Why do Romanians have bigger balls than anyone else in Europe?

Why do Romanians have bigger balls than anyone else in Europe?

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white don't have balls

Latin genes


Gypsy skills.

romanians are white tho

They're already poor and things are shitty, when people have nothing to lose they go all in (i know it sounds cliche)

you make it sound like they are starving, quite opposite, economy of Romania is consistently among fastest growing in Europe

I wish we could do same thing as Romanians, our government is so fucking corrupt and full of thieves, pattern that every EE country follows

1 to 2 is a 100% increase

i fucking love those gypsies man

As much as I loathe Romanians, I started desperately wishing they annexed us. Anything to get rid of these filthy leeches masquerading as politicians.

Seriously. Start the tanks, we'll welcome you.

We can annex you if you want

You're just saying that to cheer me up :(

And we're landlocked remember? How do you plan on assaulting us?

>uh sorry Asspain gotta go invade Hungary
>Move a bit Frenchies this is an invasion
>shoo shoo bad Germans, let us through
>ugh Austria, what an overrated nation
>*gasping for air* prepare....to....submit..vile cur!
>one Hungarian to another "is he serious?"
>"nah, must be an EU prank, gotta build a fence on the western border too I guess"
>"yeah, he seems a bit..moorish, isn't he?"
>"sigh, i'll go call the contractors, damn muslims, we're being sieged from all sides"

Kurva anyád

t. orbánszopó

A hozzád hasonlók fognak először lógni

South Koreans and Romanians are the two most based countries on earth right now.

ayy lmao you know what I meant

what are they protesting?

ruling government set in motion a decree that weakens the country's anti-corruption laws, and effectively decriminalizes abuse of public power to the tune of $47,000

thanks. good for the romanians. politicians almost all deserve to be gassed desu.

An inspiration to us all desu.

we had something similar in south dakota and nobody has protested shit.

I wish my countrymen do this too. We have a fucking corruption revealed in front of our eyes and no one do something about. In fact, if you reveal the truth or having a demonstration, you will labeled as a traitor not only by government but also by common peoples too.

Nobody in Greece cares about them.

röhögök az életeden, tesó


Too bad, Greece is more corrupt than Romania

>Manipulated by Soros NGO's, protesting against legitimate government!

Romania had a Soros Government untill a month ago, seems like they want it back!

also better
Turkey is better than romania too
Western Turkey is much better than romania and bulgaria

t. liviu dragnea

P. S. The former government also accepted the refugee quota!

t. Nicu Shordan

I saw a picture of Romanians thanking you. What did you guys do?

Romania se destrama de la sine pentru ca este o tara artificiala

A kurva anyádat ma és holnap rohadnál meg

szőröstalpú turista

We held a protest in support of their protest.

When Pim Fortuyn (a right wing professor who started a new political party got killed just before the elections) got shot in the Netherlands, suddenly riots broke out and the Dutch politicians had to barricade themselves in the parliament building for the night as they feared a revolution lol.

Mai degraba pentru ca sunteti niste analfabeti usor de manipulat... De-asta au distrus sistemul de educatie!

every population in the entire planet would have protested against a law like that

Kill each other, please. Your stinking country shouldn't exist.


EE spring when?

It's building, but it will manifest peacefully and democratically imo.

That's why Wilders lives on a military base. They don't really want to repeat that one.

Here things absolutely the same.
Corruption and thievery, and sucking blood from a middle class. There's a lot of people who would love to kill Putin with a bare hands, but no one can do shit. Everyone is scared and you can actually go to jail for saying anything about revolution or else.

CEO of Raiffeisen Bank Romania at protests

Let's be clear about this, the government made it clear to the corporation that they have to pay their taxes here. The companies manipulated the people against the government with a pretext that the government "tries to make corruption legal" meme!

>Let's be clear about this, the government made it clear to the corporation that they have to pay their taxes here.
Really? In what alternative reality did that happen?
>The companies manipulated the people against the government with a pretext that the government "tries to make corruption legal" meme!
Ah, yes, making under 47000$ siphonings of pubic funds totally isn't an invitation for corruption on a massive scale.

*making them non-penal

>Really? In what alternative reality did that happen?
Pic related

>47000$ siphonings of pubic funds totally isn't an invitation for corruption on a massive scale.

Actually, you will still be prosecuted even if you steal under 50.000. But I guess you're too dumb to read a law!

thats a PNL law adopted during the first half of the last year.
>Actually, you will still be prosecuted even if you steal under 50.000.
Yeah, non-penally, which is a slap on the wrist.

> (You)
>thats a PNL law adopted during the first half of the last year.
Uhm... No!

>Yeah, non-penally, which is a slap on the wrist.
Just like Human Rights Court and Venice Commission said it should be!

Pentru cei care stiu sa citeasca, Comisia de la Veneția despre abuzul in serviciu(care exista doar in vreo 5 tari Europene) :

“Comisia susține căasemenea prevederi penale generale sunt foarte problematice, atât cu privire la cerințele calitative ale articolului 7 al CEDO, cât și la alte cerințe fundamentale conform principiului suveranității legislative, precum previzibilitatea și acuratețea juridică și susține,de asemenea, că acestea sunt în mod special vulnerabile la manevre politice abuzive (conform Liivik v. Estonia, 25 iunie 2009)[…] 102. Pe această bază, Comisia de la Veneția consideră prevederile penale naționale cu privire la abuzul în serviciu,excesul de autoritate și expresii similare trebuie interpretate în sens îngust și aplicate cu un prag înalt, astfel încât să poată fi invocate numai în cazuri în care fapta este de natură gravă, cum ar fi spre exemplu: infracțiuni grave împotriva proceselor democratice naționale, încălcarea drepturilor fundamentale, subminarea imparțialității administrației publice, șamd.“

Because all the ones with no balls came here

lel toti minorii autisti isi dau cu parerea despre politica si cred ca au vreun habar ce se intampla
sinucideti-va toti politicienii pulii mele, inapoi pe facebook cu voi luav-as PSD-u si USR-u in pula

chanon punct ro singurul imageboard romanesc

>thinks quality of life depends solely on income
>posts outdated map

romania is the best mania

living in romania is shit
and romanians are subhumans


I dunno, based on how the Arab spring went, it'd just lead to EE winter and generally be shit.

they rejected all of their slavic heritage and now they're reaping the benefits

arab don't too

you spread ass to niggers and let them fuck your women

t. Abdul

Except that these won't be overtaken by islamic extremists. Major difference.

Do you realise they protest against THEIR government, don't you?

If it makes you feel any better, the anti-corruption measures are funded and backed by sorosid cryptojews who just want to replace our political class and turn us into another good goy consumer country like the rest of EU and NATO countries.

It don't matter, none of this matters.