
>no experience in public school system
>crazy christian

It's times like this that makes me glad I'm not American. Looks like Idiocracy is becoming a reality.

You forgot

>isn't a cuck

DeVos will fight for Western values instead of Marxist literature being peddled in our public schools. You should be grateful a proud Western woman is now telling our kids to be proud of themselves instead of worshipping niggers.

>being proud of their nation

>isn't a cuck
>american women

I bet she is and you wouldn't put a dime on that bet.

so they are going to teach kids creationism and the like?

i dont think it will officially be adopted but only cause a unproductive mess there.

>democrats want to keep the failed status quo, destroying America's future

Betsy DeVos is a reformer, and she's going to be great for the kids, believe me when I say this.

Good, she'll make private schools with better standards cheaper and easier to get into.

that word again

Go ahead and mock me. You won't be laughing when we plant the flag when your spic asses get deported.

Don't make me screencap your worthless posts and put them up on /r/The_Donald where you will be ridiculed by thousands of proud patriots.

>Desperately trying to stop women from moving up

Such horrible sexism. Sad!

As much as I want to believe you're actually a Sup Forumstard, this is an obvious false flag.

The federal DoE doesn't have much to do with K-12 education anyway. DeVos is going to fuck up higher education, probably by allowing even more scam "colleges" to be supported by federal loans

>not being able to recognize obvious bait






Historically the department of education didn't interact much curriculum-wise, that was mostly left to the states until obummer's administration started forcing common core.

>browses reddit
must be bait

She supports school choice, which is excellent. The government has no business in education to begin with. Do away with standardized testing, do away with public schools and let the free market decide which school is best and watch as the poor performing schools either git gud or go under.


>isn't a cuck
Is this the best damage control an American can come up with?

Since what years we put a capital letter in the middle of the name ?
Or her name comes from "de vos" ? She has French ancestries ?

>americans will unironically defend this
Get ready too see funds for public schools "mysteriously" disappear into christian colleges and theology schools.

>The government has no business in education to begin with.
Then why have a government in the first place?

>the absolute state of american education

>healthy young child goes to public school
>pumped full of democrat propaganda, doesn't feel good
>starts believing humans descended from monkeys

Many such cases, so sad!

Unfortunately, there's no trace of Marxism in our school system

To provide for defense

>american """education"""

>Good, she'll make private schools with better standards cheaper and easier to get into.
You damn well know that she and her billionaire club will do absolutely nothing to make anything cheaper for regular people. They'll only make public education worse until expensive private education is the only option.

>The government has no business in education to begin with

Show me those libertarian countries with free choice in education that actually perform well in let's say PISA.

Countries like Singapore that do extremely well have big amounts of government in the education system.

Do you think she can teach Donald how to release his tax returns?

Leftypol false flag, not even a fascist can be this stupid

I understand now, her husband has french ancestries.

Idiocracy was not supposed to be an instruction manual

And you can't do that yourself with all yah second amendment rights?
Do you think the founding fathers are ok with the government not allowing you to have your own army in your backyard?

Devos sounds Greek.

Are you an idiot? This is the most blatant case of cronyism I've seen in any appointment pick. She's literally bought her position. Your country is going down the tubes and its middle america that will suffer most. You think people in fly over country provide any cash incentive for worthwhile private education?

Maybe but it's the V in capital letter which is weird

she's not shillary MAGA

Yes Finland, private schools are the best place for an American to receive an actual education. Public schools are complete ass, and despite the fact that public schools have been shit since well before the DoE existed, the DoE has done nothing to help the situation.

Here is what I suggest schools do:
>adopt a MWFTR format, where a student takes one set of classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and another set on Tuesdays and Thursdays
>instead of relying on "test scores" to determine how a school is doing, use private accreditation firms
>certain classes should always be lecture based, and a research paper should be written every semester
>a stronger emphasis on critical thinking and logic

Americans do that, it should be de vos but they capitalize things like that and conjoin them like DeRoma or DeNiro

Public education is already rock bottom in the places that would be affected by anything like that. It can only improve from here


Chinks absolutely destroy you yet it's all public schooling and standardized tests.

