/ex-yu/ - Ispravni Konac

Neispravni Konac:

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ko su ti?


I never wanted breking up of Yugoslavia. objectively speaking you are right, most of what you said, we had more independence back then and more geopolitical power since we had a reputation and all that. however people are fucking stupid and easy to manipulate so they think they're independent now when all they can is to serve EU and americans but they feel free since they can wave with their shitty flags and religions and claim that they're better than any other nation. people are fucking animals, when you get their psychology right you can do whatever you want with them, like little children.
i guess you know about humans, you guys still shit on the street


>geopolitical power


geopolitical power = wealth

cuckovi jebeni ovo nikad nece ukapirati

bokte treba ti dozvola da mozes auto vozit a za rodit dijete ne

> najavljeno je da će se Janković obratiti novinarima u 13.00 časova u Pionirskom parku

spavas li mirno Vucicu Aleksandre?

Jutro anonovi


Gospodin Vucic - 61%
Jeremic - 6 %
Seselj 4 %
Jankovic 2.5%
Obradovic 1%

ja lijevo

ako nakon svih sranja iza kojih je stajao udje u drugi krug treba da pozovemo nemce da nas opet okupiraju i streljaju
polazem nade u to da su penzioneri ili mrtvi ili onemocali od gladi, pa nece izaci

moja baba podzava vucica i verovatno bi ga glasala. mora da je sprecim

najbolji video na cijelom internetu

moja baba je glasala ovim redosledom
i prilicno sam siguran da nije izolovan slucaj

drkam kurac montenegrnojevim ustima

pusi mi kurac autisti srpski jesi li barem sa juga cigane autisticni

montenegrini mi drka kurac ustima


*autistično skvičanje*

I'd bum every single one of you.

koje biste voditeljke jebali

ne gledam tv

i da hocu nemam tva u stanu

sanju lubardic thicc


me on the far right l0l :P

i posle recite da nije baziran jazavci

ma on je jedini normalan kandidat, ovi sto su kao protiv njega su ili epski memeri, sendvicari ili jednostavno glupi ko kurac

jeremic = hilari
bosko = tramp
jankovic = betmen

al ne veci od vucica

pickousti je ulicarski dripac i gnjida koja se izivljava na slabijima a puzi pred jacima od sebe, moralni pigmej, psihopata i nakaza bez ikakvih ljudskih kvaliteta

>Ilčić, među ostalim, zastupa stavove prema kojima je seksualna aktivnost smislena samo i isključivo u braku, a izjavom iz 2011. da nikad u životu nije masturbirao postao je predmet poruge liberalnog dela javnosti i omiljena tema satiričnih medija
za sve koji misle da su wizardi

Moja baba se prijavila kao siguran glas

=U=bite babe!

>мapш нa кoнтeјмeнт кoнaц peтapдe

>Ove godine konoplju gajim u podnožju Rtnja na četiri plantaže, ukupno oko dva miliona biljaka, što je dovoljno da pokrije nacionalne potrebe, u ovoj fazi razvijenosti tržišta. Iako je Beograd relativno veliko tržište, sa raznorodnom populacijom korisnika proizvoda od domaće konoplje, još uvek postoji podozrenje, neverica kod stanovništva, naročito starijih. Manje obrazovani veruju da je u pitanju droga, što je razočaravajuće. Treba još mnogo, mnogo raditi na podučavanju stanovništva, što je posao za novinare i medije.

sokobanja > lazarat

albanci BTFO


>Nastradala Jovana prošle godine je završila srednju Medicinsku školu i učila je norveški jezik jer je planirala da ide za Norvešku da radi.

haha jebi dijasporu u pokusaju

umesto za norvesku otisla za kanadu heh

top kek

>Slobodan Sarenac @SlobodanSarenac 18h18 hours ago
>Kazu mi da neka klinka ima VLOG i da je snimala kako se sprema za bratovljevu svadbu i to je videlo 100K ljudi! Pa koga to interesuje bre?

koja je to?

Bog, Obitelj, Domovina.

to mora da su ove dve lutkice




fakat je crni andjeo, rasisti btfo

>Was it like Ok #NotMyCountry anymore
yes thats how it was, we had war with serbia and we had to show to the west that we will comply with whatever they decide to do plus over the last 25 years theres like as shitload of antiserbian propaganda here every day and new generations were raise in hate and misbeliefs so theres not much you can do about it except leave this place and hope for the next big war to hit that might give birth to the idea of new yugoslavia. people that opposed the war in 90s and prefered the deescalation and peaceful solution had their lives in danger, or were killed like croatian chief of police josip reihl-kir in assasination ordered by people from croatian government. so war was in interest of politicians

feelujem uz ovu pesmu


the weak should fear the strong


Vjerujem u jednoga Boga, Oca, Svedržitelja, Tvorca neba i zemlje i svega vidljivog i nevidljivog.

