Anyone in Poland, particularly Krakow area who can help me find weed? I just moved here and have zero contacts

Anyone in Poland, particularly Krakow area who can help me find weed? I just moved here and have zero contacts.

I've exhausted all my options and hate to use Sup Forums as personal army, even in such a small matter, but I'm running out of options. This country just seems devoid of marijuana and I'm about to lose my mind. Everyone just gets drunk all the time.

zabi sa feťák

>go to bar
>get drunk with random people while trying to speak polish bad words
>ask them for weed
easy as that

Don't worry bud, it gets better.

I don't know why you need weed bro, you should ditch bad habits

My mistake was being a druggie while in school, I really fucked myself over

I'm not implying you're in school, but still.

You should consider dropping the habit.

fuck off


unironically neck yourself you cancerous fuck

Tried a few nights in a row in Kazimeriz (supposedly hipster area) but I just got tourists, poles who were happy to help but knew nobody and a few tough looking guys who told me to go away.

I just need to meet a normal bro and a get a nice normal contact without trouble :( anyone here in the area and smokes? I'll genuinely pay if someone can help

I appreciate your advice but it's not something I can see myself stopping. I'm 25 and just moved here with work and smoking weed hasn't dampened my prospects so far. I don't dislike or judge people who don't smoke, it's just what I love.

I can go out and have fun with people drinking alcohol, but it just isn't for me. Cannabis is my drug of choice and always will be.

Thanks for your help.

I know the main activities of being in Poland consist of going to church, buying cheap hookers, and getting drunk, but you should seriously find a hobby.

You ever play an instrument?

Do something that might be even the slightest bit time consuming.
Replace it with drug use

Make sure it's enjoyable too, or else you'll just go back to wanting weed

Haha yeah I've noticed this. Church and drinking seem huge here and I don't wish to offend anyone but it isn't for me.

I work as a programmer and moved here for work. Weed has always helped me with my job and I guess I developed a habit through this. It's quite common for people working in IT to develop this bond with weed because of the long hours sat staring at a screen. I've been here 3 weeks and I'm already getting homesick haha.

Thanks for your advice and I'll definitely take it on board. I think meeting some new people here would help, maybe a hobby would aid in finding new people and keep me occupied. It's definitely much harder though when you don't speak the language and only really communicate with people online or fellow expats in my office.

I think smoke buddy is what I need

I hope you never find any weed and drown yourself in Wisla out of depression

Today I took a long walk along Wisla and in the smog and grim grey skies it was actually kind of depressing and lonely. I like it here though and I'll persevere even without the weed or killing myself

>I'm totally not CIA xD

I haven't used this website for a couple of years but I'll take the idea of killing myself in an endearing way. Sup Forums hospitality

Yeah because CIA love entrapping weed smokers in another sovereign territory. Polish Policja seem so underfunded I doubt they even have the manpower to look online for anything that isn't terrorist related.

I'll post my email if anyone is genuine and can help or would be open to a smoke buddy :)

That's exactly what a CIA would say.

well, half of my school snorts Mephedrone, I was never interested in this kind of stuff, but I bet there could be some weed

Haha sounds about right. Methedrone was just getting huge in the UK as I was leaving school but wasn't really my thing.

Can I ask are you over 18? I'd feel sketchy scoring weed off someone younger, especially as an older foreign guy, like some creepy sex tourist.

If you think you'll know people and wouldn't mind asking friends of friends then please email me if you're genuine. [email protected]. I'll honestly even pay you form your troubles if you're legit. Thanks again

Fuck! I'm rumbled!

ok, I'll have to contact school dealers, and I'm coming back to school in one week, so be patient, but not 100% sure I'll be able to respond - dealers may not trade with people outside school. And yes, I'm over 18

Youre a hero. Every potential lead is good right now. Thanks a lot bro I'll keep an eye on my email :)

Funny. I tried Facebook, reddit and in person and after all this it might be Sup Forums to the rescue. It's a special website