Be a small-time screenwriter trying to break out of the hood

>be a small-time screenwriter trying to break out of the hood
>your brother dies in a ball match
>get a gig at Warner Bros doing office paperwork
>see Will Smith walking through the offices one day smiling and meeting everyone, bro as fuck
>now's my chance
>tell him I love his work and can't wait to see what he does with Deadshot
>something changes in his eyes, just for an instant, he looks me up and down and his whole demeanor changes "T-thanks, user." Goes back to smiling and meeting everyone
>Will leaves and we finish our day
>after work I go to the parking lot and Will is leaning against my car (I don't know how he found out) and says, "Let's go for a ride." I'm not like that but...
>he wants to see the hood. I drive through and we see a ball match, I tell him about my brother. Will is mostly silent the whole time, rubbing his chin thoughtfully and I can tell he isn't really present.
>"I'm hungry," he says quietly. We go to a small diner and he asks, "Did you mean what you said, about looking forward to Suicide Squad?" I happened to have on a DC shirt under my work shirt so I show him and tell him about reading old DC books with my bro. Shazam was always my favorite but Deadshot was always the most badass. I drop my spaghetti and start gushing about films like Independence Day and Seven Pounds. He smiles and says thank you, this time from his heart. We finish dinner and I ask where next. He says a cab will pick him up and so we part ways, I assumed forever.

>next day at work my manager comes by "They need you upstairs."
>A secretary I've never seen before takes me to a small empty conference room where a sandy haired woman is sitting and staring at her phone. She doesn't look up when I enter. "Hello?"
>"Hey buddy!" Will Smith flies into the room and slaps my back. "Deborah, this is user!" The woman looks up and shakes my hand.
>"You're a writer."
>"From the hood."
>"Perfect. As you know, we're about to reshoot parts of Suicide Squad to make it more accessible and better build the brand. We're having some trouble and would like a fresh perspective."
>She says she wants me to come in to the writing group and help troubleshoot. Will smiles and we all go to another conference room, this one full of about twenty scribes all talking at once. I'm not even introduced just seated between a cute girl with glasses and some heavy androgynous thing. At the head of the table there's a shill male loudly cackling and making dramatic gestures. He's the reason this falls apart.


>The whiteboard is full of act notes, I try to understand everything but most of it makes references to scenes as numbers so it's unreadable to me. Will is leaning against the back wall and staring off into the distance. Deborah stands up and claps her hands. Introduces me and we get started.
>shrill male starts talking about Emperor Joker and his magic powers. He starts talking about changing reality and shamans and talking to spirits. Deborah nods. A scribe begins writing quotes from Corinthians on the board and everyone is flipping through the Bibles and other holy texts scattered about the table
>meeting continues, I'm just getting more and more lost. So is everyone else it seems since we're back to shouting over each other. Deborah keeps slapping the table and saying, "We need a clear hero character!" I ask what the story is and everyone looks at me like I've just committed a massive transgression. I apologize and explain that if I knew the story I could help.
>Will asks what I think the story should be, the only time I've heard him speak since entered the room.
>see the character names and actor profiles. Well...
>Harley is the center but not he main character. The story should be Deadshot seeking redemption, the whole story should be characters trying to escape their past. Except for Katana and Harley, both of whom are trapped in the past. Harley for Joker and Katana has her quest for revenge. Characters die every ten minutes or so once we hit the second until Harley betrays Deadshot and Katana and goes to be with Joker. Deadshot seems to die and Flagg is taken out, leaving Katana to finish the mission and kill Joker Lady Snowblood style. Final action piece, Katana sneaks into Joker's lair and kills his goons, making her way to J and Harley. Gets caught but wait, Deadshot is back and he rescues her. They decide to part ways after defeating Joker, Harley is sent back to prison.

>Will looks really excited. I can tell he was digging being the surprise hero who unfucks everything
>shrill man starts blasting it apart from top to bottom, "You can't just sneak up on Emperor Joker at full power!" Starts insulting me personally and laying into me
>wtf oh no you don't. Start firing back, a heated debate ensues.
>Deborah hisses, "user get out."
>Thunderstruck. Why? "We invited you here to lend an authentic street perspective not harass and belittle our chief writing staff. You're fired."
>I get up and walk to the door
>"user. As you go. Know that I too share your beliefs on witchcraft and occultism." These are the last words I hear from Deborah as the door closes
>drive back to the hood
>they're playing ball again
>get out and a stray ball hits me in the chest
>I'm on the ground bleeding out and accept the nothingness my life was always meant to be. At least I'll get to be with my bro again, in the sky

That's a nightmare I just had and I wanted to share it with you before I fully woke up and forgot it. Thanks for reading Sup Forums.

Wow did you really type all that out?

>That's a nightmare I just had
Your nights seem like fun

Fuck you

I feel like this... is all true up until the last post which is a lame dream gag to cover his ass. Who types all that?


Where's the twist were you were will and the ball hits the thugs who were up to no good?

Not really I woke up sweating and breathing heavy

Would be interested in reading any other user's Sup Forums related dreams or nightmares


Had a terrible nightmare that I read some shitty anons diary entry about his dreams. Kept pinching myself hoping I didn't just witness this bullshit but I never woke up. Feels too real honestly.

I've seen dream threads on here before. I'm sorry I'm not talking about game of thrones. Just let it 404 if no one else wants to share.

Well geez now I feel like a douche from your let down response

To be fair user, you can't just sneak up on a super-powered joker
That's why they need batman

>has a dream about suicide squad
>doesn't end with harley tying him up and undressing him with a knife and then asking why he's not getting aroused as she proceeds to suck his flaccid dick until he gets a fear boner
user, pls

I think the meaning of the dream is that I should be less confrontational. I won't fight you. Namaste.


>Fear boners

this is the thingiest thing i will see today

I thought it was a premonition of your death.
Know that I too share your beliefs on witchcraft and occultism.

kek what the fuck is this thread

Actually looking forward to memeacide sqaud, that IS a nightmare.