Feels thread. i just want to cry

feels thread. i just want to cry.









Guys, I really don't have a clue on what to do anymore. I'm over it, i think, but here is the problem.

Me and this chick were talking for a good two months. It went down the shitter because i got mad at her. I tried to make it up to her by taking her to a party. It was the last time we talked. And September flies by without a word. October comes, and Im over her.

Two weeks ago we start talking sporadically. She texted me first and we talked and snapchatted every moment for a few days, then she suddenly stopped.

Now, I kind of left us on a bad note. I want to hit her up, and go out for a while. I dont have a car momentarily. Should I hit her up or just not say anything anymore? We talk sporadically, but dang, I feel bad for being a dick to her.

Also why are girls so confusing? Why aren't they straight forward.

i was in nearly a same situation

just come to her and say her you miss her and then ask what is the problem; 'just tell, u can handle it if she says she dont want you anymore'

i got a negative response and it hurt but this is the clearest way to fix things in your head about her

you'll feel bad if she says no i can tell but then you can move on


Well, you know... I just miss her.

< I feel for that poor bastard.

i feel like my life isnt going anywhere and every day blends into the next and im getting closer to the fucking edge and im terrified of giving up. im terrified. i dont know what to do anymore

I just don't want to sound needy, because hell, that's what I'm not.

I did tell her sorry last week, but I'd rather make it formal. I'm just stuck whether or not I should ask her to see if she wants to hang this weekend.



Love this gif, so comfy.

Have some comfy feels user


So far antidepressants don't help and drugs don't work.

>inb4 they just make you worse



just incase


Shows an absolute lack of knowledge on how depression works.


Check em, and secondly people could deal with depression in their own way. Some, us vidya niggers others use bad dragon lube and dildos bigger than the average non steroid using body builders arm.Good example is op for beign such a faggot.

and how does depression works? you being sad because you have no friends? jesus fucking christ grow the fuck up already there are people who suffer way more than you and are not as pathethic as you depression attention whores, why don't you grow up already and realise that your problems are just in your head and stop giving a fuck about every little thing that happens in your life or every little thing someone says about you just grow the fuck up.

>You are capable of much more than you are led to believe.

This is completely ass backwards. I am capable of drastically less than I let others believe.

not the same guy, but depression is an illness, its not "being really sad", its a diagnose disorder

You're projecting so hard I could use you to replace my broken TV

hahahah man! I love you. That really spoke to me.

Yeah. I was about to reply to them with an angry message, but then I realized it is most likely projection.

Finally starting to get over her and move on.

Let's just hope I dont dream of her


Wouldn't call myself depressed as much as apathetic. I just really find it hard to care about a lot of things.

Been jumping these 8bitfiction pictures the last couple weeks been seeing people use em.

>8bitfiction is awesome check them out.

>whining about bitch of two months

Is that the toastbox?


>Finally starting to get over her and move on.
How much wee-e...years?

It seems like she just wants to talk to you when its convenient for her. Is that fair to yourself fampai?

How am I whining though? Although I do look back and thought I should've just not said anything for the better benefit of the entire group.

I just feel bad for being a dick to her now, and I kind of want to fix relations.

Its been about 3 weeks almost a month

We dated off and on for just about 3 years.

Maybe Im just in the eye of the storm, Ive been here quite a bit lately it seems.

fuckin lost it

this can't be real ;_;

I moved to a new city recently and I feel like I've made a big mistake. Again. I hated the last place I lived and it seems like I won't meet anyone new here just like last time. It feels like I'm doomed to be alone.

if she doesn't view you as being "fun" she isn't gonna hit you up. being mad at her may have been the moment things changed, but if you aren't a good time she isn't gonna try

Well, I mean. Isn't that usually the way for all of us? I guess you are right in a sense, and I'm not trying to validate her random times she texts or snapchats me something, but what would be convenient about texting a guy randomly that she hasn't talked to in a while? I mean, we see each other weekly, but we haven't done anything together in a while.

