What was the Sup Forums consensus on the latest episode of Top Gear?

What was the Sup Forums consensus on the latest episode of Top Gear?

I didn't watch it but it was awful

Dog shit, Chris Evans should an hero. Only good parts were with Harris. Haven't watched the episode yet.


Sabine driving the audi at laguna seca was the only good part

we were too busy talking about the shooting to watch it

chris evans literally has no ass

Didn't watch it. FACT.


>I can't believe you need a license to buy a gun but you can just walk in and get one of these

wew lad

good thing nobody watched this or bbc would be getting so many hate calls

They should have had Chris Evans driven around London instead of Joey



>The highly controversial scenes of cars 'donutting' near the Cenotaph war memorial cost licence fee-payers £100,000 to film, but was cut out of the show.

I sure hope you guys don't actually pay your license fees

The segments from the other presenters were really good. I can feel Chris Evans being slowly phased out so I will continue watching.


I feel so sorry for Matt LeBlanc. He is a great guy. I really cant believe he knew what he was doing when he signed up to work with that ginger motor rubbish mouth idiot. I am thinking he is looking for a get out clause in his contract.


He looks depressed on the show.

He's the only tolerable one. And you can tell he hates Chris Evans.

Didn't bother to watch it. I couldn't finish the first or second episode so i have given up on it. If they try to do an epic road trip type special i will check it.

FACT. I really do not want to watch it, the chemistry between the hosts is gone.

The chemistry between the two extra gear guys is decent. BBC should just have Matt host the show with them.