ITT: Sup Forums-related cringe

ITT: Sup Forums-related cringe

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They're seriously saying that that one part in Bohemian Rhapsody give them the right to label Queen an opera band?



holy fucking shit dude

continuing rym cringe

is this real




Jesus Christ, this is exactly what I expect your average liberal to be like. (Saying this as a leftist.)

>I side with the left on almost every social and economic issue
Haha does this dude seriously think liberals are left.


actually. wow, someone legit made that... I am flabbergasted...

thats it.. I am packing it in for the night. gnite everyone.


wow. somebody actually posted this

It's probably not real but fuck, I want it to be


>Bill Maher-style liberal/progressive
>Amazing Atheist nails the problem
>Political correctness



I'm in tears, great post!

This is pretty good, not cringe at all desu

Holy fuck it gets even worse.

>listening to ... Noam Chomsky
Jesus fucking Christ, does he not realize Chomsky is an avowed anarchist communist? Goddamn liberals appropriating everything.
I am fucking ashamed to listen to a lot of the bands this fucking liberal scumbag does.

Chomsky's a pretty shit leftist imo, his writing on US foreign policy is pretty decent, but the way he talks about USSR and Mao's China, you'd think he was fucking Joe McCarthy.

>all those 5/5 ABBA records


I haven't read too much about his critiques of the USSR and Mao's China beyond the Bakunin "people's stick" quote, but I think it's just him trying to distance himself from the socialist projects of the past since they've been the target of decades of propaganda. If he were to be positive or even neutral about them, then he'd be reviled and/or ostracized, I think. Look what happened to Russell Brand or, to make this conversation even slightly music-related, M.I.A. - you get too outspoken about leftism, you become an unperson.

Also, I just noticed:
>this guy lists Phil Ochs as one of his favorite artists
>Phil Ochs, the man who made

Yeah, Phil Ochs was a legend, and Love Me I'm a Liberal is still so fucking relevant to this day.

>The Beatles
>incorporating traditional Indian music

This can't be a serious review.

The funniest thing about this is that she married Andy Samberg, of all people.

Why the FUCK does he rate 4 different releases of the same album?!

Literally copy-pasted from Scaruffi's page. Jesus Christ.

Well, at least he's right about one thing. Political Correctness is a fucking cancer on society.

funniest shit ive seen

Remember guys, "you won't be bored on 9gag"

This is a day to remember.

>Tupac is the Black Ranger

>actually complaining about 'political correctness'

Holy fucking shit

that was amazing

Political correctness is getting people fired from jobs. A college professor can lose their job for not asking someone for their 50 fucking pronouns. That is fucking bullshit.

lol if you're a fucking professor and you decide to have a hissy fit because you don't want to refer to a student by their pronouns then you deserve to lose your job. get a real fucking problem, you're just a bunch of whingers.

Is the joke that that's one of Opeth;s poppiest songs?

Going off the date that it was posted, it's probably real. Fedora irony didn't happen until at least 2011-2012


I don't think it's whinging to complain about not wanting to watch everything you say because some genderqueer otherkin might get offended and get you fired. I just used the college professor as an example. I know some people who've lost their jobs because of their political affiliations, because some liberal crybaby would call the boss and tell them that their employee is some kinda fascist nazi white supremacist.


This is the cringe thread brah

Hes right though, hes not just being some baby crying about 'muh political correctness' for once.

He's right tho

I found that a lot funnier than I probably should have.


Just stop, holy shit.

>I know some people who've lost their jobs because of their political affiliations

I'm sure if this was as much of an epidemic as you pretend it is, it'd be all over the news, considering how sensationalist media outlets love to bitch about muh evil feminism oppressing men :'(

I just didn't want to give him any (you)s.


really makes u think

If you're talking about stuff like that bakery that got a lot of shit because they didn't want to cater a gay wedding... I agree it's fucked up that they did that, but the response was away disproportionate, essentially trying to ruin their lives for a fairly small offense

No, it wouldn't be all over the news for exactly the reason you say:
>muh evil feminism oppressing men :'(
because that's what gets them views, and sponsorships, because of how "progressive" it is.

I don't think it's all that fucked up. Let them do what they want, they aren't hurting anybody. Whether someone agrees with their views on sexuality or not doesn't matter, cus it's their business, and they can run it any way they please. Just find another bakery, not that hard.

Where do Trump supporters get this idea that they're so anti-establishment? They've created this myth of the 'liberal media' being out to get them, when in reality its the same 'liberal media' that allows them to have a platform in the first place.

Jesus fuck, Anthony Fantano is a fuckwit and so is anyone who agrees with him.
"le antifa are le real fascists"

desu that's essentially the same as in the 1950s if someone said to a black person "oh you don't like sitting at the back of my bus? why don't you find a different bus then?" obviously they could do that, but it's still discrimination and there should be some sort of fine or penalty for it.

>Trump supporters are the proletariat, not petty-bourgeois fucks
Also, you do realize that Trump IS a neoliberal, right? He's part of the so-called "neoliberal establishment."