Countless words; Countless smiles
Countless kisses sending you several miles
Countless glances and midnight dances
Countless half filled glasses and silly romances

All quite priceless yet in the blink of an eye they become painful. Be careful with your heart, don't be so easy to give it out because what was once so simple might prove to be one of the hardest feats you'll face. It's a game we all lose but most importantly its all eventually win.

"It's called a Nintoaster. And yes, it works. Look it up."


This is my same situation. Moved out of my parents house, moved to a different state. Didn't think I would miss it. There was ridicule for living with my parents. I was praised for moving out. I miss that everyday there was somebody I could talk to about whatever. If I was bored I could go to the living room and shoot the shit with my mom and brothers. But now, I don't know anybody. While I crave human contact, I have no idea how to acquire or maintain it anymore.

Goddamn dude.

Boy, was I something of fun to her brah. We tagged, egged houses, drank and smoked, hit the beach, trespass on golf courses for PoGo, we'd go visit friends, party once in a while, smoke and chill in parks. We had plans to hike and go paintball, but ever since the argument, like you said and I feel, it was the turning point. I'm a good time brah, I just don't know how to know I'm sorry, because boy we had fun man.

>Read that
>wow the world is my oyster now
>leave my basement
>go outside
>ready to travel, have an adventure, be like james bond, fuck girls and get an STD
>realise I have absolutely no money
>back to the basement

How the hell do you play on a toaster?


then why she aint hittin you up

It gets worse.

I've been living on my own for about seven years now, and I've been losing more and more people in my life as the years go by. My friends from work have slowly lost contact after we all went off to school, and my 'best' friend told me, with a month and a half warning, that he was moving in with some girl he met online. Last year I worked nights and barely got to talk to anyone, my roommate included.

Now I'm staying with my brother until I can get a place of my own, but I feel like I'm going to stay here for a year and run somewhere else. I'm getting older and lonelier by the day.

might not be what she wants

Does anyone have that gif where theres an animated dude sitting on a bed and colours are flowing out his head


>It gets worse.

My guts twisted when I read this. It does, it always does indeed, get worse.

have you checked tumblr you bitch


Here are a couple of storys



get cancer and die you retarded sack of inbred shit

here's how depression works, and how it prevents people from doing what the retard in the pic suggests: I sleep 10+ hours, every day, every damn day. I have no energy, zero, and when I get myself to finally be social, just a tiny little bit, I go subzero energy, I'm drained and need even more sleep than the usual 10+. I don't bathe, I don't brush my teeth, I don't eat, I don't give a shit about anything while at the same time, I do, because I'm fully aware I'm wasting away, my days are numbered and I'm not getting any younger, and though I wish I could change, I can't, I'm 28 and have been like this for most of my life, I had ONE person who loved me, one person who cared, and I pushed her away, pushed myself even deeper because of that

I'd go on adventures, I'd leave the country, I'd take risks, but I CANT, I'd probably end in the gutter somewhere, end up a bum, get robbed or worse, and though sure, I don't care about my life anymore, there's still a natural instinct to NOT make life even worse than it already is

"realise your problems are just in your head and stop giving a fuck blablabla" you are so fucking stupid I'm amazed you're even able to form coherent sentences. Do you even understand what you just said? it's the equivalent of telling a mentally handicapped person (like yourself) that they should just "act normal". THEY FUCKING CAN'T YOU FAGGOT
so don't come here pretending you know the first thing about the shit you're talking about, I hope you die in a fire, and I hope it hurts

and if that doesn't happen, may it fucking happen to me, there, fuck everything, and fuck you and your retarded face


holy fuck that pic hahah

people travel and have sex for free ya know

Like we both agree man, the argument killed it and totally changed everything. She said recently we should hang out, so I mean it counts for something. The day after we argued, she cried to me on the phone, asking if we are still gonna talk. That was in August.Crocodile tears man. I just don't understand anymore. All mixed signals.

