Is third world really that bad?

Is third world really that bad?

When I went to russia and china, It was a nice place.

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It's only bad if you're poor.

you fucking stupid. i bet you went only their capital cities.

It depends on the country. If you go to overpopulated third world shitholes, it is really bad. And if they are niggers and Islamic, it's even worse.

But places very sparsely populated are much better.

It's only bad if
> You are poor
> go to a "popular" slum area
> live near Islamic practicians

It's bad when you live there, work there, down with their inferior standards

>asks about the third world
>proceeds to talk about second world countries
really activates my almonds

The large difference between the 'good' and the 'bad' countries is how much of the country is 'good' and how much of it is 'bad'.
A 'bad' country can have areas as good as a 'good' country. The reverse is also true.
A programmer will have it good and work at a nice place in just about any country.
However countries like China, Russia and Bulgaria have large amounts of their population doing work with little 'added value'. Those people would live poorly anywhere and they are the majority in 'bad' countries.
This isn't the only aspect of it, but a major contributer of development is what are your people working, because it determines how they are living, which in turn determines how 'first world' you are.

go to india pls

>A programmer will have it good and work at a nice place in just about any country.

It seems like programmers tend to fall in few archetypes, most compatible to each other and one of the main reasons of why these type of imageboards are so successful.

>When I went to russia and china, It was a nice place.
but those are second world
come to Paraguay and you'll see what suffering is

Go to Best Korea

this, any country can be a nice place to live in if you're swimming in cash

i doubt Congo is a nice place for anybody
so there are exceptions

it is, because different people have different values, knowledge, etc.

European police has no money for choppers on local levels, if anything your post only shows how Brazil is rich.

Is Paraguay really that bad. I want to visit it one day. But if its really bad I might be better of going somewhere else.

>I want to visit it one day
don't come. there, i saved you money
go to Brazil instead which is bad too but at least touristically more interesting

Croatia without a pineapple

Netherlands with a black dot

Tbh Brazil is a very nice place if you're rich and not stupid. I'm half swiss (half huehuebr) and been all over Europe, the difference is only that absurd if you live an 100% brazilian lifestyle, which I don't.

Over here I Uber in/out of all places, avoid shitty contacts (both friends and "salespeople") and avoid anything flashy if I must walk to places. I even made up my standard "junkie cosplay" for when I have to go to absolutely shitty places for some reason, which consists of shredded jeans, baggy distressed sweater and busted no brand shoes.
>but user why would you subject yourself to such life
Drugs and whores, user. Drugs and whores and caipirinha and neverending Carnaval.

It's not bad, it's just survival of the fittest mode.
but since first worlders are in nanny states then it will seem bad.

>survival of the fittest mode
This. I'm always disappointed but not surprised when I watch vids of people being mugged/killed here in Brazil, 99% of the time it's people with gazelle behavior.
You don't even need to look untouchable (which is impossible when criminals are often under influence and/or armed) you just need to look less inviting than the person walking next to you.

>third world
They're literally not third world


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