A-B-M. A-always, B-be, M-memeing. Always be memeing. ALWAYS BE MEMEING. A-I-D-A. Autism, interest, decision, autism...

>A-B-M. A-always, B-be, M-memeing. Always be memeing. ALWAYS BE MEMEING. A-I-D-A. Autism, interest, decision, autism. Autism -- do you have autism? Interest -- are you interested? I know you are because it's meme or walk. You post or you hit the bricks! Decision -- have you made your decision for Christ? And autism. A-I-D-A; get out there!! You got the redditors comin' in; you think they came in here for /got/? Guy doesn't log into Sup Forums unless he wants to laugh. They're sitting out there waiting to give you their (you's)! Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it?
>What's the problem pal? You. Jani.
>Jani: You're such a hero, you're so rich. Why you coming down here and waste your time on a bunch of bums?
>You see this VPN? You see this VPN?

>Jani Yeah.
>That VPN costs more than your Sup Forums pass. I got 970,000 replies last year. How many did you get? You see, pal, that's who I am. And you're nothing. Big guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you -- go home and play with your wife's kids!! (to everyone) You wanna post here? Meme!! (to Cunnyposter) You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you redditor? You can't take this -- how can you take the abuse you get for a permaban?! You don't like it -- log out. I can go out there tonight with the Pepes you got, get myself fifteen thousand upvotes on reddit! Tonight! In two hours! Can you? Can you? Go and do likewise! A-I-D-A!! Get mad! You sons of bitches! Get mad!! You know what it takes to get replies?
>(He pulls something out of his briefcase)
>It takes ebin may mays to get replies.


I swear to God I've been writing out something similar to this over the past few days GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!


heh.. nothin personnel kid

He looks like Dunga here.

not bad memeing

Tears actually came to my eyes from laughing

Here's a (You)

1. Alex Baldwin never said any of that.
2. None of this rant makes any sense. Why would a famous, rich guy care about memes? And why would he hate reddit, have you even been there it's quite nice desu.
3. "M meming" in the image was photoshopped and it's obvious, but that's just the ice thing on the cake.

always be ane-Posting?

You should have your eyes examined friendo

>ABB Always be ane-posting

i just come here for the free coffee

The memes are weak

>A always
>B be
>B ane-Posting
>always be ane-Posting
Eyes are just fine. Whoever made the image fucked it up.

99% of meme collectors won't even save this one

Once again the top 1%ers win

Is that John Romero?

indeed, it is

You say JUST, I say For you
You say O shit waddup, I say GET OUT
You post in GOT general, I post in Green Oval
You post frogs, I post Blart
You post "What did he mean by this", I post NO MORE DEAD COPS
You post uno farto, I post Bravo Nolan

99% of Sup Forums have twitter & reddit accounts. Reply to this post if you're the 1% who doesnt.

|10/10 meme i kekd

>Viet Nam war memorial photo shooped
>"""It Ain't Me""" starts playing