It was what she wanted, because I tried to be serious with her and I ended up no where. Now I'm here thinking where it all went wrong

honestly, saying this show an absolute lack of knowledge on how depression works, again


was together for nearly 10 years

it's been 3 years now and I still want to die

I'm mentally ill, we used to be so happy together, but things went downhill and my illness went unchecked, ended up verbally physically and sexually abusing her, told her to leave me the fuck alone

and so she did, and now I'm alone, wishing I had either never done the shit I've done, or I'd just die

go ahead, tell me I'm a horrible person, wish death upon me for all I care, I've done it all before, and will do it all again

I don't want to live anymore, I want her back, I want her love, I want her to hold me, to comfort me like she's done for most of my life

never got love from my parents, never bonded with anyone, she was the first to show me love, but when shit got rough I turned on her, the only thing I really regret in life, pushing her away when she was the only one who made me feel like someone cared for me

I still see her now and then, she's happy now, she has a boyfriend, has been with him since only a couple of months after we split up, she moved on, I can't, I won't, I want her back, but I leave her alone, I want her to be happy even if it's not with me
god I wish I was dead


some people have social skills ya know


don't mind me, nothing personal

>what would be convenient about texting a guy randomly that she hasn't talked to in a while
She gets to vent to someone whenever she needs it, and use you as an emotional sponge whenever she needs it, but doesn't want to talk when you want to. Obviously I can't say that with 100% certainty for your situation, but I've found myself as a shoulder to cry on and not much else more times than I'd like to admit.

Aweh man, Im sorry about her dude

You know what you need to do. You know you need to put yourself first.

Theres people out there for you, just gotta look man :)

oh and I'm unemployed, don't have a degree, no ambitions, still live at home, I'm on welfare and all my money goes to alcohol, drugs and videogames

most cringey neckbeard faggots do better than me, I live in my own filth, parents allow it because they know they f'ed up, dad would kick me out first chance he'd get, but mom is too invested in my "wellbeing" to let that happen

I'll probably ruin their marriage one day, I hope I do, they fucked me up for life, I'm not going down without pulling them down with me, sorry mom and dad, mom you're ok, dad you're a sack of shit, I hate you and I'm sure you know it

talking to myself, or to them in my head, whatever, venting, shit I need to get off my chest that's been on there for way too long

I ordered ketamine on the dream market last week, still hasn't arrived, getting really frustrated checking my mailbox every damn fucking day, drugs are the only thing that make me somewhat happy, that "tune me in" to the person I could have been if I wasn't this messed up

oh and I'm unemployed, don't have a degree, no ambitions, still live at home, I'm on welfare and all my money goes to alcohol, drugs and videogames

most cringey neckbeard faggots do better than me, I live in my own filth, parents allow it because they know they f'ed up, dad would kick me out first chance he'd get, but mom is too invested in my "wellbeing" to let that happen

I'll probably ruin their marriage one day, I hope I do, they fucked me up for life, I'm not going down without pulling them down with me, sorry mom and dad, mom you're ok, dad you're a sack of shit, I hate you and I'm sure you know it

talking to myself, or to them in my head, whatever, venting, shit I need to get off my chest that's been on there for way too long

I ordered ketamine on the dream market last week, still hasn't arrived, getting really frustrated checking my mailbox every damn fucking day, drugs are the only thing that make me somewhat happy, that "tune me in" to the person I could have been if I wasn't this messed up

yeah I know I sound like a pathetic sad fucker, that's because I am, whine whine whine, I'll never change, probably because I don't want to either, I'll just continue what I'm doing right now till I've had enough of it all, and then I'll just OD on some good heroin, gotta make sure I OD on my first time tho, I'm already enough as a junky as it is, I don't want to be a junky with an actual will to live because of the drugs, what I use now is just "good" enough to keep me steady, but fuck it, I'm probably just fooling myself, also told myself I'd never do coke and that's what started an even bigger downward spiral, the one I'm in right now, snorting every chance I get, begging "friends" to fix me some, snorting everything I get my hands on, crushing my meds even though they don't do shit when snorted, such a selfish piece of shit I am, only have friends because they can help me score, other than that I'm just a loner until I need something from someone

fail hard

Well, she hasn't came to me with problems of her own, if she has any. She's never hit me with feels at all really. Rare that she does so, all we talked about was Idaho and shooting guns. Unless I catch her on wrong times or something. She'd randomly text me memes and shit that reminded me of her, so idk man. But I understand where you are coming from.