I u jednoga Gospoda Isusa Hrista, Sina Božjeg, Jedinorodnog, od Oca rođenog prije svih vijekova; Svetlost od Svetlosti, Boga istinitog od Boga istinitog, rođenog, ne stvorenog, jednosuštnog Ocu, kroz koga je sve postalo;

polozio si

Thread theme :

War is always for the politicians and the corporations. It was never for the people or for a better life - because I dont think a war can guarantee a better life for anyone.

You lived in Yugoslavia for many years, just one day some faggot from some other country comes and says ok - #NotMyCountry, and then it all went to shit.

I know how it is with the newer generations but why cant all the posters from /yugo/ - I want to propose we call it /yugo/ from now on, why cant all of you get along here ?

We all know why this happened, and they wanted to divide you as people. They did that. But if some people want to come together - why cant they 'restart' their friendship here ??

I dont really understand why not. In every thread I see everyone shitting on everyone (much like you think people living here do on the 'streets')

Really, its a request to everyone reading this - lets restart the /yugo/ project here. Your grandfathers died for this. You know its wrong, I know its wrong what they did to /yugo/.

#MakeYugoGreatAgain. Is anyone against the idea of having a friendship or a channel of communication here on Sup Forums/int ?

Give the world a glimpse of what Yugoslavia was all about. How everyone lived together in harmony. I know some people miss it, some might not understand this at all. But give it a try.

Lets all be Yugoslavians for once.

As far as wars go, I know 10500% that another war will bring Yugoslavia back, hell it will bring CCCP back. But the human cost would be too much.

Thoughts / suggestions / ideas welcome, I will be here.

>pisao jucer vazan ispit, nisam siguran dal cu proci, rezultati tek u petak

Umrijet cu, jebo mater

DEUS VULT when ? ))

we cant get along because there are fascists among us, legit braindead fascists, and you dont get along with fascists, you either kill them as soon as they crawl out of their holes or they eventually win

ma jok kompa, posaljes ih na goli otok

I understand that completely. I was hoping if the people who post here, they could do it - without having those guys post here.

All sorts of faggots in this world bro. All sorts of them.

Enough of this. How is everyone ?? What did you do today brate.

ohne kroatien

Is that Croatian or German lol ?

Yugoslavia was a disaster for Serbs.
We are on the brink of extinction because of it.
Never again.

glup si ko kurac

Literally this. We were dumb sheep who believed in Yugoslavity while croats remained croats (majority of croatian communists switched sides from nazism to red), bosnians and macedonians, even montenegrians were the new nations and commies encouraged them to secede from the serbian nation corpus.

I'm more interested in making Serbia economically strong again, when you're economically strong you have the power to make it under your control again.

Shiptar proxy PLS GO.

Mogu uvek da te iznabadam glavom.

Interests of Serbs were sacrificed for interests of Croats, bosnian muslims, albanians, Slovens, Hungarians and other montenegrins.

More than a million Serbs died in WW1 to form Yugoslavia.
Around a million died in WW2 again.
Communists destroyed and cut Yugoslavia into pieces and lands that should be part of Serbia were cut into imaginary states that should never exist in the first place. Albanian muslims were subsidized to breed like vermin.
Serbs were forced to leave and go west. Orthodox church was under constant attack and still is.
Traditions such as the normal family, private property, religion were destroyed and replaced with cultural marxism, degeneracy of all kinds, poverty, state acting as a God, etc.

During the bombing in 1999. most our infrastructure and industry was destroyed, and later trough a criminal privatization sold to multinational foreign corporations.

There is around 100 000 abortion yearly ever since 1990. and we are dying out.

dočekaću starost ko pašče

neće me ko imat ni pokopat kako treba


Ljubav za Rumunija

obo dbi

chalga x manele x turbo folk music holy trinity


Yugoslavianism was a CROATIAN idea, same as panslavism, you stupid street pooping moneky

Tito took a good care of cunt serbs and their hegemony, if he had a legacy yugo wars would never happen.

