed in ancient Greece. A solid piece of brass was cast with a door on the side that could be opened and latched. The victim would be placed inside the bull and a fire set underneath it until the metal became literally yellow as it was heated. The victim would then be slowly roasted to death all while screaming in agonizing pain. The bull was purposely designed to amplify these screams and make them sound like the bellowing of a bull.

Would love to see some Finnshits suffering in that :)

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably gibbeting

"In earlier times up to the late 18th century, live gibbeting also took place in which the condemned Finn was placed alive in a metal cage and left to die of thirst."

Narco-tier execution. Just hangin' on the street, just a sun-withered bag of bones dying of thirst and being eaten alive by crows. No big deal.


Fuck Finland btw

they would probably have to give him some sort of a drug to keep him conscious. that's what the mexican cartels do. but i doubt the greeks had that back then. so he would have passed out from pain pretty quickly, no?

Also what you need to add to all of these torture techniques is a group of people standing really close to the Finn which would amplify his pain a great deal.


This method here. But I'd use it on filthy *ndians instead of Finns. It's called Scaphism.

>The intended victim was stripped naked and then firmly fastened within the interior space of two narrow rowing boats (or hollowed-out tree trunks) joined together one on top of the other with the head, hands and feet protruding.
>The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey, and more honey would be poured on the victim to attract insects, with special attention devoted to the eyes, ears, mouth, face, genitals, and anus.
>The victim would then be left to float on a stagnant pond or be exposed to the sun. The defenseless individual's feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects which would eat and breed within the victim's exposed flesh, which—pursuant to interruption of the blood supply by burrowing insects—became increasingly gangrenous.
>The individual would lie naked, covered from head to toe in milk, honey, and his own feces.
>The feeding would be repeated each day in some cases to prolong the torture, so that fatal dehydration or starvation did not occur.

Making them accept the Mongoloid nature and lack of history/achievements of the Finnish race. It drives them beyond butthurt into mindless rage and despair as the Finnish denialist mindset clashes with racial/historical facts, leaving the savage Finn in a deep state of existential confusion.

this one always turns me on lol

Seriously though, when will we start killing Finnshits?

should've let Russia finish the job

wtf delete this you selfhating rantahurri!!!!!!! ReeEeeeEEEE REPORTED REEEEEEEEE IT'S NOT FAIR I WISH I WAS GERmanic :_;

STOP bullying Finns

Forgot the name bruh.

i know



Well, that was embarrassing

Forgot the proxy bruh.

Why are Europeans so sick and twisted when it comes to execution? I thought cutting off some guy's head was bad, but leaving some dude to die a slow death in some kind of metal cage or to burn someone in an iron bull? WTF?

Medieval times were crazy

Cutting someone's head off is bad to you? An instantaneous death is bad? Heh. You're so innocent kid. Someday you'll realize that.

Sensory deprivation works pretty well. From Wikipedia:
>extended or forced sensory deprivation can result in extreme anxiety, hallucinations, bizarre thoughts, and depression.
Although it doesn't differ much from your usual Finnish thinking


Yes yes you're superior? I'm gonna take some freedoms here and say that you're the pic related since you spam this shit 24/7 and don't know any proper finnish.

>that disgusting flag

Didn't read + hided


Post Finnish girls that you would rape and/or kill

Saw Torture

>In this method, the victim is hung upside down, so that the blood will rush to their heads and keep them conscious during the long torture. The torturer would then saw through the victims’ bodies until they were completely sawed in half. Most were cut up only in their abdomen to prolong their agony.

Any Finns would like to go hang upside down for a second?

I oscillate between loving and hating Finnish posters


Sounds good imo

Seriously, the bullying against Finn members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Finns are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only trans-Finn man who finds it hard to take pride in his own people after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Russians? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful nice as fuck country?

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call a Finn man a "mongol" to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Finn man that they are a "horse nigger"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

My favourite way of raping is with my dick. No copying though, it's my original method

>t. finn with a proxy

F*nns objectively deserve nothing but genocide.

