Was this the greatest deconstruction of the ancient sitcom format ever?

Was this the greatest deconstruction of the ancient sitcom format ever?


Too Many Cooks was.

Be sure to have a laugh when you see replies to this post, and certain ones being deleted/banned because of THAT word.

despite being different in terms of plot,it still followed all the tropes


what word?

ask your """"""""father"""""""


you better believe it


It totally is a deconstruction. Dan Harmon, with the help of Harmontown fans, took the TV sitcom format and spun it on its head.

>because its ironic it makes it funny


it isn't funny nor is the writing self-aware in the capacity you're assuming it is. if it were, it would still be categorically unfunny. it's a bad show.

party down and many other shows have done this.

cheers,fraiser and seinfeld did this in the fucking 80s

Malcolm in the Middle takes that crown i think.

every one of those shows was a traditional sitcom

party down isn't even remotely meta or post-structure or anything, I'd like if you elaborated on that



>being aware of the consumed content automatically makes content filled with awareness good

or how to spot an American

How much alimony are you being forced to pay, Dan?

Probably Seinfeld. It embraced being about nothing, about finding the humour in everyday occurrences. It deconstructed social interactions, the foundation upon which any sitcom is built.

what do you mean by this

that selfawareness shite killed american comedy circa early double oughts

as for the serious answer to op's retarded question it will never not be twin peaks.

you mean meta-ness, or literal self-reflexibility?

Because PoMo in visual media has been around since Dali

why does something have to be meta to be a deconstruction? community still followed all the typical tropes of a sitcom so because it refferenced its flaws and used plots you'd typicaly see in animation or an snl movie its somehow better?

you should watch more british and non network comedy


How was it a deconstruction? Abed was obviously a huge nerd who thought he was in a television series and there was the accompanying metahumour, but those episodes were what, maybe three per season of twentyish?

I'd argue Scrubs is a much better (and earlier) example of a sitcom satirising and deconstructing its predecessors of the genre.

Don't get me wrong, I prefer Community to Scrubs for the most part. I'm just saying it's a better example of what you're talking about.

you can be aware that you shit your pants and still be the guy who shit his pants. even if you did it on purpose, you still shit your pants, and you're still the guy who shit his pants


Just because it repeated settings and used a live audience, that doesn't mean its thematic material wasn't unconventional

that can also be my point, none of it is original in the first place. but the lazy way in which it was implemented in these shitty sitcoms hardly makes it any sort of comedy.

>look, i'm doing fan service by being dressed as a french maid and i assure you i'm being self aware of both said fanservice and the male gaze prevalent in the society that pays me shekels for it, and i do all this but not stating it outright because you the viewer is in on the joke

its dumb as a bag of weights.

anyway this 'give the viewer something easy to spot and hell piss himself from happiness' is obvious in endless reboots and remakes of capeshit origins or star wars crap. endless retreading of a ground trodden into pancake.

>laugh track
>contrived situations
>exaggerated reactions

how is it not a traditional sitcom

It is funny to go back and watch it in reruns now if you've taken several years hiatus without seeing it, because the edgy content is now tame and the traditional sitcom conventions really stick out.

>itt there are literally folks arguing that Seinfeld is not a traditional sitcom
I am so out. Peace.

of comedy you should watch or the tropes community has?
Thats my point,still a great show though.

A focus on inanity rather than significant plots.

Where friends would do something like "Ross waffles between telling rachel that he is pregnant with her child, while monica and joey share a significant relationship milestone while hubby chandler watches and masturbates", Seinfeld would rely on funny, but completely nonconsequential situations. It was a show about nothing, and the funniness that comes from nothing.

>the early 2000s are considered ancient

you're such a meme right now

You mean
>Too many cucks?

I second this.

it's literally just quips, screaming and "hey this would look good on youtube" stunts.
Shit show.