Dwayne Wades cousin shot dead while walking baby

Dwayne Wades cousin shot dead while walking baby

This guy has to be fucking joking.

I can't say he's trying to lose, but he's not trying to win either

In his defense an hour later he tweeted his condolences.

>hi ctr :)

Fuck off Klin-Ton.

I'm probably gonna vote for trump but honestly he says the stupidest shit. It's like he's fucking autistic or something. After Orlando you'd think he wouldn't make the same mistake again but I guess not.

Triggered by the truth faggot?

I believe the skin colour is apparent.

d i n d u s

Hmmm guess I'm a #cruzmissile now

What truth? He said some dead woman whose body hadnt even been picked up was the reason "blacks" would vote for him.

>walking her baby
even they acknowledge they are animals

"Gimme your lunch or i'll keep beating you up"

>anyone who has something negative to say about trump is a paid shill
what do you plan to do with yourself should clinton win big in a few months?

>implying black-on-black crime happens
It's just whities in blackface tryin to make us look bad

>destroying your one-team legacy just so the commute to murdering family members is shorter
wade plz

All i know is fuck donald trump,

after saying that, you're not actually voting for trump are you?

my god, these are the people voting in this election.

> should

I'm gonna vote for milo Yiannopolis

Yeah but when polls show trump losing they're rigged anyway according to Sup Forums

>Sup Forums tab open
>2 Sup Forums tabs open
>1 donald trump tab open
>3 job search tabs open

i don't even need to say anything more

>I can't say he's trying to lose, but he's not trying to win either

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Donald Trump is actively trying to lose, and may even be a plant by the Clintons.

Early in the process he just wanted the debates for the attention. Then he started winning but figured there was no way he would become the candidate

Then after he became it, he is terrified of actually having to be president, so he is actively sabotaging his own election by talking to white supremacists, getting in fights with citizens, etc. He is doing everything he can to sabotage it so that Clinton wins and that the GOP gets utterly destroyed as a party and has to completely rebuild..

>Underage doesn't remember the other candidate

I've thought this since day 1, he says way too much stupid shit to be taken seriously by anyone. I really don't get it

anyway I hope this thread is deleted because SPORTS

Here's the choices: Voting for someone that says stupid shit vs voting for someone that does stupid shit and lies about it

>says that the presidential candidate may be autistic
>the guy literally can't speak even after mass shootings
>a huge part of the president's role is talking with foreign leaders and governments, preventing conflicts, promoting trade and communication with other leaders
>yet you are still probably voting for him

and i'm the underage one. fucking autist.

well, they she was probably killed by a black person in a shooting. liberals sometimes refuse to talk about black on black crime as an issue because they are too busy talking about cop violence with that BLM bullshit talk, even though black on black crime is a much bigger issue. this kinda of shit may indeed make people come to donald since he actually adresses it and doesnt pretend it doesnt exist like leftists do.

Yeah, uh huh, right. Because Donald Trump definitely isn't going to DO stupid shit, he only SAYS the stupid shit that he WILL do.

I'm not voting for either of these morons, I'm voting for Gary Johnson, but my god you people are stupid

>people seriously still believe he isn't trying to hand Hillary the election on a platter

Why are alt-right Trumptards so delusional?

One candidate wants to import mudslimes and raise my taxes to give faggots like (you) worthless liberal arts degrees, the other wants to export chicanos. Tough choice.

even new zealand knows that trump is a plant by the clintons

based nz

that was the joke user...

>raise my taxes to give faggots like (you) worthless liberal arts degrees

oh my fucking god, they are stemlords too

can you guys believe this shit?

>even NZ tard sees it but not Sup Forums

Apex Laff

I believe it.

He mainly wanted to make fun of Jeb and Cruz and humiliate them on a national stage. That was his end game.

Even the republican party isn't immune to Clinton corruption

How far does the rabbit hole go?

Yea, I can totally believe emotionless autistic STEM majors support Trump. Engineers esp love Fascism.

There was an article a while back looking at why so many young men in the ME became jihadis.

Turns out, STEM majors were far more likely to become terrorists due to their inability to apply critical reasoning to situations.

You can't make this shit up.

wtf I love Donald Trump now

based fucking statsjesus

The society in the book "Brave New World" was described as a Utopia built by engineers. Needs were met but it was soulless and empty.

>Turns out, STEM majors were far more likely to become terrorists due to their inability to apply critical reasoning to situations.

I think it has more to do with the fact that STEM majors are far more likely to be lonely outcasts.

The reason they are outcasts is the lack of critical reasoning.


Black people have nothing to lose voting trump

I thought kids were back in school by now

reminder that I wasnt wrong about Bangladesh

reminder that Palestine is NOT a country

It's an LA-Denver, NY-NY night on Sup Forums. The little ones go back after labor day here in New England.

I want Sup Forums-reddit to leave.

>citation needed

STEM majors are based but I need trolling material

Janitor is taking a long shit, dubs

I want you to leave