What's Sup Forums's political compass look like?

I've been wondering if you guys are all liberal or what.

Other urls found in this thread:


people who call Trump a nazi should be sentenced to time-travel deportation to Poland in 1939

wrong board
mu isn't one person

on behalf of mu, i can safely say that we are raging liberal

im alt right bc i get hot right wing bitches

I'm a dedicated Vermin Supreme-ist.

Back to Sup Forums with you. This is irrelevant to music.

id guess like 60% leftists and 40% Sup Forums

this is mine

and my favourite album is emergency and i

typical Sup Forums users are probably 70%ish liberal or democratic with about 20% casual republican and 10% hardcore openly alt right
definitely the most liberal board

Spekr is weird since it updates as you select options.
I try to hide it using my thumb. Wish it was less questions too.

The worst kind of pinkos.


On average Sup Forums would be 3rd quadrant

this is a bad test

the questions are all unnuanced and following basic logic you end up being a lefty

fuck leftists

>definitely the most liberal board

Post-industrial and black metal are my go to genres

i haven't taken one of these tests in a long time, my position on the spectrum has changed pretty dramatically since then.

I was actually dead center and like a third into the libertarian sector socially, but I don't know much about economics and my political views are changing.

how long have you been wanting to post this that you posted it so early

Centrist/Liberal (ish)

My fav genres would be post-punk, ambient, experimental

Hey dudes

well its not like there's a lot of country discussion here

I'm the best itt, calling it right now.

>what is /lit?

Nice views friendo, libertarian centrist is the way to be

Sup Forums is Nazbol

I'm a fashy goy and a highly redpilled White nationalist. I think Genocide is good

yu fuckin wot mate?

how far is Sup Forums on the autistic spectrum?

I know a lot of musicians are leftists but unlike modern day SJW lefties I can listen to people with different opinions and not get triggered to the high heavens.

How do you feel about white genocide?

It's bad.


What genocide is good?

You're not on the left if you're on the right. Just saying.

this is pretty accurate but the questions are a little less nuanced than I would have liked.

fave genres are jazz, math rock, punk, and black metal.

high functioning, until you take away their tendies

Economic freedom is an euphemism for exploitation. Full cooperative economy now!

I got centrist and I'm a hip hop head


the fuck is a libertarian socialist

I like folk rock, dark ambient, blues, and check 'em


On spekr now

/lit/ has a very vocal conservative minority, though.

I do believe its a fancy way of saying Marxist-Leninist Lite

spekr is a fucking awful site that means nothing. The whole system is ridiculous, you get things like "suicide should be legal" and "all governments institutions and services should be privatized" worth the same number of points

that's not even communism you stupid fuck

daily reminder that greensquares should be hung from bridges for all to see

>Hung from bridges for all to see
That's not very nice of you : (

ancom is still com, you stupid fuck

why don't you throw me out of a helicopter kek


ayy lmao

my views fluctuate between Sup Forums and ancap

Rojava's lasted 4 years so far and seems to be doing fine

r u d e

>not /lgbt/

hip hop because I think it sounds nice.
prog rock because I think it sounds nice.
art pop because I think it sounds nice.
vaporwave because I think it sounds nice.

if you let your political views influence your views on music then you're not ever going to be able to truly enjoy music.

>gulag memes
you're making is look bad homie