>"le antifa are le real fascists"
Well they are. I'm not saying the alt-right aren't fascists too, but the Antifa definitely fit the definition of fascism.
>extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

It's not so much about the liberal media as it is the entire liberal establishment. The liberal media doesn't offer them much of a platform; liberal media berates and insults them at almost every turn. The liberal establishment seems to encourage universal diversity, but doesn't seem to look at any negative effects that may arise. Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime compared to other races, but to actually acknowledge that fact will cause you to be labeled a racist, bigot, nazi. Or if they do acknowledge it, it's because "da white mayun", instead of the fact that welfare encourages the shirking of familial responsibilities (baby mama's don't need no baby daddy), and as such, the children have no patriarchal figure to look up to, so they have no role model, and no positive influence, leading to acting out, and eventually, crime. Same thing with Islam, whose founder is a pedophile who personally killed people. It's a culture that encourages the oppression of women and the persecution of people who are not of the faith. It's now looked down upon to disapprove of these kinds of practices, which is why Trump supporters are the new anti-establishment. They are reasonably scared of the rise of an incompatible foreign ideology (specifically Islam), and aren't afraid to speak against it, even when they are berated and jeered for doing so.

How so, if I may ask?



I'm the same guy as I agree. I don't like the alt-right, either, as I think that their goals aren't realistic. Plus, I know of plenty of minorities who are a hell of a lot more patriotic than half of the white college millenials I know, so I think minorities will always have a place in America.

Holy shit, looks like we have a horseshoe "theorist" here folks.
Apparently people who want to ethnically cleanse all non-whites are literally JUST as bad as the people who fight them.

maybe I'm too drunk but is it wrong of me to not be ofended by those posts but be happy that those people have an interest in diving deeper into music and will likely learn instruments and become great 1 day

>Floating Elvis head: Nice job, guys
Lost it

Christ, you're just as bad as most of the halfwits on my Facebook feed. Forcefully trying to repress opposing viewpoints because you don't agree is fascism. What makes it worse is that half the people they protest (Milo Yiannopolous, Gavin McInnes) are nowhere close to what they call fascists/nazis.

Fuck you guys, this is hilarious


>Forcefully trying to repress opposing viewpoints because you don't agree is fascism.
Pack it up, boys, this one user is able to condense an entire political ideology centered around racism, genocide, and authoritarianism to "repressing opposing viewpoints."

If this were the 1930s, you would be upset if people were out in the streets punching actual full-fledged Nazis because doing so would be Fascism.

No, I wouldn't, because at that time, they were our enemies, and it would be reasonable of you to be suspicious and confront them.

In 2017, when a fringe extreme-right group shows up and says that they think minorities have no position in the future of America, it's not a problem because they are themselves a (political) minority who will have no real effect, and will liekly fade away eventually. In my view, that's different from the Nazis, who actually gained the power to act on their genocidal leanings.

nice catch

Alright, I think I'm done with the political debate for the night. You boys and/or girls have fun.

Why the fuck would you WAIT for them to get power to act out their genocide? Why not nip their movement in the bud? Hitler himself said that his movement would only have been stopped if, on day one, his enemies realized how dangerous he was and crushed the Nazis with the utmost amount of force.

take it to
boys, this is a meme thread nothing serious

Neither side of the political spectrum like people being killed by "protesters" who are protesting someone they find quite moderate.

Sorry, man. When I see politics I just can't help myself. I get like a fat chick around a birthday cake.

it's literally all pop music

how the fuck do you listen to that much music, and still have such shit taste?

this. end of debate.

>How so
Neoliberalism is right-wing. It is the political ideology of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, the GOP today, and hell, all of mainstream American politics. It follows that Donald Trump is a neoliberal.

What do you mean?

stop senpai

Here's a review of Brian Eno's Discreet Music. It gets better, I even sent him a message. His response was truly something.


Here's the best part.

What I mean is that assaulting people on one side only tends to inflame them and make them feel vindicated. Leftists cheering on assaults in a protest over a literal gay Jew is only going to make the rightt wing more popular. The alt-right exists because they feel like they have been ignored by the establishment. And instead of talking with them, leftists seem compelled to assault or murder. This will not make them go away.
The alt-right see themselves as being (although they wouldn't like to admit it) akin to communists during the McCarthy era. People with the wrong opinions are losing jobs and worse.

how do these people go so long without getting punched in the face?

>Barack Obama (the centrist)
How quickly would his mind explode if someone informed him that the only centrist on that list is Bernie and that Obama is a right-winger only slightly left of Reagan?

>that rating system

>instead of talking with them, leftists seem compelled to assault or murder
True. How could I forget the times when chattel slavery and the Third Reich were brought down by calm, rational debate?

political ideologies don't really work that way. left/right is mostly about political alliances more than anything else.

What do you mean? The Democratic Party is center-right to right-wing. Obama is allied with the Democratic Party. That would make him right-wing.

damn u leftists are a lot more violent than I remember

Do you remember that time when an alt-righter started genociding a race of people or started buying and selling humans? No? Me neither.

Sure, it's because you're using a fresh hot buzzword.

Yeah, but he didn't call himself an alt-righter.

Okay cool let me rephrase that to any one of these terms
Neo Reactionary
Dark Enlightenment
Trump supporter
Racial Realist

Take your time.

Dude hitler was a socialist and a failed liberal arts major who lashed out at those he thought were part of a pro eleven upper class.

>hitler was a socialist