If you think otherwise, you're a finnshit nigger

EXTREMELY rude post
I repot u

>he doesn't recognize a shitty pasta

Rat Torture

>Being in an enclosure with rats is torture enough; but apparently, this is not enough for medieval times. One of the most sadistic of all torture techniques involved having a cage with one open side strapped against the victim’s body. It would then be filled with large rodents and a heating element which would be placed on the other side of the cage. The rodents’ natural instinct led them to flee the intense heat. In order to escape they would burrow through the victim’s body with fatal results.

Shits dope.

If you're gonna trigger us atleast do it when there's actual people to trigger. Since there just few drunk people left here.

stay mad niggers :DD

Imagine some big titted finn whores in this one

Breast Ripper

>Though women were also subject to many of the torture techniques on this page, this is one that was specifically designed for them. Used to cause major blood loss, the claws, which were often red hot, would be placed on the exposed breasts as the spikes penetrated beneath the skin. It would then be pulled or jerked causing large chunks of flesh to come off with it.

put a Sup Forums finn into a room with girls

>finn sluts
>big titted

no, all finn-animal whores are flat chested and ugly as fuck


weird thing is he started this thread at 5 am india ntime. he could have waited a few hours until finland wakes up. but no.



Good post

Go away monkey.

Love these pictures

Not bad


Where do you find these?

Just google medieval execution methods

Fantastic thread, bump

kill yourself

Here during our dictatorship days they would use an electric chair or also rape you with a boiling piece of iron.

IMO the worst ones are those where youre buried in the mud and only your head sticks you, so they would stone you to death, or just leave you therr until worms eat you alive.

Stop being cunts to Finland or you're all going to get a bigger share of refugees for the rest of eternity.

>t. finnish diaspora

You will be killed, every single one of you.

And your dead bodies will be disposed along with nuclear waste.

you havent killed yourself?

No why would I?

Go fuck yourself finnfuck

because youre on a proxy and its cringy. kys

get off the proxy you cringy sack of piss.

Oh so you're projecting, ok

There it is.
Circumference is 50 fucking centimeters.

Does any of you actually think that you could manage me in a street scenario? Can you even image yourself opening your mouth and looking anywhere expect your shoes while I grab your woman's ass and fuck her? That's right you can't. You will sit in a fetal position ducking your thumb while I move 45kg weights in a scott barbell curls positioning.
Thanks to these I have immense power that you will never have.

Alright now you know your places fucking rats. I had to inform you how things go in real life because here in Internet many think they are taught boys while trolling between hell and heven. If you meet me in a bar you better keep yourself in your cage for your own sake while I try out your women so she could get a real alphas dick.
Irritated? No can do. I enjoy my life.

hail my finnish brother

Mitä vittua sinä oikein sanoit minusta, senkin pikku narttu? Tiedäkin, että valmistuin aikoinani luokkani huippuna Laivaston Erikoisjoukoista, ja että olen osallistunut lukuisiin iskuihiin Al-Quaedaa vastaan, ja että minulla on yli 300 vahvistettua tappoa. Olen saanut koulutusta gorillasodankäynnistä ja olen koko Yhdysvaltojen asevoimien paras tarkka-ampuja. Et ole minulle mitään muuta, kuin yksi kohde muiden joukossa. Liiskaan sinut tarkkuudella, jonka veroista ei ole koskaan ennen tällä pallolla nähty, näetpä vittu vielä. Luuletko, että voit vain puhua minulle tuollaista paskaa Internetissä? Mieti uudestaan, molo. Tälläkin hetkellä olen ottamassa yhteyttä salaiseen, koko Yhdysvallat kattavaan vakoilijaverkostooni ja IP-osoitettasi jäljitetään juuri nyt, joten parasta varautua myrskyyn, mulkku. Tämä myrsky puhaltaa pois sen säälittävän heinän, jota sinun elämäksi kutsutaan. Olet vitun vainaa, kakara. Voin olla missä vain, milloin vain, ja voin tappaa sinut yli seitsemälläsadalla tavalla, ja sekin vain paljain nyrkein. Sen lisäksi, että olen huippukoulutettu kamppailulajeissa, minulla on myös käytössäni koko Yhdysvaltojen Laivaston asearsenaali; otan siitä kaiken irti ja lakaisen sillä surkean olemuksesi pois tältä mantereelta, senkin pikku paska. Jos vain olisit tiennyt, millaisen epäpyhän kostoretken "nokkela" pieni kommenttisi oli kaatamassa niskaasi, niin ehkä olisit malttanut kielesi. Mutta et voinut, et malttanut, ja nyt maksat siitä hinnan, senkin kirottu idiootti. Paskon raivoa kaikkialle yllesi ja tulet hukkumaan siihen. Olet vitun vainaa, nappula!