People in flyover middle America don't get any federal money, period. I went to a country school, one of the best performing, in a building with no A/C and rotting textbooks.

Before that I lived in the city and went to a brand new building that was full of ghetto idiots treating it like a fight club.

Throwing money at a culture bereft of achievement doesn't fix the problem. DeVos may not be the best for the job but any alternative is probably better than the racket we have going on right now.

Every school in Australia is technically a charter school.

If there's something your nation has taught me it's that rock bottom has a basement. Let's not even get into what a nightmare this will be for smaller communities with disabled or special needs students.

Flyovers receive the most federal money though. At least compared to what they pay in.

>durr fuck niggers
That's the crux of your argument?

>You think people in fly over country provide any cash incentive for worthwhile private education?
Considering Minnesota was the first state to legalize Charters, than yes.

Trump could bomb their houses and they'd defend it. They are the ultimate cucks.

That's all memorization though with little critical thinking.

there is that word again, the last refuge of a Sup Forumsack
even without arguments, he can still call you a cuck and call it a day

We get destroyed by all industrialized countries. Sup Forums will try to deflect it with "it's the niggers and Mexicans" but white people in this country are fucking lazy when it comes to school. Most public schools place way too much emphasis on sports and we have a national culture where it's cool to suck at school.

nigers wil destroy your libertarian education theory

I guess now it gets into what constitutes "flyover country". I'm from Ohio, the city schools got the most federal money, the county and suburban schools were generally less well off, even if the students came from more affluent families.

No, I think city schools need options and that city administrators need an impetus to up their game rather than sitting back and letting cash flow in just because they're underwhelming. The charter schools in my area generally provided a modest improvement to performance and learning culture.

At the end of the day I don't see a challenge to the status quo and a total monopoly as something negative.


> incredibly nervous americuck

I don't why Americans loves sports so much and hates science. Most scientist in America are actually imports.

And yours aren't? People hated common core when they tried to make students split shit like basic multiplications into easier to perform multiplications and additions to show you can actually think about math, but no time to laugh at it and tell kids to just remember the multiplication tables and then cry when there is something to multiply outside of them.

>and we have a national culture where it's cool to suck at school.

This is present at white schools, but jesus christ do inner city schools take it to another level. You will literally be intimidated into not answering a teacher's question or behave badly.

We need to fix communities, families, and culture, not just throw more money at an incredibly sick monster.

But user, her plans are fantastic. The grants system makes it possible for more people to attend private schools and gives groups of parents who are dissatisfied with public education to create a small school on their own. This creates a school system that is very competitive for schools and will make sure the best schools survive, while ineffective schools go down. That means a huge boost in education quality that America definitionally needs.

She is a literal Oligarch that bought her way into a political office.

Topkek at that burger who argues that public education has to be slashed even more since it is so bad!

In this country private schools are seen as a luxury for rich retards who couldn't make it in the public system due to performance and now have to rely on daddies wallet to get through.

Schools receive federal funding in the first place because they receive a lot less funding from the state governments. The federal funding doesn't put them on par with the schools that don't receive federal funding in terms of total money they have to work with.

Science used to be glorified in the 50s and 60s. IDK what happened now.

>"We need to fix communities"
>proceeds to move away from all problems at first opportunity

t. mister granting Islamic quranic schools tax-funding and the same status as public schools under the constitution

Literally due to anti Soviet attitudes.

That hasn't been my experience, it may be the intention but it's not like people are very keen on passing levies either even if the average income is higher in a certain area.

I'll reiterate, more money hasn't been and will continue to not be the answer. People are crying doom because this woman presents a danger to their existing status quo, structure, and comfort.

I don't really like her as a pick, I'm just laughing at the implication that anything has been working in the DoE. I don't think introducing charter schools into underperforming areas is going to make things worse, it simply isn't possible. They are Africa-tier.

