How do i depart from listening to mostly Sup Forums core and start developing taste on my own?

How do i depart from listening to mostly Sup Forums core and start developing taste on my own?

stop coming here

Pick a genre you enjoy and look around on the internet for artists in that category


Check out people's recommendations on mu
Go to Rateyourmusic
Watch theneedledrop or deep cuts
Read pitchfork or just listen to their BNM
For hip hop - go to r/hiphopheads or rap genius forum
For decent edm and hip hop go to soundcloud. A lot of the decent stuff will be charting.
Overall, the internet will be your only tool to discover good music.

Don't take any of the advice that gets posted in this thread, as it used by the people who after all, are responsible for Sup Forumscore

listen to your favorite Sup Forums-core

look for things that sound like your favorite Sup Forums-core

explore similar artists

don't care whether I and people like me approve of the artists

Pick one or two genres you enjoy the most and become an expert in those few genres

>on my own

If you like a band, check out other bands on the same record label.

I've been her for less than a year and given advice. I don't think I've had any impact on mu-core

rateyourmusic is pretty good. I look for albums I like then go through the lists other people have made that they put it on.

>I've been her for less than a year

Well I hope you're happy after your transition.

stop going on Sup Forums

What do you mean?

>I've been her for less than a year

Oh shit. Just got you
Pretty good there mate

This is actually really good advice. Yeah sometimes people will recommend you good music and send you on your way but most of time they just want to make you feel bad about liking what you like.

If you don't care what an anonymous person on a bangladeshi knitting consortium think, then good for you, you're probably a grown man. But if you're easily discouraged I'd go off on my own. People here rarely want to talk about music, just want to make fun of people.

t. Sup Forums user for 10 years.

>develop my taste

Holy shit, is music some fucking commodity fashion statement to this entire site?

Listen to music you enjoy and listen to artists who make similar music. Not hard.

As others said, find a favorite genre and listen to more in that style

Go on youtube and pick a genre you really enjoy. Listen to a few albums in that genre and your reccomended feed will be filled with it.

Or you can look up the label to an artist you like and go through the other artists in that label.

What if i just want to expand my horizons a bit instead of just giving into Sup Forums circlejerk?