This fucking language, disgusting

Just kill them already

तुमने क्या कहा मेरे बारे में, साली कुतिया? तुम्हें बता दूँ मैंने RSS में प्रथम श्रेणि से स्नात्तक पास की है, और मैं कई नैतिक आरक्षी छापेमारी में भी शामिल रहा हूँ, और मैंने 300 से ज्यादा गऊ माताओं को संरक्षित किया है। मैंने अपना प्रशिक्षण स्वयंसेवक संघ से प्राप्त किया है और मैं शिखर का संघी हूँ इस पूरे देश में। तुम मेरे लिए कुछ नही केवल अन्य एक और पाकिस्तानी हो। तुम्हे मैं अपने त्रिशूल से ऐसे नष्ट करूँगा जैसे इस दुनिया में किसी ने देखा ना हो, मेरे शब्द याद रखना। तुम्हें क्या लगता है, तुम मुझे ऐसे कड़वे वचन इंटरनेट पर बोलकर बच जाओगे? दोबारा विचार करो, मूर्ख। अभी, जिस षण हम बात कर रहे हैँ मैं अपने संघी गुप्त गिरोह, जोकि पूरे भारत में फैला है, के संपर्क में हूँ और तुम्हारे आईपी का पता लगाया जा रहा है इसी षण, इसीलिए उपद्रव के लिए तैयार हो जाओ, कीड़े। ऐसा उपद्रव जो उस छोटी दयनीय चीज़ को नष्ट कर देगा जिसे तुम अपना जीवन कहते हो। तुम मृत हो, बच्चे। मैं कहीं भी हो सकता हूँ, किसी भी षण, और मैं तुम्हें सात सौ से ज्यादा तरीक़ों से समाप्त कर सकता हूँ, वो भी खाली मेरी छड़ी से। ना केवल मैंने व्यापकता से छड़ी युद्ध में प्रशिक्षण लिया है, मेरे पास संघ की पूरी शस्त्रशाला का अभिगम है, और मैं इसका पूरे विस्तार से प्रयोग करूँगा तुम्हारी तुच्छ नितंब को इस महाद्वीप से मिटाने में, छोटे मल। केवल अगर तुम जान पाते तुम्हारी इस "चालाक" टिपण्णी का क्या अपवित्र प्रतिदण्ड होगा, तो शायद तुम अपनी कमबख्त जीभ को आयोजित रखते। लेकिन तुम नही कर सकते थे, और तुमने नही किया, और अब तुम उसका मूल्य चूका रहा हो, साले मुर्ख| मैं तुम्हारे ऊपर हग दूंगा, और तुम उसमें डूब जाओगे| तुम मृत हो, बच्चे|


honestly got no idea how you're suppose to read this at any reasonable speed, after a while they just blend together

Come at me, nigger

Poo in loo currynigger


>literal nigger calling others nigger


Got the same picture with better quality?


I need it

>stab f*nn in the throat
>watch him/her suffocate on blood while shedding a tear or two

Best feeling in the entire world.

This is so autistic. Reporting this spam
By the way, Finland is so superior to India.

Supporting what the Brazilians said on Indians and anyone who posts this thread really.

Please stop it. Don't you have any humanity?


Finn-animals should be boiled alive, like the Chinks boil dogs.

Stop posting from a proxy you freak.

Hey it's the Finn with proxy/Finn diaspora again!


I'm not Finnish at all.

Good ol' Sturmi

The irony

it is against the rules to post that you reported someone

oh dear :^)
The thing is, there's no irony

i like to fuck cute finn boys to death

Here is the ultimate torture
I put them really close to each other
Imagine this IRL

just look at them

they're not humans, but cattle

no, they're humans


A homemade electric chair tbqh

*fucks you up*



drop the proxy already