>tri tackice znas gde ti je mesto


Uvijek postoji kremacija.

Mesto mu je u septičkoj jami.



Dođite u tvrđavu.

sajsi je fakat ubedljivo najbolja picka na estradi

voleo bi da joj sisam sisu

ko /sef/ ovde?


neki film za pogledat?


tezina lanaca

a gledo sam taj

hvala u svakom slucajz

ja stvarno neznam kako je ovaj glupi debil još uvjek živ i slobodan


tezina lanaca 2?




Koji krindž jebote kladim se da ima pašteta viši IQ nego on.


Šef iz zatvora dominira!

>Infoteka CK13 poziva vas na prvu bistrionicu na kojoj ćemo razgovarati o štetnostima patrijarhalnog sistema u kojem živimo. U temu će vas uvesti pripadnici većinskog roda, većinske nacionalne pripadnosti, seksualnosti i konfesije, svesni svog privilegovanog položaja. Dođite da bistrimo zajedno

S-Sta je ovo braco

Idi tamo i puštaj Shadilay i prekidaj im govore. Ja sam išao pre neku godinu da prekidam Teofila Pančića i izbacili me panduri iako sam samo kašljao jako

>Communists destroyed and cut Yugoslavia into pieces and lands that should be part of Serbia were cut into imaginary states that should never exist in the first place.

Let me tell you - you are wrong here. The idea of separating people came from Hitler himself - not Communist party members of Yugoslavia.

Half of it is not because of Yugoslavia. Its because Serbia got singled out and didnt let NATO fuck Serbia.

>Traditions such as the normal family, private property, religion were destroyed and replaced with cultural marxism, degeneracy of all kinds, poverty, state acting as a God, etc.

>During the bombing in 1999. most our infrastructure and industry was destroyed, and later trough a criminal privatization sold to multinational foreign corporations.

>There is around 100 000 abortion yearly ever since 1990. and we are dying out.

This is all POST Yugo. Not IN Yugo. Sure they let Shiptars in - gave them a better life. And Shiptars being Shiptars did what Shiptars do.

They are here already. You werent your mum's idea; she should have flushed you down your toilet you piece of shit.

You do realize this is the same as the khokhols saying Genghis Khan was Ukrainian and that Khokhols lived in Atlantis among other things.

Napad na tradicije.
Rak koji razara ljudsko društvo i običan narod u korist globalista, vlasnika velikih korporacija.

gde je Bojan Klacar, nisam nigde video 61% vec neko vreme

Kao što ste već navikli i ovog utorka od 18:30 očekuje vas još jedno izdanje emisije "Upoznajte Parove".

U goste kod Jovane Jeremić dolaze: Ana Barić numerolog, Slaviša Vujić pevač, Srđan Zelembaba Zele, Simonida Ačević bivša učesnica.

Yugoslavia existed from 1929. until 2006.
Communists ruled it from 1945. to 2000.
You do not know the details and you cannot see what is propaganda and what is real as you lack enough information.

tri tackice vrhunski trol ili jednostavno glup, mozda cak i oboje

Uz mnogo muzike, smeha i pozitivne energije Parovi će provesti i ovo popodne a verujemo da im pojedina pitanja gostiju neće naročito pogodovati.

Kakve su se to nove ljubavi desile u vili, na čijoj su strani gosti i kako komentarišu ulazak Ljube Pantović u vilu, saznajte večeras od 18:30 uživo na Happy televiziji.

Naravno, to nije sve. Gledaoci će moći uživo da se uključe u emisiju na broj 011/377 82 55.

Except that it isnt you poo munching porch monkey. Google it up.

You're a dumb streetshitter that saw remove kebab maymay and decided to spew his autism on ex-yu for it. Get the fuck out, your ugly flag is a sore for the eye here

Evo ti buraz, poredaj ih po ocjenama


Kikbokserka Ljuba Pantović, majka Aleksandre Subotić, večeras će ući u zabavno - humoristički program "Parovi".

Kikbokserka je ranije najavila da će se pridružiti stanarima luksuzne zemunske vile, ukoliko postigne dogovor sa produkcijom Happy televizije.

Ona će večeras u 22:30 časova ući kao gošća u emisiju "Ispovesti", a da li će nakon toga ostati i ravnopravno se takmičiti sa ostalim učesnicima, još uvek nije poznato.

>Yugoslavia existed from 1929. until 2006
You missed both years u silly cunt

>inb4 but it wasnt called yugoslavia back then!!!