Damn bro, have a good day

RIP dude you boned it

I'm 28 man, the past 12 years have been a downhill ride, I thought it was all going better, that it would all turn out fine, but the older I get the worse it gets, I used to be able to get out of bed, I used to care, at least a bit, but it's scary to me how things have turned for the worst, didn't even think that was possible but it is

not going to bore you with my sob story, going to get some sleep, hope my ketamine has arrived when I wake up, probably not though

it's sad to realize about yourself that your life is just on pause, I'm literally waiting for my drugs to make life bearable and in the meantime, I do shit, I sleep, eat a bit, engage in escapist activiites, and repeat all over again

not the same guy

I don't know if I understand jack shit to girls in general but I think she's really in the blue with her feelings, that she does not know wether to like or hate you. So she does a little bit of both until it figures itself out. If I were you, I'd try to see her, make it some 'random'-not-so-planned-but-planned-a-little kind of thing. Try to hang out for a cople of hours then leave her. Making her see the good you might be a great thing to tip the balance. Idk man just my thoughts, good luck

I hate missing her so much.

I feel like such a bitch.

It's been months now and I haven't even got a little bit better, I've just adapted to the constant heartache.

Why did things have to be so complicated?

I just want her back. I believed in us more than I've ever believed in something before. That's the hardest part. I really believed. Even though all the odds were stacked against us, I always believed.

Vivid hallucinations flood his mind as he drifts in the open ocean of his own thoughts

Im in a similar situation, we'll get out one day

I love ketamine especially the k hole

Good luck, user

That one..
That one hurt.

I think none of us understand women my man. Nice dubs. Women are like rocket science to most of us, just some understand rocket science basics more so than others. I'll see if she wants to hang out this weekend, but fug man. Thanks for your input, I just want things to not be so cold anymore.

I destroy a lot of things, I just try to fix them when I realize I fucked up.

thanks bro, feels good to be able to vent on here without some user telling me to fuck off or kill myself

usually I'm that guy, telling other people to go die and shit, I'm not a very nice person, but you know, it's true what they say, internet trolls? people who hate on others online? They're usually not very happy people, I hate on others because I hate myself, I'm the world's biggest hypocrite, the other day I got my PSN account suspended for telling someone to go get cancer because he was doing lame shit on battlefield 1, the same lame shit I do all the time. I guess that makes sense, I hate myself so surely I should hate everyone who is like me

probably am like that because I hate my dad and I'm just like him, he's a selfish piece of shit bastard who abused my mom and me, but at least he got his shit together, good job, nice house, family,... me? never worked a day in my life, I inherited his shitty character and that's it
sometimes I wish I got my ex gf pregnant, maybe that would have changed things, but then I realize that I would probably have ended a deadbeat dad, and she's better off without me, she really is, so yeah, no need to dwell on the past

k hole is so nice man... several times I have felt like "welp, this is it, this is my life now, I'm nothingness floating in nothingess for eternity, kinda nice, I fucked up, my parents will find me in my room, they'll know I OD'd on drugs and this is the end of it all!"

then the k wears off and I'm back to my shitty self

I guess I understand why people are scared of k holing, but I like it for that exact reason, I hope that's what being dead is like, just feeling good, I don't know, don't know how to explain, but if you love k holing I'm sure you know what I'm talking about

Look at the date. Feels bad

There is no need to be socially awkward when you have nothing to loose.

In Germany, you have to pay a 40 Euro fine if you get caught in a train without a ticket. Lock yourself in the toilet until you get caught. Go to the next Mc Donald's and sleep in the toilet.
Fuck everything.

You can even make money by selling all your property if you need to, or start short, minimum paid jobs.

This really sounds like a great adventure to me.


Happy feels

Currently watching the Lonesome Dove opening and closing and crying