I can see it being worse. As in people literally being priced out of education.

The problem is she flat out refused to say she'd hold private schools to the same standards as public schools.

>people believe this unironically
We're doomed.

I'm not sure if you're a real ancap, feemurket autist or are typing this out ironically.

Except Public schools in the US get more per student than any other country. Fuck off idiot.

user, this is a plan for America, not Europe. American public schools are shit and need a plan like this to make them suck less. Also America has way less muslims.

>be american
>can't afford healthcare
>gets sick
>can't afford education
>does dumb shit


Yeah we spend way too much and get trash like you. Why do flyovers capitalize random words? Did you spend too much time reading Mein Kampf in the original Deutsch as a young child?

>The primary goal of an education system is to yield corporate profits.

There are people who unironically believe this.

Sports culture is ridiculous. College football is a huge thing that brings in billions for schools, but the players get paid nothing. They may be getting a scholarship but they have to risk personal injury, put in practice hours, study for a degree, and if they want some spending money they need to get a job.

Mid-20th century modernism.


The crux of the appeal of a private school in luring people out of public is that they perform better. They will market themselves as such, that's how it's always been. I don't think she's going to bring about the death of the public school system, just empower their competitors.

I'm willing to see how that works. I don't think a monopolized structure full of incompetent but fully funded lackies makes for a good system.

>As in people literally being priced out of education.
More like using the taxes they already payed for to go towards having them go to a non-shit school

Buddy I've seen this system being used in LatAm. These systems fix nothing and simply entrench haves over have nots.

>wanting to live near niggers
Holy shit, Germany is more cucked than I could even imagine.

>study for a degree
From what I understand they basically get a free pass as soon as they even so much as pretend to put in effort so that their teams can keep them around.

I'm a big football fan but I think the recent decline of the sport due to the CTE thing is probably a good thing, way too glorified

>people will soon have to take horrendous loans in order to afford tuition for primary schools in America

Literally can't MAKE THIS SHIT UP

If you have another solution for the problem speak up.

Maybe one with some finality.

But these schools are funded the same way as normal schools, just privately owned?

I'm just saying, you guys always throw around big words about fixing things, but whenever problems arise you're the first to escape somewhere where they won't bother you, and then attempt - or worse - pretend to "fix" them from a distance. It's not just about exaggerations involving black ghettos, but it's actually a systematic symptom of Americans. You're all for fixing problems, but God forbid anyone expects you to confront them in daily life. You people don't even ride the bus because you want to avoid confrontation with problems.

It's pretty funny seeing these smug Germans even as they're in the midst of their own demographic and societal collapse.

Those 5-10 million refugees you rack up over this decade and have 5 kids apiece of their own are going to be your own happy little problem underclass fucking everything up, don't be so content.

Also enjoy doubling down with your new socialist PM.

Ok what does that have to do with DeVos?

You know nothing. I went to a ghetto elementary school as one of the only white kids in 4th-5th grade. It was horrible and a cancer to my own personality, I started getting into fights and becoming a problem and insisted to my parents that I wanted out.

I can suggest solutions, these liberal fuck turds don't want to hear them.

You think that this is the end of it?

One guy in this thread literally said
>'The government has no business in education to begin with'

I don't remember addressing you, faggot

remove the plank and all that

>You think that this is the end of it?
Yes, that's literally all that the Charter/Voucher system does.

Unlike, say, Denmark, this country is big enough to put safe distance between ourselves and Deqwan.

This. A few years down the line and the next president will be saying get the government out of education.

Public school is a fucking joke that has money thrown at it with no results.

As I said, you're not going to fix anything from a distance, and taking your money away from the community and into a richer community will only make things worse. I don't even know why people nowadays pretend that the US were founded on caring 100% about yourself and 0% about the community, it wasn't always like this, otherwise the country would've never grown to what it is, or at least used to be until it declined. It's destructive.